Processing data generated at high rates in real time typically faces many challenges, from computing and networking infrastructure, to availability of fast storage, and to user applications themselves. Streaming data directly form the source into processing applications does not solve all issues, but it does eliminate potential delays related to file input and output.
PvaPy Streaming Framework allows users to setup distributed streaming workflows with a very little effort. This documents describes various framework components, user interfaces and available command line utilities.
Users interact with the framework by implementing the data processor interface class located in the pvapy.hpc.userDataProcessor module:
class UserDataProcessor:
def __init__(self, configDict={}):
# The following will be set after processor gets instantiated.
self.processorId = None
self.dataPublisher = None
self.pvaServer = None
self.inputChannel = None
self.outputChannel = None
self.objectIdField = None
self.metadataQueueMap = {}
# Method called at start
def start(self):
# Configure user processor at runtime
def configure(self, configDict):
# Process channel update
def process(self, pvObject):
return pvObject
# Method called at shutdown
def stop(self):
# Reset statistics for user processor
def resetStats(self):
# Retrieve statistics for user processor
def getStats(self):
return {}
# Define PVA types for different stats variables
def getStatsPvaTypes(self):
return {}
# Define input PvObject
# This method does needs to be implemented if the local
# PVA server is used for hosting input channel.
def getInputPvObjectType(self):
return None
# Define output PvObject
# This method does not need to be implemented if output
# object has the same structure as the input object
def getOutputPvObjectType(self, pvObject):
return pvObject
A working example of a simple processor that rotates Area Detector images can be found here. There are also several processor classes for Area Detector images that can be used out of the box:
- AD Image Data Encryptor: encrypts images
- AD Image Data Decryptor: decrypts images
- AD Output File Processor: saves AD images into output files (single image per file; supports various formats)
- HDF5 AD Image Writer: writes multiple AD images into HDF5 files
The encryptor and decryptor processors require python 'rsa' and 'pycryptodome' packages for encryption utilities, the output file processor requires 'PIL' module ('pillow' package), while the HDF5 image writer requires 'h5py' module.
A python class that derives from UserDataProcessor class and implements the above interface is passed into one of the two main command line utilities:
- pvapy-hpc-consumer: used for splitting streams and processing stream objects
- pvapy-hpc-collector: used for gathering streams, sorting and processing stream objects
In addition to the above consumer and collector commands, the streaming framework also relies on the following:
- pvapy-mirror-server: can be used for data distribution in those cases when the original data source does not have distributor plugin, for stream isolation and IOC protection from high client loads, as bridge between network interfaces, etc.
- pvapy-ad-sim-server: testing utility that can generate and serve NtNdArray objects (Area Detector images) at frame rates exceeding 10k fps
All of the examples described below should work out of the box, assuming that the EPICS libraries have built in distributor plugin, which is the case for the recent PvaPy pip and conda packages. However, depending on the machine used for running them, some of the command line arguments (e.g., frame rates, server and client queue sizes, etc.) might have to be tweaked in order for examples to run without lost frames. A medium range workstation (e.g. dual Intel Xeon E5-2620 2.40GHz CPU, 24 logical cores, 64GB RAM, local SSD drives) should be able to run all examples shown here without any issues. Note that some commands use sample AD image processor or sample AD metadata processor as external (user) code. Also, instead of generating random image data, one could, for example, concatenate actual image data into a set of NumPy arrays and pass that file into the pvapy-ad-sim-server command using the '-if /path/to/images.npy' option.
The first example illustrates a basic use case with a single data consumer processing data. Although this can be easily achived with basic EPICS APIs/CLIs, this demonstrates application monitoring and control features built into the framework.
On terminal 1, run the consumer command (make sure to correct the path to the downloaded image processor example):
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--log-level debug
The above command will establish monitor on the 'pvapy:image' channel, and will create channels for output, application status and control using default consumer id '1' that replaces the '*' character. Application status will be generated every 10 seconds, and log level of 'debug' ensures that processing log will be displayed on the screen.
On terminal 2, generate small (128x128, uint8) test images at 1Hz for 60 seconds:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 1
After server starts publishing images, the consumer terminal should display processing output.
