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Metal API

  • API version: 1.0.0


Equinix Metal provides a RESTful HTTP API which can be reached at This document describes the API and how to use it.

The API allows you to programmatically interact with all of your Equinix Metal resources, including devices, networks, addresses, organizations, projects, and your user account. Every feature of the Equinix Metal web interface is accessible through the API.

The API docs are generated from the Equinix Metal OpenAPI specification and are officially hosted at

Common Parameters

The Equinix Metal API uses a few methods to minimize network traffic and improve throughput. These parameters are not used in all API calls, but are used often enough to warrant their own section. Look for these parameters in the documentation for the API calls that support them.


Pagination is used to limit the number of results returned in a single request. The API will return a maximum of 100 results per page. To retrieve additional results, you can use the page and per_page query parameters.

The page parameter is used to specify the page number. The first page is 1. The per_page parameter is used to specify the number of results per page. The maximum number of results differs by resource type.


Where offered, the API allows you to sort results by a specific field. To sort results use the sort_by query parameter with the root level field name as the value. The sort_direction parameter is used to specify the sort direction, either either asc (ascending) or desc (descending).


Filtering is used to limit the results returned in a single request. The API supports filtering by certain fields in the response. To filter results, you can use the field as a query parameter.

For example, to filter the IP list to only return public IPv4 addresses, you can filter by the type field, as in the following request:

curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: my_authentication_token' \\

Only IP addresses with the type field set to public_ipv4 will be returned.


Searching is used to find matching resources using multiple field comparissons. The API supports searching in resources that define this behavior. Currently the search parameter is only available on devices, ssh_keys, api_keys and memberships endpoints.

To search resources you can use the search query parameter.

Include and Exclude

For resources that contain references to other resources, sucha as a Device that refers to the Project it resides in, the Equinix Metal API will returns href values (API links) to the associated resource.

  \"project\": {
    \"href\": \"/metal/v1/projects/f3f131c8-f302-49ef-8c44-9405022dc6dd\"

If you're going need the project details, you can avoid a second API request. Specify the contained href resources and collections that you'd like to have included in the response using the include query parameter.

For example:

curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: my_authentication_token' \\

The include parameter is generally accepted in GET, POST, PUT, and PATCH requests where href resources are presented.

To have multiple resources include, use a comma-separated list (e.g. ?include=emails,projects,memberships).

curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: my_authentication_token' \\,projects,memberships

You may also include nested associations up to three levels deep using dot notation (?include=memberships.projects):

curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: my_authentication_token' \\

To exclude resources, and optimize response delivery, use the exclude query parameter. The exclude parameter is generally accepted in GET, POST, PUT, and PATCH requests for fields with nested object responses. When excluded, these fields will be replaced with an object that contains only an href field.

Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.8+
  2. Maven (3.8.3+)/Gradle (7.2+)


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

  repositories {
    mavenCentral()     // Needed if the 'equinix-openapi-metal' jar has been published to maven central.
    mavenLocal()       // Needed if the 'equinix-openapi-metal' jar has been published to the local maven repo.

  dependencies {
     implementation "com.equinix:equinix-openapi-metal:0.10.1"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/equinix-openapi-metal-0.10.1.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

// Import classes:
import com.equinix.openapi.ApiClient;
import com.equinix.openapi.ApiException;
import com.equinix.openapi.Configuration;
import com.equinix.openapi.auth.*;
import com.equinix.openapi.models.*;
import com.equinix.openapi.metal.v1.api.AuthenticationApi;

public class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    // Configure API key authorization: x_auth_token
    ApiKeyAuth x_auth_token = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("x_auth_token");
    x_auth_token.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
    // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)

