This form is used to add subscription through front-end GUI. Here is a description of the elements available on this form.
In this dropdown list, options are given to select a specific template for the subscription form. Currently, the following options are listed: Jenkins Pipeline Parametrized Job Trigger, REST POST and Mail Trigger.
A field to give a name to the current subscription. Only letters, underscore and numbers are allowed in this field.
There are two options: REST POST and Mail Trigger, depending on how a subscriber want to be notified when a subscription is fulfilled. If Notification type MAIL is selected an email subject may be entered, but it is optional.
Options for selecting a specific form content type. The options available in the list depends on the selected template type.
It is used to send a message to a specific client. The format of the message depends on the options selected in the NotificationMessage and RestPostMediaType. A button, “Add Key/Value pair”, in this field may be used to add more messages, if the selected RestPostBodyMediaType is FORM/POST parameters.
Is the selected subscriber to notify when a subscription
is triggered. It could be an email address such as
or a url
. If you wish to trigger Jenkins job when a subscription
is fulfilled then the url for the job could be set as the notificationMeta.
Parameters such as a Jenkins job-token can be included in this field.
Note: The job-token should not be mistaken for the API token that is
used as a password for authentication against the entire jenkins instance.
A list to select authentication type.
- NO_AUTH: No Authentication used
- BASIC_AUTH: Username and password will be Base 64 encoded
- BASIC_AUTH_JENKINS_CSRF: Jenkins CSRF Protection (crumb), Username and password will be Base 64 encoded. A crumb will be fetched automatically before request is made. (Currently default in many Jenkins instances). Note: Will work even when CSRF is disabled in Jenkins.
It is possible to enable repeat, e.g. whether same subscription should be re-triggered for new additions to the aggregated object. If disabled, the notification will be triggered only the first time when requirements are fulfilled. It doesn't matter if you have multiple requirements, it will only be triggered once.
It is used to add a requirement, which need to be fulfilled before a subscription is triggered. Requirement is added in the form of a condition (with a specific format). More than one conditions may be added under one requirement by using “Add Condition” button. It should be noted that conditions under one requirement are connected by logical “AND”. Thus all conditions udder one requirement need to be satisfied before a subscription is triggered. More than one requirements may be added by “Add Requirement” button. Requirements are connected by logical “OR”. More information about how to write Requirement and Conditions can be found here.