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Elixir Projections

A projection actor is a specialized actor that creates views or queries based on the state of one or more sourceable actors. These actors use Protobuf definitions to specify:

  • Source actors.
  • Query options for views.
  • Retention and ordering strategies.

Defining Sourceable Actors

Sourceable actors are regular actors with the additional sourceable: true attribute. Below is an example:

  1. Define the actor’s Protobuf schema:
syntax = "proto3";

package inventory;

import "spawn/actors/extensions.proto";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";

message WarehouseProductState {
  string product_id = 1 [(spawn.actors.actor_id) = true]; // Unique ID
  string warehouse_id = 2;       // Deposit ID
  string name = 3;               // Product name
  int32 quantity = 4;            // Quantity in stock

message ProductUpdate {
  string product_id = 1; // Unique ID matching deposit and product
  string warehouse_id = 2;       // Deposit ID
  int32 quantity = 3;            // New quantity
  string name = 4;               // Product name

service WarehouseProductActor {
  // Setting the actor as sourceable
  option ( = {
    kind: UNNAMED
    stateful: true
    state_type: ".inventory.WarehouseProductState",
    // here we are indicating that the state of this actor 
    // can be captured by any projection actor that is interested
    sourceable: true

  // RPC to update the status of a product in the warehouse
  rpc UpdateProduct(.inventory.ProductUpdate) returns (.google.protobuf.Empty) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      post: "/v1/products"
      body: "*"
  1. Implement the sourceable actor:
defmodule MyAppxample.Actors.WarehouseProductActor do
  use SpawnSdk.Actor, name: "WarehouseProductActor"

  alias Inventory.{WarehouseProductState, ProductUpdate}
  alias Google.Protobuf.Empty

  action("UpdateProduct", fn %Context{} = ctx, %ProductUpdate{} = update ->
    # Process the update and change the product state
    new_state = %WarehouseProductState{
      product_id: update.product_id,
      quantity: update.quantity,
      warehouse_id: update.warehouse_id

    |> Value.state(new_state)
    |> Value.noreply!()

Creating Projection Actors

Projection actors also are defined using Protobuf. A typical Protobuf file for a projection actor includes attributes to specify:

  • kind: Defines the actor as a projection.
  • subjects: Lists sourceable actors and their respective actions.
  • spawn.actors.view: Specifies query configuration for creating views.

Defining Projection

  1. Define input, output, and state types:
syntax = "proto3";

package inventory;

import "spawn/actors/extensions.proto";

message ProductInventory {
  string product_id = 1 [(spawn.actors.actor_id) = true]; // Product ID
  string name = 2 [(spawn.actors.searchable) = true];     // Product name
  string warehouse_id = 3 [(spawn.actors.searchable) = true]; // Warehouse ID
  int32 quantity = 4;                                     // Quantity in stock

message ProductQuery {
  string product_id = 1; // Product ID

message WarehouseQuery {
  string warehouse_id = 1; // Warehouse ID

message GeneralInventoryResponse {
  repeated ProductInventory inventory = 1; // Consolidated list of products

NOTE: The [(spawn.actors.searchable) = true] option tells the Spawn proxy to index this field, so that searches for this attribute are optimized.

  1. Define the actor’s properties and actions:
syntax = "proto3";

package inventory;

import "spawn/actors/extensions.proto";
// others omit import for brevity...

service InventoryProjectionActor {
  option ( = {
    kind: PROJECTION
    stateful: true
    state_type: ".inventory.ProductInventory"
    subjects: [
      { actor: "WarehouseProductActor", source_action: "UpdateProduct", action: "Consolidate" }

  rpc QueryProduct(.inventory.ProductQuery) returns (.inventory.GeneralInventoryResponse) {
    option (spawn.actors.view) = {
      query: "SELECT product_id, name, warehouse_id, SUM(quantity) FROM projection_actor WHERE product_id = :product_id GROUP BY product_id, name, warehouse_id"
      map_to: "inventory"

  rpc QueryWarehouse(.inventory.WarehouseQuery) returns (.inventory.GeneralInventoryResponse) {
    option (spawn.actors.view) = {
      query: "SELECT product_id, name, warehouse_id, quantity FROM projection_actor WHERE warehouse_id = :warehouse_id"
      map_to: "inventory"

  rpc QueryAllProducts(.google.protobuf.Empty) returns (.inventory.GeneralInventoryResponse) {
    option (spawn.actors.view) = {
      query: "SELECT product_id, name, warehouse_id, quantity FROM projection_actor"
      map_to: "inventory",
      page_size: "100"

Key Attributes:

  • subjects: Specifies the sourceable actor and the action used to generate data for the projection. It also specifies which projection actor action will be responsible for handling this request.

  • spawn.actors.view: Defines the SQL-like query for creating views.

  • map_to: Specifies the target field in response (.inventory.GeneralInventoryResponse) where query results will be mapped.

  • page_size: The number of records that will be added to the declared list attribute in map_to.

Implementing Projection Actors

After defining the Protobuf, implement the projection actor using the Spawn Elixir SDK. For example:

defmodule MyAppxample.Actors.InventoryProjectionActor do
  use SpawnSdk.Actor, name: "InventoryProjectionActor"

  alias Inventory.{WarehouseState, ProductInventory}

  action("Consolidate", fn %Context{} = ctx, %WarehouseState{} = product ->
    |> Value.state(%ProductInventory{
      product_id: product.product_id, # This will effectively upsert the permanent storage by updating the quantity of each product by its product_id
      warehouse_id: update.warehouse_id,
      quantity: update.quantity

Invoking Projection Actor's Views

Projection actors support custom queries defined in the Protobuf. Examples include:

  • QueryProduct: Retrieve consolidated stock for a specific product.
  • QueryAllProducts: Retrieve the consolidated stock for all products.

Once deployed, a projection actor can be invoked like any other actor. Use the query attributes defined in the Protobuf to fetch desired data like:

alias Inventory.{ProductQuery, GeneralInventoryResponse}
alias Inventory.InventoryProjectionActor, as: InventoryClient

{:ok, %GeneralInventoryResponse{inventory: inventories} = _response} = InventoryClient.query_product(%ProductQuery{product_id: "some_id"}, metadata: %{"page" => 
"1", "page_size" => "50"})

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