Author: Elastic
Description: This hunt identifies low volume modifications to critical system binaries on Linux systems. It monitors file modification events in critical directories such as /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, and /usr/sbin. The hunt focuses on modifications made by unique hosts, excluding expected update processes like package managers. This can help detect unauthorized or suspicious modifications to system binaries.
Integration: endpoint
Source File: Low Volume Modifications to Critical System Binaries by Unique Host
from logs-endpoint.events.file-*
| where @timestamp > now() - 7 day
| where host.os.type == "linux" and
(file.path like "/bin/*" or file.path like "/usr/bin/*" or file.path like "/sbin/*" or file.path like "/usr/sbin/*") and
not (
// Exclude expected update processes, e.g., package managers
process.executable in ("/usr/bin/apt", "/usr/bin/dpkg", "/usr/bin/yum", "/usr/bin/rpm", "/usr/bin/pacman",
"/usr/bin/pamac-daemon", "/usr/bin/update-alternatives", "/usr/bin/dockerd", "/usr/bin/microdnf", "/sbin/apk") or
// Exclude certain benign or expected modification patterns, if applicable
file.path like "/usr/bin/gzip*" // Example exclusion, adjust based on your environment
| stats modification_count = count(file.path), unique_files_modified = count_distinct(file.path), host_count = count_distinct(host.name) by process.executable
| where modification_count >= 1 and host_count == 1
| sort modification_count asc
| limit 100
- Monitors for file modifications in critical directories like /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin, and /usr/sbin.
- Excludes modifications made by expected update processes such as package managers to reduce false positives.
- Counts the number of unique files modified by each host and the number of modifications made.
- Focuses on modifications made by unique hosts to detect unauthorized or suspicious changes.
Elastic License v2