On terminal 3, you can interact with application's output, status and control channels:
$ pvget -r uniqueId consumer:1:output # processed image
$ pvget consumer:1:status # application status
$ pvput consumer:1:control '{"command" : "configure", "args" : "{\"x\":100}"}' # configure application
$ pvget consumer:1:control # get last command status
$ pvput consumer:1:control '{"command" : "stop"}' # shutdown consumer process
After the shutdown command, the consumer process should exit.
This example illustrates how to spawn multiple consumers which all receive and process the same set of images.
On terminal 1, run the consumer command:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--log-level debug \
--n-consumers 2
This command is the same as before, with additional option that requests 2 consumers spawned, with IDs of 1 and 2. Each consumer will run as a separate process.
On terminal 2, generate images as before:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 1
After server starts publishing images, the consumer terminal should display processing output, with both consumers receiving and processing all images (1,2,3,4,...). Images processed by consumer 1 should be accessible on the 'consumer:1:output' channel, and images processed by consumer 2 should be accessible on the 'consumer:2:output' channel.
This example illustrates how to spawn multiple consumers that receive images in alternate order.
On terminal 1, run the consumer command:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--log-level debug \
--n-consumers 2 \
--distributor-updates 1
This command will direct the distributor plugin to give one sequential update to each of its clients.
On terminal 2, generate images:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 1
After server starts publishing images, the consumer terminal should display processing output, with one consumers receiving images (1,3,5,...) and the other one receiving images (2,4,6,...).
This example illustrates how to distribute the same set of images between multiple sets of consumers.
On terminal 1, run the consumer command that starts 2 consumers with IDs 1 and 2 in the set 'A', and directs distributor plugin to give every consumer in the set 3 sequential updates:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--log-level debug \
--n-consumers 2 \
--distributor-updates 3 \
--consumer-id 1 \
--n-distributor-sets 2 \
--distributor-set A
The option '--n-distributor-sets 2' allows the framework to correctly calculate number of images that all consumers should receive so that application status can display accurate statistics with respect to number of missed frames.
On terminal 2, run the consumer command that starts 2 consumers with IDs 3 and 4 in the set 'B', and directs distributor plugin to give every consumer in the set 3 sequential updates:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--log-level debug \
--n-consumers 2 \
--distributor-updates 3 \
--consumer-id 3 \
--n-distributor-sets 2 \
--distributor-set B
On terminal 3, generate images:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 1
After server starts publishing images, both consumers in th first set will be receiving and processing images (1,2,3,7,8,9,13,...), and both consumers in the second set will be receiving and processing images (4,5,6,10,11,12,16,...).
In those cases when data source streams objects at high rates and/or user application processing times are not predictable (e.g., when processing incoming objects in batches), there are two options that can be used for protecting application against lost frames:
- Server queue: EPICS libraries allow each client to request its own queue, which provides protection against the "overrun" problem, where the server replaces channel record before the client has a chance to retrieve it. Note that server queue sizes are configurable, and that they increase the server (IOC) memory footprint.
- Receiver queue: data receiver can copy incoming objects into a 'PvObjectQueue' rather than process them immediately on updates. This provides protection against unpredictable processing times, but it will also increase consumer process memory footprint.
The purpose of examples in this section is to illustrate the two options above. As noted before, the frame rates shown here might have to be adjusted depending on the machine used.
On terminal 1, start single consumer process without any protection against frame loss, using basic (pass through) data processor. :
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.userDataProcessor.UserDataProcessor \
--report-period 10
On terminal 2 generate frames at high rate (10kHz) and adjust the reporting period ('-rp' option, given in number of frames) accordingly:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 10000 -rp 10000
After 60 seconds consumer application should report number of overruns and missed frames greater than zero.
We can now modify the consumer command to include server queue. In terminal 1, run the following command:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.userDataProcessor.UserDataProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 1000
On terminal 2 start generating frames at the same rate as before:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 10000 -rp 10000
After 60 second server runtime, there should be no overruns and missed frames reported by the consumer process.
With data distributor plugin, each consumer gets its own server and/or client queue.
We first demonstrate what happens if we use application that cannot keep up with the data source. For this we agan use the sample AD image processor, and request both server and receiver queues. On terminal 1 run the following command:
pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--receiver-queue-size 1000
On terminal 2, generate images at a frame rate sufficiently high to overwhelm a single consumer. For example, if the sample processor can handle frames at about 3kHz, 5kHz is a reasonable choice for the server:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 5000 -rp 5000
Since our consumer application now maintains client queue of size 1000, it should start reporting rejected frames (i.e., those that were delivered to the client code, but were not queued for processing because client queue was full). The application should be also reporting no overrruns or missed frames.