    AuthenticationApi apiInstance = new AuthenticationApi(defaultClient);
    AuthTokenInput authTokenInput = new AuthTokenInput(); // AuthTokenInput | API key to create
    List<String> include = Arrays.asList(); // List<String> | Nested attributes to include. Included objects will return their full attributes. Attribute names can be dotted (up to 3 levels) to included deeply nested objects.
    try {
      AuthToken result = apiInstance.createAPIKey(authTokenInput, include);
    } catch (ApiException e) {
      System.err.println("Exception when calling AuthenticationApi#createAPIKey");
      System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
      System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
      System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
AuthenticationApi createAPIKey POST /user/api-keys Create an API key
AuthenticationApi createProjectAPIKey POST /projects/{id}/api-keys Create an API key for a project.
AuthenticationApi deleteAPIKey DELETE /api-keys/{id} Delete the API key
AuthenticationApi deleteUserAPIKey DELETE /user/api-keys/{id} Delete the API key
AuthenticationApi findAPIKeys GET /user/api-keys Retrieve all user API keys
AuthenticationApi findProjectAPIKeys GET /projects/{id}/api-keys Retrieve all API keys for the project.
BatchesApi createDeviceBatch POST /projects/{id}/devices/batch Create a devices batch
BatchesApi deleteBatch DELETE /batches/{id} Delete the Batch
BatchesApi findBatchById GET /batches/{id} Retrieve a Batch
BatchesApi findBatchesByProject GET /projects/{id}/batches Retrieve all batches by project
BgpApi deleteBgpSession DELETE /bgp/sessions/{id} Delete the BGP session
BgpApi findBgpConfigByProject GET /projects/{id}/bgp-config Retrieve a bgp config
BgpApi findBgpSessionById GET /bgp/sessions/{id} Retrieve a BGP session
BgpApi findGlobalBgpRanges GET /projects/{id}/global-bgp-ranges Retrieve all global bgp ranges
BgpApi findProjectBgpSessions GET /projects/{id}/bgp/sessions Retrieve all BGP sessions for project
BgpApi requestBgpConfig POST /projects/{id}/bgp-configs Requesting bgp config
BgpApi updateBgpSession PUT /bgp/sessions/{id} Update the BGP session
CapacityApi checkCapacityForFacility POST /capacity Check capacity
CapacityApi checkCapacityForMetro POST /capacity/metros Check capacity for a metro
CapacityApi findCapacityForFacility GET /capacity View capacity
CapacityApi findCapacityForMetro GET /capacity/metros View capacity for metros
CapacityApi findOrganizationCapacityPerFacility GET /organizations/{id}/capacity View available hardware plans per Facility for given organization
CapacityApi findOrganizationCapacityPerMetro GET /organizations/{id}/capacity/metros View available hardware plans per Metro for given organization
ConsoleLogDetailsApi captureScreenshot GET /devices/{id}/diagnostics/screenshot
DevicesApi createBgpSession POST /devices/{id}/bgp/sessions Create a BGP session
DevicesApi createDevice POST /projects/{id}/devices Create a device
DevicesApi createIPAssignment POST /devices/{id}/ips Create an ip assignment
DevicesApi deleteDevice DELETE /devices/{id} Delete the device
DevicesApi findBgpSessions GET /devices/{id}/bgp/sessions Retrieve all BGP sessions
DevicesApi findDeviceById GET /devices/{id} Retrieve a device
DevicesApi findDeviceCustomdata GET /devices/{id}/customdata Retrieve the custom metadata of an instance
DevicesApi findDeviceMetadataByID GET /devices/{id}/metadata Retrieve metadata
DevicesApi findDeviceUserdataByID GET /devices/{id}/userdata Retrieve userdata
DevicesApi findIPAssignmentCustomdata GET /devices/{instance_id}/ips/{id}/customdata Retrieve the custom metadata of an IP Assignment
DevicesApi findIPAssignments GET /devices/{id}/ips Retrieve all ip assignments
DevicesApi findInstanceBandwidth GET /devices/{id}/bandwidth Retrieve an instance bandwidth
DevicesApi findOrganizationDevices GET /organizations/{id}/devices Retrieve all devices of an organization
DevicesApi findProjectDevices GET /projects/{id}/devices Retrieve all devices of a project
DevicesApi findTraffic GET /devices/{id}/traffic Retrieve device traffic
DevicesApi getBgpNeighborData GET /devices/{id}/bgp/neighbors Retrieve BGP neighbor data for this device
DevicesApi getDeviceFirmwareSets GET /devices/{id}/firmware-sets Get Device's associated Firmware Set
DevicesApi getDeviceHealthRollup GET /devices/{id}/diagnostics/health/rollup Get Device's Health Status
DevicesApi performAction POST /devices/{id}/actions Perform an action
DevicesApi updateDevice PUT /devices/{id} Update the device
