NOTE : This repository is no longer maintained. New repository is
ibc-proof-server generates and serves heavy and light proofs for actions and schedules. Currently only firehose is supported.
git clone
cd ibc-proof-server
npm install
cp .env.example .env
edit the
file variables with the desired chain parameters
PORT=7788 #host port to use for http (consumed by ibc-proof-server)
LIGHTPROOF_API=http://localhost::8285 #lightproof-db endpoint #GRPC address of firehose service (ideally on local network/machine)
GRPC_INSECURE=false #set to true if connecting to insecure GRPC service (vs TLS)
FIREHOSE_MIN_BLOCK=0 #lowest block available in firehose
NODEOS_API= #regular nodeos api (/v1/chain/)
node index.js