We can now distribute data between two consumers using the following command on terminal 1:
pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--receiver-queue-size 1000 \
--n-consumers 2 \
--distributor-updates 1
On terminal 2 we run as before:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 5000 -rp 5000
Once server starts updating images, we should observe no frames rejected by the client queue, no missed frames, and each consumer processing images at a rate that is about half of the server frame rate. This also demonstrates that data distribution can be easily combined with server-side queues.
We can also scale the previous use case easily by updating the '--n-consumers' option. On terminal 1 run the following command:
pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--receiver-queue-size 1000 \
--n-consumers 4 \
--distributor-updates 1
On terminal 2 increase frame rate as well:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 8000 -rp 8000
All consumers should keep up and none should be reporting frame loss.
This example demonstrates how stream processing can be done in multiple stages, with each stage running on a different machine or a set of machines. This is accomplished by using the output of the first set of consumers as input to the second set of consumers. The example also uses Mirror Server, which forwards streamed objects from the source to the first set of consumers.
On terminal 1, start four consumers producing output on the 'processor:*:output' channels:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel processor:*:control \
--status-channel processor:*:status \
--output-channel processor:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--receiver-queue-size 1000 \
--n-consumers 4 \
--distributor-updates 8
Each processing consumer will be getting 8 sequential updates, and will be using small server and client side queues.
On terminal 2, create output folder for saving images, and use the built-in processor for saving output files:
$ rm -rf /path/to/output/data && mkdir -p /path/to/output/data
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel processor:*:output \
--output-channel file:*:output \
--control-channel file:*:control \
--status-channel file:*:status \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.adOutputFileProcessor.AdOutputFileProcessor \
--processor-args '{"outputDirectory" : "/path/to/output/data", "outputFileNameFormat" : "bdp_{uniqueId:06d}.{processorId}.tiff", "objectIdOffset" : "25"}' \
--n-consumers 4 \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 1000 \
--receiver-queue-size 10000
The input for this set of consumers is the output of the previous set. We used slightly larger queues than for the processing stage, and passed processor arguments that configure output directory, file format, and object ID offset, which ensures that application statistics tracking correctly accounts for any missing files.
On terminal 3 run the mirror server, which will serve images from the 'ad:image' channel on the 'pvapy:image' channel that is used as input to the first set of consumers. In this case, we also use small server-side queue to make sure mirror server does not lose any frames:
$ pvapy-mirror-server --channel-map "(pvapy:image,ad:image,pva,1000)"
On terminal 4 generate images on the 'ad:image' channel:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn ad:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -fps 2000 -rt 60 -rp 2000
Once the data source starts publishing images, they will be streamed through the workflow and processed by each stage, resulting in files being saved in the designated output folder.
In certain cases (e.g., when reducing client load on the PVA server is needed) it might be beneficial to split the raw data stream into multiple parallel streams before processing it. This can be accomplished by inserting a passthrough/distributor stage in front of the processing stages.
On terminal 1, start two consumers splitting the incoming 'pvapy:image' stream to two 'passthrough:*:output' channels:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel passthrough:*:control \
--status-channel passthrough:*:status \
--output-channel passthrough:*:output \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.userDataProcessor.UserDataProcessor \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--report-period 10 \
--distributor-updates 8 \
--n-consumers 2
In this case we are splitting the stream between the two passthrough consumers in batches of 8 frames.
On terminal 2, start the first set of processing consumers (1-4) using the following command:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--consumer-id 1 \
--input-channel passthrough:1:output \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--n-consumers 4 \
--distributor-updates 8 \
--oid-offset 57
On terminal 3, start the second set of processing consumers (5-8) using the following command:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--consumer-id 5 \
--input-channel passthrough:2:output \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--n-consumers 4 \
--distributor-updates 8 \
--oid-offset 57
On terminal 4 generate images on the 'pvapy:image' channel:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 8000 -rp 8000
Once the simulation server starts publishing images, the consumer statistics should indicate that the passthrough and processing consumers are receiving frames at one half and one eighth of the original input stream data rate, respectively.
This example shows how one can split the original raw image and distribute resulting tiles for processing between multiple consumers.
On terminal 1, start a single consumer running the split image processor. This processor will connect to the 'pvapy:image' channel, split the original 3840x2160 frames into four 1920x1080 tiles, and publish those on its output channel 'split:1:output':
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel split:*:control \
--status-channel split:*:status \
--output-channel split:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class SplitAdImageProcessor \
--processor-args='{"nx" : 1920, "ny" : 1080}' \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100
On terminal 2, start four consumers processing the 1920x1080 tiles from 'split:1:output' stream using the passthrough system user processor:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel split:1:output \
--control-channel process:*:control \
--status-channel process:*:status \
--output-channel process:*:output \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.userDataProcessor.UserDataProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--n-consumers 4 \
--distributor-updates 1
Obviously, in order to actually process image tiles, in the above command one can replace the passthrough system processor with the data processor class of their choice.
On terminal 3 start generating 3840x2160 images on the 'pvapy:image' channel:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 3840 -ny 2160 -dt uint8 -fps 100 -rp 100 -rt 60
Once the simulation server starts publishing images, one can verify that images have been split by inspecting tile dimensions and looking for additional tile-related attributes inserted by the split image processor:
$ pvget pvapy:image # original image, 3840x2160
$ pvget process:1:output # tile (0,0), 1920x1080
$ pvget process:2:output # tile (0,1), 1920x1080
$ pvget process:3:output # tile (1,0), 1920x1080
$ pvget process:4:output # tile (1,1), 1920x1080
In this example we show how to use the 'pvapy-hpc-data-collector' utility for gathering streams distributed by an earlier processing stage. This utility establishes channel listeners for a number of 'producer' channels, queues incoming objects, sorts them using the provided object id field ('uniqueId' by default), processes them using the provided data processor class, and publishes new objects on its output channel. This channel can again be used as input into another processing stage.
To get this running, on terminal 1 start four consumers in the same way as in the previous example, producing output on the 'processor:*:output' channels:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel processor:*:control \
--status-channel processor:*:status \
--output-channel processor:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--receiver-queue-size 1000 \
--n-consumers 4 \
--distributor-updates 8
On terminal 2, run the following collector command:
$ pvapy-hpc-collector \
--collector-id 1 \
--producer-id-list 1,2,3,4 \
--input-channel processor:*:output \
--control-channel collector:*:control \
--status-channel collector:*:status \
--output-channel collector:*:output \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.userDataProcessor.UserDataProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 1000 \
--collector-cache-size 10000 \
--receiver-queue-size 2000
Here, we specified producer IDs, which will be used to construct input channel names by replacing the '*' character in the string given in the '--input-channel' option. In addition to server and receiver queues, we also specified size for the collector cache used for sorting incoming objects. The collector will publish images sorted by the 'uniqueId' on its output channel 'collector::output'.
On terminal 3, create output folder for saving images, and use the built-in processor for saving output files. The difference from the previous case is that we are using collector output as input, and we are also directing collector's PVA server to distribute one file at a time between all four file processors:
$ rm -rf /path/to/output/data && mkdir -p /path/to/output/data
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel collector:1:output \
--output-channel file:*:output \
--control-channel file:*:control \
--status-channel file:*:status \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.adOutputFileProcessor.AdOutputFileProcessor \
--processor-args '{"outputDirectory" : "/path/to/output/data", "outputFileNameFormat" : "bdp_{uniqueId:06d}.{processorId}.tiff"}' \
--n-consumers 4 \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 1000 \
--receiver-queue-size 10000 \
--distributor-updates 1
On terminal 4 run the mirror server as before, mirroring 'ad:image' to 'pvapy:image' channel:
$ pvapy-mirror-server --channel-map "(pvapy:image,ad:image,pva,1000)"
On terminal 5 generate images on the 'ad:image' channel:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn ad:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -fps 2000 -rt 60 -rp 2000
Once the data source starts publishing images, they will be streamed through all the components of the system, and saved into the designated output folder.
In this example we stitch tiles obtained after splitting the original image.
Just like in the previous example, on terminal 1, start a single consumer running the split image processor. This processor will connect to the 'pvapy:image' channel, split the original 3840x2160 frames into four 1920x1080 tiles, and publish those on its output channel 'split:1:output':
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel split:*:control \
--status-channel split:*:status \
--output-channel split:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class SplitAdImageProcessor \
--processor-args='{"nx" : 1920, "ny" : 1080}' \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100
On terminal 2, start four consumers processing the 1920x1080 tiles from 'split:1:output' stream using the passthrough system user processor:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel split:1:output \
--control-channel process:*:control \
--status-channel process:*:status \
--output-channel process:*:output \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.userDataProcessor.UserDataProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--n-consumers 4 \
--distributor-updates 1
In the above command one can replace the passthrough system processor with the data processor class of their choice.
On terminal 3 start collecting data from the four producer channels and stitching image tiles with the same frame id into the processed 3840x2160 image. The data collector in the command below uses the stitch image processor example:
$ pvapy-hpc-collector \
--collector-id 1 \
--producer-id-list 1,2,3,4 \
--input-channel process:*:output \
--control-channel collector:*:control \
--status-channel collector:*:status \
--output-channel collector:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class StitchAdImageProcessor \
--processor-args='{"nx" : 3840, "ny" : 2160}'
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--collector-cache-size 100
On terminal 4 start generating 3840x2160 images on the 'pvapy:image' channel:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 3840 -ny 2160 -dt uint8 -fps 100 -rp 100 -rt 60
After the simulation server starts publishing images, one can verify that images have been split by inspecting tile dimensions and looking for additional tile-related attributes inserted by the split image processor, as well as verify that the stitched image is identical to the original one.
$ pvget pvapy:image # original image, 3840x2160
$ pvget process:1:output # tile (0,0), 1920x1080
$ pvget process:2:output # tile (0,1), 1920x1080
$ pvget process:3:output # tile (1,0), 1920x1080
$ pvget process:4:output # tile (1,1), 1920x1080
$ pvget collector:1:output # stitched image, 3840x2160
In many cases images need to be associated with with various pieces of metadata (e.g., position information) before processing. The streaming framework allows one to receive PV updates from any number of metadata channels (CA or PVA), which are made available to the user processing module as a dictionary of metadata channel names/PvObject queues.
This example uses sample AD metadata processor module which is capable of associating images with available metadata based on their timestamp comparison, and producing NtNdArray objects that contain additional metadata attributes. Note that the streaming framework itself does not care what structure metadata channels produce, as anything that comes out of metadata channels is simply added to metadata queues. However, the actual user processor must know the structure of the metadata PvObject in order to make use of it. In particular, the sample metadata processor works with objects produced by the simulation server that have the following structure for both CA and PVA metadata channels:
$ pvinfo x
Server: ...
double value
time_t timeStamp
long secondsPastEpoch
int nanoseconds
int userTag
To see how things work in this example, download the sample metadata processor and start data collector on terminal 1 using the following command:
$ pvapy-hpc-collector \
--collector-id 1 \
--producer-id-list 1 \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel collector:*:control \
--status-channel collector:*:status \
--output-channel collector:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdMetadataProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 100 \
--collector-cache-size 100 \
--receiver-queue-size 1000 \
--metadata-channels pva://x,pva://y,pva://z
On terminal 2 generate test images on channel 'pvapy:image' and PVA metadata on channels 'x', 'y', and 'z':
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server \
-cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -fps 100 -rp 100 -rt 60 \
-mpv pva://x,pva://y,pva://z
After image generation starts, on terminal 3 inspect both the original and processed images. The output channel should contain the original image data plus values for x, y, and z attributes:
$ pvget pvapy:image # original image, no metadata
$ pvget collector:1:output # should contain x,y,z metadata
Keep in mind that the generated PVA metadata channels have a structure containing value and timestamp:
$ pvinfo x
Server: ...
double value
time_t timeStamp
long secondsPastEpoch
int nanoseconds
int userTag
Since retrieving PVs from CA IOCs results in the same channel structure as in the above example, the sample metadata processor works with either CA or PVA metadata channels. This can be verified by replacing the AD simulation server command with the following:
$ EPICS_DB_INCLUDE_PATH=/path/to/epics-base/dbd pvapy-ad-sim-server \
-cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -fps 1 -rt 60 \
-mpv x,y,z
This command will start CA IOC and generate CA metadata channels 'x', 'y', and 'z'. Note that it requires path to the EPICS Base dbd folder. For example, if you are using PvaPy conda package, this folder would be located at '/path/to/conda/envs/env-name/opt/epics/dbd'.