EmailsApi createEmail POST /emails Create an email
EmailsApi deleteEmail DELETE /emails/{id} Delete the email
EmailsApi findEmailById GET /emails/{id} Retrieve an email
EmailsApi updateEmail PUT /emails/{id} Update the email
EventsApi findDeviceEvents GET /devices/{id}/events Retrieve device's events
EventsApi findEventById GET /events/{id} Retrieve an event
EventsApi findEvents GET /events Retrieve current user's events
EventsApi findInterconnectionEvents GET /connections/{connection_id}/events Retrieve interconnection events
EventsApi findInterconnectionPortEvents GET /connections/{connection_id}/ports/{id}/events Retrieve interconnection port events
EventsApi findOrganizationEvents GET /organizations/{id}/events Retrieve organization's events
EventsApi findProjectEvents GET /projects/{id}/events Retrieve project's events
EventsApi findVirtualCircuitEvents GET /virtual-circuits/{id}/events Retrieve virtual circuit events
EventsApi findVrfRouteEvents GET /routes/{id}/events Retrieve VRF route events
FacilitiesApi findFacilities GET /facilities Retrieve all facilities
FacilitiesApi findFacilitiesByOrganization GET /organizations/{id}/facilities Retrieve all facilities visible by the organization
FacilitiesApi findFacilitiesByProject GET /projects/{id}/facilities Retrieve all facilities visible by the project
FirmwareSetsApi getOrganizationFirmwareSets GET /organizations/{id}/firmware-sets Get Organization's Firmware Sets
FirmwareSetsApi getProjectFirmwareSets GET /projects/{id}/firmware-sets Get Project's Firmware Sets
HardwareReservationsApi activateHardwareReservation POST /hardware-reservations/{id}/activate Activate a spare hardware reservation
HardwareReservationsApi findHardwareReservationById GET /hardware-reservations/{id} Retrieve a hardware reservation
HardwareReservationsApi findProjectHardwareReservations GET /projects/{id}/hardware-reservations Retrieve all hardware reservations for a given project
HardwareReservationsApi moveHardwareReservation POST /hardware-reservations/{id}/move Move a hardware reservation
IncidentsApi findIncidents GET /incidents Retrieve the number of incidents
InterconnectionsApi createInterconnectionPortVirtualCircuit POST /connections/{connection_id}/ports/{port_id}/virtual-circuits Create a new Virtual Circuit
InterconnectionsApi createOrganizationInterconnection POST /organizations/{organization_id}/connections Request a new interconnection for the organization
InterconnectionsApi createProjectInterconnection POST /projects/{project_id}/connections Request a new interconnection for the project's organization
InterconnectionsApi deleteInterconnection DELETE /connections/{connection_id} Delete interconnection
InterconnectionsApi deleteVirtualCircuit DELETE /virtual-circuits/{id} Delete a virtual circuit
InterconnectionsApi getInterconnection GET /connections/{connection_id} Get interconnection
InterconnectionsApi getInterconnectionPort GET /connections/{connection_id}/ports/{id} Get a interconnection port
InterconnectionsApi getVirtualCircuit GET /virtual-circuits/{id} Get a virtual circuit
InterconnectionsApi listInterconnectionPortVirtualCircuits GET /connections/{connection_id}/ports/{port_id}/virtual-circuits List a interconnection port's virtual circuits
InterconnectionsApi listInterconnectionPorts GET /connections/{connection_id}/ports List a interconnection's ports
InterconnectionsApi listInterconnectionVirtualCircuits GET /connections/{connection_id}/virtual-circuits List a interconnection's virtual circuits
InterconnectionsApi organizationListInterconnections GET /organizations/{organization_id}/connections List organization connections
InterconnectionsApi projectListInterconnections GET /projects/{project_id}/connections List project connections
InterconnectionsApi updateInterconnection PUT /connections/{connection_id} Update interconnection
InterconnectionsApi updateVirtualCircuit PUT /virtual-circuits/{id} Update a virtual circuit
InvitationsApi acceptInvitation PUT /invitations/{id} Accept an invitation
InvitationsApi declineInvitation DELETE /invitations/{id} Decline an invitation
InvitationsApi findInvitationById GET /invitations/{id} View an invitation
InvoicesApi findOrganizationInvoices GET /organizations/{id}/invoices Retrieve all invoices for an organization
InvoicesApi getInvoiceById GET /invoices/{id} Retrieve an invoice
IpAddressesApi deleteIPAddress DELETE /ips/{id} Unassign an ip address
IpAddressesApi findIPAddressById GET /ips/{id} Retrieve an ip address
