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Anthony Pesch edited this page Nov 25, 2013 · 19 revisions

File I/O in emscripten is provided by the FS library. This same library is used internally for all of emscripten's libc and libcxx file I/O.

Emscripten deals predominantly with synchronous file I/O, so the majority of the FS member functions offer a synchronous interface, with errors being reported by raising exceptions of type FS.ErrnorError.

The file data in emscription is partioned by mounted filesystems, of which several are provided to work with. By default, an instance of MEMFS is mounted to / and instances of NODEFS and IDBFS can be mounted to other directories if your application needs to persist data.


Applications being compiled with emscripten expect synchronous I/O, therefor, emscripten itself must provide filesystems with completely synchronous interfaces. However, due to JavaScript's event-driven nature, most persistent storage options offer only asynchronous interfaces.

Because of this, emscripten offers multiple filesystems that can be mounted with FS.mount to help deal with persistence depending on the execution context.


This is the default filesystem mounted at / when the runtime is initialized. All files exist strictly in-memory, and any data written to it is lost when the page is reloaded.


Mount options

  • root string Path to persist the data to on the local filesystem.

This filesystem is only for use when running inside of node. It uses node's synchronous fs API to immediately persist any data written to emscripten's filesystem to your local disk.


This filesystem is only for use when running inside of the browser. Due to the browser not offering any synchronous APIs for persistent storage, by default all writes exist only temporarily in-memory. However, the IDBFS filesystem implements the FS.syncfs interface, which once called will persist any operations to a backing IndexedDB instance.

File types

Emscripten's filesystem supports regular files, directories, symlinks, character devices, block devices and sockets. In a similar manner to most Unix systems, all of these file types are able to be operated on with the higher-level FS operations such as and FS.write.

FS.isFile(node || mode)

Returns true if the mode bitmask represents a file.

FS.isDir(node || mode)

Returns true if the mode bitmask represents a directory.

FS.isLink(node || mode)

Returns true if the mode bitmask represents a symlink.

FS.isChrdev(node || mode)

Returns true if the mode bitmask represents a character device.

FS.isBlkdev(node || mode)

Returns true if the mode bitmask represents a block device.

FS.isSocket(node || mode)

Returns true if the mode bitmask represents a socket.



Return the current working directory.

FS.lookupPath(path, opts)

  • path string
  • opts object
  • parent bool default = false
  • follow bool default = false

Lookups up the incoming path and returns an object of the format:

  path: resolved_path,
  node: resolved_node

The parent option says to stop resolving the path once the next to the last component is reached. For example, for the path /foo/bar with { parent: true }, would return receive back an object representing /foo.

The follow option says whether to follow the last component in the case that is is a symlink. To illustrate, let's say there exists a symlink /foo/symlink that links to /foo/notes.txt. If /foo/symlink is looked up with { follow: false } an object representing the symlink file itself would be returned. However if { follow: true } is passed, an object representing /foo/notes.txt would be returned.


Takes in a node object and return the absolute path to it, accounting for mounts.


Emscripten supports registering arbitrary device drivers composed of a device id and a set of unique stream callbacks. Once a driver has been registered with FS.registerDevice, a device node (acting as an interface between the device and the filesystem) can be created to reference it with FS.mkdev. Any stream referencing the new node will inherit the stream callbacks registered for the device, making all of the high-level FS operations transparently interact with the device.

FS.makedev(ma, mi)

Converts a major and minor number into a single unique integer.

FS.registerDevice(dev, ops)

Registers a device driver for the specified id / callbacks.


FS.mount(type, opts, mountpoint)

Mounts the FS object specified by type to the directory specified by mountpoint. The opts objects is specific to each filesystem type.

FS.syncfs(populate, callback)

  • populate bool

Responsible for iterating and synchronizing all mounted filesystems in an asynchronous fashion.

The populate flag is used to control the intended direction of the underlying synchronization between emscripten's internal data, and the filesystem's persistent data. populate=true is used for initializing emscripten's filesystem data with the data from the filesystem's persistent source, and populate=false is used to save emscripten's filesystem data to the filesystem's persistent source.

function myAppStartup(callback) {
    FS.mount(IDBFS, {}, '/data');

    FS.syncfs(true, function (err) {
      // handle callback

  function myAppShutdown(callback) {
    FS.syncfs(function (err) {
      // handle callback

An actual test implementing this functionality can be seen at

NOTE: Currently, only the IDBFS filesystem implements the interfaces needed by this. All other filesystems are completely synchronous and don't require synchronization.

FS.mkdir(path, mode)

  • path string
  • mode int default = 0777

Creates a new directory node in the filesystem.


