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Open Catalyst 2020 (OC20) Dataset

NOTE: Data files for all tasks / splits were updated on Feb 10, 2021 due to minor bugs (affecting < 1% of the data) in earlier versions. If you downloaded data before Feb 10, 2021, please re-download the data.

This page summarizes the dataset download links for S2EF and IS2RE/IS2RS tasks and various splits. The main project website is

Structure to Energy and Forces (S2EF) task

For this task’s train and validation sets, we provide compressed trajectory files with the input structures and output energies and forces. We provide precomputed LMDBs for the test sets. To use the train and validation datasets, first download the files and uncompress them. The uncompressed files are used to generate LMDBs, which are in turn used by the dataloaders to train the ML models. Code for the dataloaders and generating the LMDBs may be found in the Github repository.

Four training datasets are provided with different sizes. Each is a subset of the other, i.e., the 2M dataset is contained in the 20M and all datasets.

Four datasets are provided for validation set. Each dataset corresponds to a subsplit used to evaluate different types of extrapolation, in domain (id, same distribution as the training dataset), out of domain adsorbate (ood_ads, unseen adsorbate), out of domain catalyst (ood_cat, unseen catalyst composition), and out of domain both (ood_both, unseen adsorbate and catalyst composition).

For the test sets, we provide precomputed LMDBs for each of the 4 subsplits (In Domain, OOD Adsorbate, OOD Catalyst, OOD Both).

[Update March 29,2021]: We provide structures corresponding to molecular dynamics (MD) and rattled data as well.

Each tarball has a README file containing details about file formats, number of structures / trajectories, etc.

Splits Size of compressed version (in bytes) Size of uncompressed version (in bytes) Downloadable link MD5 checksum
all 225G 1.1T 12a7087bfd189a06ccbec9bc7add2bcd
20M 34G 165G 953474cb93f0b08cdc523399f03f7c36
2M 3.4G 17G 863bc983245ffc0285305a1850e19cf7
200K 344M 1.7G f8d0909c2623a393148435dede7d3a46
val_id 1.7G 8.3G f57f7f5c1302637940f2cc858e789410
val_ood_ads 1.7G 8.2G 431ab0d7557a4639605ba8b67793f053
val_ood_cat 1.7G 8.3G 532d6cd1fe541a0ddb0aa0f99962b7db
val_ood_both 1.9G 9.5G 5731862978d80502bbf7017d68c2c729
Test (LMDBs for all splits) 30G 415G bcada432482f6e87b24e14b6b744992a
Rattled data 29G 136G 40431149b27b64ce1fb40cac4e2e064b
MD data 42G 306G 9fed845aaab8fb4bf85e3a8db57796e0

Initial Structure to Relaxed Structure (IS2RS) and Initial Structure to Relaxed Energy (IS2RE) tasks

For the IS2RS and IS2RE tasks, we are providing:

  • One .tar.gz file with precomputed LMDBs which once downloaded and uncompressed, can be used directly to train ML models. The LMDBs contain the input initial structures and the output relaxed structures and energies. Training datasets are split by size, with each being a subset of the larger splits, similar to S2EF. The validation and test datasets are broken into subsplits based on different extrapolation evaluations (In Domain, OOD Adsorbate, OOD Catalyst, OOD Both).
  • underlying ASE relaxation trajectories for the adsorbate+catalyst in the entire training and validation sets for the IS2RE and IS2RS tasks. These are not required to download for training ML models, but are available for interested users.

Each tarball has README file containing details about file formats, number of structures / trajectories, etc.


Splits Size of compressed version (in bytes) Size of uncompressed version (in bytes) Downloadable link MD5 checksum
Train (all splits) + Validation (all splits) + test (all splits) 8.1G 97G cfc04dd2f87b4102ab2f607240d25fb1

Relaxation Trajectories

Adsorbate+catalyst system trajectories (optional download)

Split Size of compressed version (in bytes) Size of uncompressed version (in bytes) Downloadable link MD5 checksum
All IS2RE/S training (~466k trajectories) 109G 841G 9e3ed4d1e497bfdce4472ee70455edef
IS2RE/S Validation
val_id (~25K trajectories) 5.9G 46G fcb71363018fb1e7127db2500e39e11a
val_ood_ads (~25K trajectories) 5.7G 44G 5ced8ea84584aa229d31e693e0fb090f
val_ood_cat (~25K trajectories) 6.0G 46G 88dcc02fd8c174a72d2c416878fc44ff
val_ood_both (~25K trajectories) 4.4G 35G bc74b6474a13542cc56eaa97bd51adfc

Per-adsorbate trajectories (optional download)

Adsorbate+catalyst trajectories on a per adsorbate basis are provided here to avoid having to download all systems. Note - a few adsorbates are intentionally left out for the test splits.