IpAddressesApi findIPAddressCustomdata GET /ips/{id}/customdata Retrieve the custom metadata of an IP Reservation or IP Assignment
IpAddressesApi findIPAvailabilities GET /ips/{id}/available Retrieve all available subnets of a particular reservation
IpAddressesApi findIPReservations GET /projects/{id}/ips Retrieve all ip reservations
IpAddressesApi requestIPReservation POST /projects/{id}/ips Requesting IP reservations
IpAddressesApi updateIPAddress PATCH /ips/{id} Update an ip address
LicensesApi createLicense POST /projects/{id}/licenses Create a License
LicensesApi deleteLicense DELETE /licenses/{id} Delete the license
LicensesApi findLicenseById GET /licenses/{id} Retrieve a license
LicensesApi findProjectLicenses GET /projects/{id}/licenses Retrieve all licenses
LicensesApi updateLicense PUT /licenses/{id} Update the license
MembershipsApi deleteMembership DELETE /memberships/{id} Delete the membership
MembershipsApi findMembershipById GET /memberships/{id} Retrieve a membership
MembershipsApi updateMembership PUT /memberships/{id} Update the membership
MetalGatewaysApi createMetalGateway POST /projects/{project_id}/metal-gateways Create a metal gateway
MetalGatewaysApi createMetalGatewayElasticIp POST /metal-gateways/{id}/ips Create a Metal Gateway Elastic IP
MetalGatewaysApi deleteMetalGateway DELETE /metal-gateways/{id} Deletes the metal gateway
MetalGatewaysApi findMetalGatewayById GET /metal-gateways/{id} Returns the metal gateway
MetalGatewaysApi findMetalGatewaysByProject GET /projects/{project_id}/metal-gateways Returns all metal gateways for a project
MetalGatewaysApi getMetalGatewayElasticIps GET /metal-gateways/{id}/ips List Metal Gateway Elastic IPs
MetrosApi findMetros GET /locations/metros Retrieve all metros
MetrosApi getMetro GET /locations/metros/{id} Retrieve a specific Metro's details
OperatingSystemsApi findOperatingSystemVersion GET /operating-system-versions Retrieve all operating system versions
OperatingSystemsApi findOperatingSystems GET /operating-systems Retrieve all operating systems
OrganizationsApi createOrganization POST /organizations Create an organization
OrganizationsApi createOrganizationInvitation POST /organizations/{id}/invitations Create an invitation for an organization
OrganizationsApi createOrganizationProject POST /organizations/{id}/projects Create a project for the organization
OrganizationsApi createPaymentMethod POST /organizations/{id}/payment-methods Create a payment method for the given organization
OrganizationsApi deleteOrganization DELETE /organizations/{id} Delete the organization
OrganizationsApi findOperatingSystemsByOrganization GET /organizations/{id}/operating-systems Retrieve all operating systems visible by the organization
OrganizationsApi findOrganizationById GET /organizations/{id} Retrieve an organization's details
OrganizationsApi findOrganizationCustomdata GET /organizations/{id}/customdata Retrieve the custom metadata of an organization
OrganizationsApi findOrganizationInvitations GET /organizations/{id}/invitations Retrieve organization invitations
OrganizationsApi findOrganizationPaymentMethods GET /organizations/{id}/payment-methods Retrieve all payment methods of an organization
OrganizationsApi findOrganizationProjects GET /organizations/{id}/projects Retrieve all projects of an organization
OrganizationsApi findOrganizationTransfers GET /organizations/{id}/transfers Retrieve all project transfer requests from or to an organization
OrganizationsApi findOrganizations GET /organizations Retrieve all organizations
OrganizationsApi findPlansByOrganization GET /organizations/{id}/plans Retrieve all plans visible by the organization
OrganizationsApi updateOrganization PUT /organizations/{id} Update the organization
OtpsApi findEnsureOtp POST /user/otp/verify/{otp} Verify user by providing an OTP
OtpsApi findRecoveryCodes GET /user/otp/recovery-codes Retrieve my recovery codes
OtpsApi receiveCodes POST /user/otp/sms/receive Receive an OTP per sms
OtpsApi regenerateCodes POST /user/otp/recovery-codes Generate new recovery codes
PasswordResetTokensApi createPasswordResetToken POST /reset-password Create a password reset token
PasswordResetTokensApi resetPassword DELETE /reset-password Reset current user password
PaymentMethodsApi deletePaymentMethod DELETE /payment-methods/{id} Delete the payment method
PaymentMethodsApi findPaymentMethodById GET /payment-methods/{id} Retrieve a payment method
PaymentMethodsApi updatePaymentMethod PUT /payment-methods/{id} Update the payment method