FS.mkdev(path, mode, dev)

  • path string
  • mode int default = 0777
  • dev int

Creates a new device node in the filesystem referencing the device driver registered for dev.

var id = FS.makedev(64, 0);
FS.registerDevice(id, {});
FS.mkdev('/dummy', id);

FS.symlink(oldpath, newpath)

  • oldpath string
  • newpath string

Creates a symlink node at newpath linking to oldpath.

FS.writeFile('file', 'foobar');
FS.symlink('file', 'link');

FS.rename(oldpath, newpath)

  • oldpath string
  • newpath string

Renames the node at oldpath to newpath.

FS.writeFile('file', 'foobar');
FS.rename('file', 'newfile');


  • path string

Removes an empty directory located at path.



  • path string

Unlink the node at path.

FS.writeFile('/foobar.txt', 'Hello, world');


  • path string

Returns the string value stored in the symbolic link at path.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>

int main() {
    FS.writeFile('file', 'foobar');
    FS.symlink('file', 'link');
  return 0;




  • path string

Returns a JavaScript object of stats for the node at path.

    dev: 1
    ino: 10,
    mode: 511
    nlink: 1,
    uid: 0,
    gid: 0,
    rdev: 0,
    size: 123,
    atime: 1384273843541,
    mtime: 1384273843541,
    ctime: 1384273843541,
    blksize: 4096


  • path string

Identical to FS.stat, However, if path is a symbolic link then the returned stats will be for the link itself, not the file that it links to.

FS.chmod(path, mode)

  • path string
  • mode int

Change the mode flags for path to mode.

FS.lchmod(path, mode)

  • path string
  • mode int

Identical to FS.chmod. However, if path is a symbolic link then the mode will be set on the link itself, not the file that it links to.

FS.fchmod(fd, mode)

  • fd int
  • mode int

Identical to FS.chmod. However, a raw file decriptor is supplied as fd.

FS.chown(path, uid, gid)

  • path string
  • uid int
  • gid int

Set uid and gid properties of the node at path.

FS.lchown(path, uid, gid)

  • path string
  • uid int
  • gid int

Identical to FS.chown. However, if path is a symbolic link then the properties will be set on the link itself, not the file that it links to.

FS.fchown(fd, uid, gid)

  • fd int
  • uid int
  • gid int

Identical to FS.chown. However, a raw file decriptor is supplied as fd.

FS.truncate(path, len)

  • path string
  • len int

Truncates a file to the specified length.SEEK_CUR

FS.ftruncate(fd, len)

  • fd int
  • len int

Truncates the file identified by the file descriptor to the specified length.

FS.utime(path, atime, mtime)

  • path string
  • atime int
  • mtime int

Change the timestamps of the file located at path., flags, [mode])

  • path string
  • flags sring
  • mode int default = 0666

Opens a file with the specified flags. flags can be:

  • 'r' - Open file for reading.
  • 'r+' - Open file for reading and writing.
  • 'w' - Open file for writing.
  • 'wx' - Like 'w' but fails if path exists.
  • 'w+' - Open file for reading and writing. The file is created if it does not exist or truncated if it exists.
  • 'wx+' - Like 'w+' but fails if path exists.
  • 'a' - Open file for appending. The file is created if it does not exist.
  • 'ax' - Like 'a' but fails if path exists.
  • 'a+' - Open file for reading and appending. The file is created if it does not exist.
  • 'ax+' - Like 'a+' but fails if path exists.

mode specifies the permissions for the file, and are only used if the file is created.

Returns a stream object.


  • stream object

Closes the file stream.

FS.llseek(stream, offset, whence)

  • stream object
  • offset int
  • whence int

Repositions the offset of the stream offset bytes, relative to the whence parameter.

When can be SEEK_SET (0), SEEK_CUR(1) or SEEK_END(2);, buffer, offset, length, position)

  • stream object
  • buffer ArrayBufferView
  • offset int
  • length int
  • position int

Read length bytes from the stream, storing them into buffer starting at offset. By default, reading starts from the stream's current offset, however, a specific offset can be specified with the position argument.

FS.write(stream, buffer, offset, length, position)

  • stream object
  • buffer ArrayBufferView
  • offset int
  • length int
  • position int

Write length bytes from buffer, starting at offset. By default, writing starts from the stream's current offset, however, a specific offset can be specified with the position argument.

FS.readFile(path, opts)

  • path string
  • opts object
    • flags string default = 'r'
    • encoding string default = 'binary'

Slurps the entire file at path and returns it either as a string, or a new Uint8Array buffer (encoding = 'binary').

FS.writeFile(path, data, opts)

  • path string
  • data ArrayBufferView
  • opts object
    • flags string default = 'w'
    • encoding string default = 'utf8'

Writes the entire contents of data to the file at path. data is treated either as a string (encoding = 'utf8'), or as an ArrayBufferView (encoding = 'binary').