Distributing metadata processing should allow one to handle higher frame rates. In this example we also use mirror server for all image and metadata channels.
On terminal 1, start 4 metadata processors listening on 'pvapy:image' channel:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--consumer-id 1 \
--n-consumers 4 \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdMetadataProcessor \
--processor-args '{"timestampTolerance" : 0.00025}' \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size 2000 \
--accumulate-objects 10 \
--receiver-queue-size 0 \
--distributor-updates 1 \
--metadata-channels pva://pvapy:x,pva://pvapy:y,pva://pvapy:z
Each consumer will accumulate 10 images in the queue before processing them, in order to make sure all metadata arrives before it is needed.
On terminal 2, start mirror server mapping all channels:
$ pvapy-mirror-server \
--channel-map "(pvapy:image,ad:image,pva,1000),(pvapy:x,ad:x,pva,1000),(pvapy:y,ad:y,pva,1000),(pvapy:z,ad:z,pva,1000)"
On terminal 3 generate images and metadata:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server \
-cn ad:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -fps 2000 -rp 2000 -rt 60 \
-mpv pva://ad:x,pva://ad:y,pva://ad:z
Processing speed gains are not linear when compared to the single consumer case, because each consumer receives alternate set of images and all metadata values, and hence some metadata values will have to be discarded. This will be reflected in the metadata processor statistics.
This example illustrates how data can be encrypted in the first processing stage of the streaming workflow, and decrypted before processing. This example does require additional python packages ('rsa' and 'pycryptodome') that provide encryption utilities.
On terminal 1 start the encryption consumer, which requires path to your private SSH key as input (the key should not require passphrase):
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel enc:*:control \
--status-channel enc:*:status \
--output-channel enc:*:output \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.adImageDataEncryptor.AdImageDataEncryptor \
--processor-args '{"privateKeyFilePath" : "/path/to/id_rsa", "sign" : 1}'
--report-period 10 \
--log-level debug
The encrypted data will be signed, which will increase time needed for encryption.
On terminal 2 run the decryption consumer, taking input from the encryption output channel:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel enc:*:output \
--control-channel dec:*:control \
--status-channel dec:*:status \
--output-channel dec:*:output \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.adImageDataDecryptor.AdImageDataDecryptor \
--oid-field objectId \
--processor-args '{"privateKeyFilePath" : "/path/to/id_rsa", "verify" : 1}' \
--report-period 10 \
--log-level debug
Note that the encrypted object ID field is 'objectId', and that data will be verified after decryption. The output of the encryption channel will be a standard AD image (NtNdArray) object.
On terminal 3 run the sample processing consumer, which takes input from the decryption stage output and rotates images:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel dec:*:output \
--control-channel proc:*:control \
--status-channel proc:*:status \
--output-channel proc:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdImageProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--log-level debug
On terminal 4 generate images:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server -cn pvapy:image -nx 128 -ny 128 -dt uint8 -rt 60 -fps 1
After raw images start getting published, consumer terminals should start displaying encryption, decryption and processing outputs.
On terminal 5 we can inspect output from the different processing stages:
$ pvget enc:1:output # encrypted data
$ pvget dec:1:output # decrypted (raw) data
$ pvget proc:1:output # processed image
All tests described in this section have been performed with PvaPy version 5.1.0 (Python 3.9 conda package) on a 64-bit linux machine with 96 logical cores (Intel Xeon Gold 6342 CPU with hyperthreading enabled) running at 3.5 GHz, and with 2TB of RAM. Note that image server and all consumers were running on the same machine, and hence were using the loopback device. If these tests were performed using multiple machines, results would vary significantly depending on the network connection between the machines, network configuration, etc.
In order to asses how much data can be pushed through the framework we ran a series of tests using the base system user processor that does not manipulate image and hence does not generate any additional load on the test machine.
On terminal 1, we used the following command to spawn 1 or more consumer processes:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.userDataProcessor.UserDataProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--server-queue-size SERVER_QUEUE_SIZE \
--n-consumers N_CONSUMERS \
[--distributor-updates 1]
Server queue size varied according to the test image size. Whenever we used multiple consumers (N_CONSUMERS > 1) data distributor was turned on using the '--distributor-updates 1' option. For a single consumer this option was left out.