Catalyst system trajectories (optional download)

Number Size of compressed version (in bytes) Size of uncompressed version (in bytes) Downloadable link MD5 checksum
294k systems 20G 151G 347f4183465810e9b384e7a033baefc7

OC20 mappings

Data mapping information

We provide a Python pickle file containing information about the slab and adsorbates for each of the systems in OC20 dataset. Loading the pickle file will load a Python dictionary. The keys of this dictionary are the adsorbate+catalyst system-ids (of the format random<XYZ> where XYZ is an integer), and the corresponding value of each key is a dictionary with information about:

  • bulk_mpid : Materials Project ID of the bulk system used corresponding the the catalyst surface
  • bulk_symbols Chemical composition of the bulk counterpart
  • ads_symbols Chemical composition of the adsorbate counterpart
  • ads_id : internal unique identifier, one for each of the 82 adsorbates used in the dataset
  • bulk_id : internal unique identifier one for each of the 11500 bulks used in the dataset
  • miller_index: 3-tuple of integers indicating the Miller indices of the surface
  • shift: c-direction shift used to determine cutoff for the surface (c-direction is following the nomenclature from Pymatgen)
  • top: boolean indicating whether the chosen surface was at the top or bottom of the originally enumerated surface
  • adsorption_site: A tuple of 3-tuples containing the Cartesian coordinates of each binding adsorbate atom

Downloadable link: (MD5 checksum: 71705204c12f8710ff43e71fbc6ba29b)

An example entry is

'random2181546': {'bulk_id': 6510,
  'ads_id': 69,
  'bulk_mpid': 'mp-22179',
  'bulk_symbols': 'Si2Ti2Y2',
  'ads_symbols': '*N2',
  'miller_index': (2, 0, 1),
  'shift': 0.145,
  'top': True,
  'adsorption_site': ((4.5, 12.85, 16.13),)}

Adsorbate-catalyst system to catalyst system mapping information

We provide a Python pickle file containing information about the mapping from adsorbate-catalyst systems to their corresponding catalyst systems. Loading the pickle file will load a Python dictionary. The keys of this dictionary are the adsorbate+catalyst system-ids (of the format random<XYZ> where XYZ is an integer), and values will be the catalyst system-ids (of the format random<PQR> where PQR is an integer).

Downloadable link: (MD5 checksum: 079041076c3f15d18ecb5d17c509cdfe)

An example entry is

'random1981709': 'random533137'

Dataset changelog

March 2021

  • Modified the pickle corresponding to data mapping information. Now the pickle includes extra information about miller_index, shift, top and adsorption_site.
  • Added MD and rattled data for S2EF task.

Version 2, Feb 2021


  • Removed slab systems which had single frame checkpoints, this led to modifications of reference frame energies of 350k frames out of 130M.
  • Fixed stitching of checkpoints in adsorbate+catalyst trajectories.
  • Added release of slab trajectories.

Below are actual updates numbers, of the form oldnew

Total S2EF frames:

  • train: 133953162 → 133934018
  • validation:
    • val_id : 1000000 → 999866
    • val_ood_ads: 1000000 → 999838
    • val_ood_cat: 1000000 → 999809
    • val_ood_both: 1000000 → 999944
  • test:
    • test_id: 1000000 → 999736
    • test_ood_ads: 1000000 → 999859
    • test_ood_cat: 1000000 → 999826
    • test_ood_both: 1000000 → 999973

Total IS2RE and IS2RS systems:

  • train: 461313 → 460328
  • validation:
    • val_id : 24946 → 24943
    • val_ood_ads: 24966 → 24961
    • val_ood_cat: 24988 → 24963
    • val_ood_both: 24963 → 24987
  • test:
    • test_id: 24951 → 24948
    • test_ood_ads: 24931 → 24930
    • test_ood_cat: 24967 → 24965
    • test_ood_both: 24986 → 24985

Version 1, Oct 2020

Total S2EF frames:

  • train: 133953162
  • validation:
    • val_id : 1000000
    • val_ood_ads: 1000000
    • val_ood_cat: 1000000
    • val_ood_both: 1000000
  • test:
    • test_id: 1000000
    • test_ood_ads: 1000000
    • test_ood_cat: 1000000
    • test_ood_both: 1000000

Total IS2RE and IS2RS systems:

  • train: 461313
  • validation:
    • val_id : 24936
    • val_ood_ads: 24966
    • val_ood_cat: 24988
    • val_ood_both: 24963
  • test:
    • test_id: 24951
    • test_ood_ads: 24931
    • test_ood_cat: 24967
    • test_ood_both: 24986


The Open Catalyst 2020 (OC20) dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Please cite the following paper in any research manuscript using the OC20 dataset:

    title         = {The Open Catalyst 2020 (OC20) Dataset and Community Challenges},
    author        = {Lowik Chanussot* and Abhishek Das* and Siddharth Goyal* and Thibaut Lavril* and Muhammed Shuaibi* and Morgane Riviere and Kevin Tran and Javier Heras-Domingo and Caleb Ho and Weihua Hu and Aini Palizhati and Anuroop Sriram and Brandon Wood and Junwoong Yoon and Devi Parikh and C. Lawrence Zitnick and Zachary Ulissi},
    year          = {2020},
    eprint        = {2010.09990},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv}