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Elias Dabbas edited this page Feb 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

This is the general project roadmap for the package.

The main areas that it tackles are the following:

  1. Keyword generation: generating as opposed to doing keyword research is a slightly different approach, but it definitely more efficient and consistent. It also seems to be more comprehensive than the traditional approach.

  2. Ad generation: two types of ads covered right now: a. From scratch b. Top down (given long, ugly product names)

  3. Content analysis: word_frequency does a good job at evaluating short content (mainly keywords, but URLs, tweets, and any social post).

A potential direction to go to, is analyzing structured parts of content (implemented in radvertools) :

  • emoji: with the unicodedata module, rich descriptions can be gained simply by calling .name.
  • hashtags
  • mentions
  • URLs within posts
  • arbitrary keywords (tweepy already provides all these structured entities from the Twitter API)
  1. URL generation and management: one function is available now for generating Google Analytics UTM tags. Two other important ones exist for GA:
  • Android
  • iOS In addition Ipurl parameter support is still missing
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