On terminal 2 images were generated for 60 seconds using the following command:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server \
-cn pvapy:image -nf 100 -dt uint8 -rt 60 \
The above command was able to reliably generate images at stable rates of up to 20 KHz. Going beyond that number, the resulting output frame rate varied more than 1-2 Hz, and was not deemed to be stable enough for testing.
A given test was deemed successful if no frames were missed during the 60 second server runtime. Results for the maximum simulated detector rate that image consumers were able to sustain without missing any frames are shown below:
- Image size: 4096 x 4096 (uint8, 16.78 MB); Server queue size: 100
Consumers | Frames/ second |
Frames/second/ consumer |
Frames/ minute |
Data rate/ consumer |
Total data rate |
1 | 150 | 150 | 9000 | 2.52 GBps | 2.52 GBps |
4 | 600 | 150 | 36000 | 2.52 GBps | 10.07 GBps |
8 | 1000 | 125 | 60000 | 2.10 GBps | 16.78 GBps |
10 | 1200 | 120 | 72000 | 2.01 GBps | 20.13 GBps |
- Image size: 2048 x 2048 (uint8, 4.19 MB); Server queue size: 200
Consumers | Frames/ second |
Frames/second/ consumer |
Frames/ minute |
Data rate/ consumer |
Total data rate |
1 | 700 | 700 | 42000 | 2.94 GBps | 2.94 GBps |
4 | 2600 | 650 | 156000 | 2.73 GBps | 10.91 GBps |
8 | 4000 | 500 | 240000 | 2.10 GBps | 16.78 GBps |
10 | 4500 | 450 | 270000 | 1.89 GBps | 18.88 GBps |
- Image size: 1536 x 1024 (int16, 3.15 MB); Server queue size: 400
Consumers | Frames/ second |
Frames/second/ consumer |
Frames/ minute |
Data rate/ consumer |
Total data rate |
1 | 1200 | 1200 | 72000 | 3.77 GBps | 3.77 GBps |
4 | 3600 | 900 | 216000 | 2.83 GBps | 11.32 GBps |
8 | 5600 | 700 | 336000 | 2.20 GBps | 17.62 GBps |
10 | 6000 | 600 | 360000 | 1.89 GBps | 18.87 GBps |
- Image size: 1024 x 1024 (uint8, 1.05 MB); Server queue size: 500
Consumers | Frames/ second |
Frames/second/ consumer |
Frames/ minute |
Data rate/ consumer |
Total data rate |
1 | 3200 | 3200 | 192000 | 3.36 GBps | 3.36 GBps |
4 | 10000 | 2500 | 600000 | 2.62 GBps | 10.49 GBps |
8 | 12000 | 1500 | 720000 | 1.57 GBps | 12.58 GBps |
10 | 14000 | 1400 | 840000 | 1.47 GBps | 14.68 GBps |
- Image size: 512 x 512 (uint8, 0.26 MB); Server queue size: 1000
Consumers | Frames/ second |
Frames/second/ consumer |
Frames/ minute |
Data rate/ consumer |
Total data rate |
1 | 10000 | 10000 | 600000 | 2.62 GBps | 2.62 GBps |
4 | 20000 | 5000 | 1200000 | 1.31 GBps | 5.24 GBps |
In order to asses how much data can be pushed through the system in combination with metadata we ran a series of tests using the sample AD metadata processor module. For all tests we used six PVA metadata channels that were updated every time new image was generated.
On terminal 1, we used the following command to spawn 1 or more consumer processes:
$ pvapy-hpc-consumer \
--input-channel pvapy:image \
--control-channel consumer:*:control \
--status-channel consumer:*:status \
--output-channel consumer:*:output \
--processor-file /path/to/ \
--processor-class HpcAdMetadataProcessor \
--processor-class pvapy.hpc.userDataProcessor.UserDataProcessor \
--report-period 10 \
--metadata-channels pva://m1,pva://m2,pva://m3,pva://m4,pva://m5,pva://m6 \
--accumulate-objects 10 \
--server-queue-size SERVER_QUEUE_SIZE \
--n-consumers N_CONSUMERS \
[--distributor-updates 1]
Server queue size varied according to the test image size. Image processing was slightly delayed via the '--accumulate-objects 10' option, in order to make sure all metadata is available when before image is processed. Whenever we used multiple consumers (N_CONSUMERS > 1) data distributor was turned on using the '--distributor-updates 1'. For a single consumer this option was left out. Keep in mind that while image data are distributed between consumers, metadata updates are not, and hence each image consumer received six times more metadata updates than image updates.
