Custom development environment with PHP 5.6, Apache 2.4, MySQL 5.6, XDebug, Composer and some other tools.
It's my custom development box based on Vagrant. It uses a standard shell provisioning provider, so there is no need to configure PuPHet nor Chief.
- Ubuntu Trusty Tahr 14.04 x64
- PHP 5.6
- MySQL 5.6
- Apache 2.4
- Git
- XDebug
- PhpMyAdmin 4.3.x
- Adminer 4.x
- MailCatcher 0.5.x
- PHP_CodeSniffer
- Composer
- Phing
- Install:
[Oracle VirtualBox](
- Clone this repository:
git clone vagrant-lamp
- Navigate to a newly created directory:
cd vagrant-lamp
- Run Vagrant
vagrant up
That's all!