On terminal 2 images were generated for 60 seconds using the following command:
$ pvapy-ad-sim-server \
-cn pvapy:image -nf 100 -dt uint8 -rt 60 \
-mpv pva://m1,pva://m2,pva://m3,pva://m4,pva://m5,pva://m6 \
The above command was able to reliably generate images at rates required for all tests.
A given test was deemed successful if no frames and metadata updates were missed during the 60 second server runtime, and if all images were associated with metadata without any errors. Results for the maximum simulated detector rate that image consumers were able to sustain and process are shown below:
- Image size: 4096 x 4096 (uint8, 16.78 MB); Server queue size: 400
Consumers | Frames/ second |
Frames/second/ consumer |
Frames/ minute |
Metadata/ second |
Metadata/ minute |
Data rate/ consumer |
Total data rate |
1 | 150 | 150 | 9000 | 900 | 54000 | 2.52 GBps | 2.52 GBps |
4 | 400 | 100 | 24000 | 2400 | 144000 | 1.68 GBps | 6.71 GBps |
8 | 600 | 75 | 36000 | 3600 | 216000 | 1.26 GBps | 10.07 GBps |
10 | 700 | 70 | 42000 | 4200 | 252000 | 1.17 GBps | 11.74 GBps |
- Image size: 2048 x 2048 (uint8, 4.19 MB); Server queue size: 600
Consumers | Frames/ second |
Frames/second/ consumer |
Frames/ minute |
Metadata/ second |
Metadata/ minute |
Data rate/ consumer |
Total data rate |
1 | 500 | 500 | 30000 | 3000 | 180000 | 2.10 GBps | 2.10 GBps |
4 | 800 | 200 | 48000 | 4800 | 288000 | 0.84 GBps | 3.36 GBps |
8 | 1000 | 125 | 60000 | 6000 | 360000 | 0.52 GBps | 4.19 GBps |
10 | 1200 | 120 | 72000 | 7200 | 432000 | 0.50 GBps | 5.03 GBps |
- Image size: 1024 x 1024 (uint8, 1.05 MB); Server queue size: 1000
Consumers | Frames/ second |
Frames/second/ consumer |
Frames/ minute |
Metadata/ second |
Metadata/ minute |
Data rate/ consumer |
Total data rate |
1 | 1200 | 1200 | 72000 | 7200 | 432000 | 1.26 GBps | 1.26 GBps |
4 | 1600 | 400 | 96000 | 9600 | 576000 | 0.42 GBps | 1.68 GBps |
8 | 1800 | 225 | 108000 | 10800 | 648000 | 0.24 GBps | 1.89 GBps |
10 | 2000 | 200 | 120000 | 12000 | 720000 | 0.21 GBps | 2.10 GBps |
- Image size: 512 x 512 (uint8, 0.26 MB); Server queue size: 1500
Consumers | Frames/ second |
Frames/second/ consumer |
Frames/ minute |
Metadata/ second |
Metadata/ minute |
Data rate/ consumer |
Total data rate |
1 | 1500 | 1500 | 90000 | 9000 | 540000 | 0.39 GBps | 0.39 GBps |
4 | 2400 | 600 | 144000 | 14400 | 864000 | 0.16 GBps | 0.63 GBps |
8 | 2800 | 350 | 168000 | 16800 | 1008000 | 0.09 GBps | 0.73 GBps |
10 | 3000 | 300 | 180000 | 18000 | 1080000 | 0.08 GBps | 0.78 GBps |
As the number of data consumers increases, number of metadata updates that each consumer has to discard increases as well, and hence gains in processing capabilities and in the corresponding data throughput are getting smaller. Some optimization could be achieved by batching sequential images received by consumers (e.g., using '--distributor-updates 10' option), as well as by reducing client load on the image data source via the mirror server or by using the parallel processing chains as in one of the previous examples.