PlansApi findPlans GET /plans Retrieve all plans
PlansApi findPlansByProject GET /projects/{id}/plans Retrieve all plans visible by the project
PortsApi assignNativeVlan POST /ports/{id}/native-vlan Assign a native VLAN
PortsApi assignPort POST /ports/{id}/assign Assign a port to virtual network
PortsApi bondPort POST /ports/{id}/bond Enabling bonding
PortsApi convertLayer2 POST /ports/{id}/convert/layer-2 Convert to Layer 2
PortsApi convertLayer3 POST /ports/{id}/convert/layer-3 Convert to Layer 3
PortsApi createPortVlanAssignmentBatch POST /ports/{id}/vlan-assignments/batches Create a new Port-VLAN Assignment management batch
PortsApi deleteNativeVlan DELETE /ports/{id}/native-vlan Remove native VLAN
PortsApi disbondPort POST /ports/{id}/disbond Disabling bonding
PortsApi findPortById GET /ports/{id} Retrieve a port
PortsApi findPortVlanAssignmentBatchByPortIdAndBatchId GET /ports/{id}/vlan-assignments/batches/{batch_id} Retrieve a VLAN Assignment Batch's details
PortsApi findPortVlanAssignmentBatches GET /ports/{id}/vlan-assignments/batches List the VLAN Assignment Batches for a port
PortsApi findPortVlanAssignmentByPortIdAndAssignmentId GET /ports/{id}/vlan-assignments/{assignment_id} Show a particular Port VLAN assignment's details
PortsApi findPortVlanAssignments GET /ports/{id}/vlan-assignments List Current VLAN assignments for a port
PortsApi unassignPort POST /ports/{id}/unassign Unassign a port
ProjectsApi createProject POST /projects Create a project
ProjectsApi createProjectInvitation POST /projects/{project_id}/invitations Create an invitation for a project
ProjectsApi createTransferRequest POST /projects/{id}/transfers Create a transfer request
ProjectsApi deleteProject DELETE /projects/{id} Delete the project
ProjectsApi findIPReservationCustomdata GET /projects/{project_id}/ips/{id}/customdata Retrieve the custom metadata of an IP Reservation
ProjectsApi findProjectById GET /projects/{id} Retrieve a project
ProjectsApi findProjectCustomdata GET /projects/{id}/customdata Retrieve the custom metadata of a project
ProjectsApi findProjectInvitations GET /projects/{project_id}/invitations Retrieve project invitations
ProjectsApi findProjectMemberships GET /projects/{project_id}/memberships Retrieve project memberships
ProjectsApi findProjects GET /projects Retrieve all projects
ProjectsApi updateProject PUT /projects/{id} Update the project
SelfServiceReservationsApi createSelfServiceReservation POST /projects/{project_id}/self-service/reservations Create a reservation
SelfServiceReservationsApi findSelfServiceReservation GET /projects/{project_id}/self-service/reservations/{id} Retrieve a reservation
SelfServiceReservationsApi findSelfServiceReservations GET /projects/{project_id}/self-service/reservations Retrieve all reservations
SpotMarketApi createSpotMarketRequest POST /projects/{id}/spot-market-requests Create a spot market request
SpotMarketApi deleteSpotMarketRequest DELETE /spot-market-requests/{id} Delete the spot market request
SpotMarketApi findMetroSpotMarketPrices GET /market/spot/prices/metros Get current spot market prices for metros
SpotMarketApi findSpotMarketPrices GET /market/spot/prices Get current spot market prices
SpotMarketApi findSpotMarketPricesHistory GET /market/spot/prices/history Get spot market prices for a given period of time
SpotMarketApi findSpotMarketRequestById GET /spot-market-requests/{id} Retrieve a spot market request
SpotMarketApi listSpotMarketRequests GET /projects/{id}/spot-market-requests List spot market requests
SshKeysApi createProjectSSHKey POST /projects/{id}/ssh-keys Create a ssh key for the given project
SshKeysApi createSSHKey POST /ssh-keys Create a ssh key for the current user
SshKeysApi deleteSSHKey DELETE /ssh-keys/{id} Delete the ssh key
SshKeysApi findDeviceSSHKeys GET /devices/{id}/ssh-keys Retrieve a device's ssh keys
SshKeysApi findProjectSSHKeys GET /projects/{id}/ssh-keys Retrieve a project's ssh keys
SshKeysApi findSSHKeyById GET /ssh-keys/{id} Retrieve a ssh key
SshKeysApi findSSHKeys GET /ssh-keys Retrieve all ssh keys
SshKeysApi updateSSHKey PUT /ssh-keys/{id} Update the ssh key
SupportRequestApi requestSuppert POST /support-requests Create a support ticket
TransferRequestsApi acceptTransferRequest PUT /transfers/{id} Accept a transfer request
TransferRequestsApi declineTransferRequest DELETE /transfers/{id} Decline a transfer request
TransferRequestsApi findTransferRequestById GET /transfers/{id} View a transfer request
TwoFactorAuthApi disableTfaApp DELETE /user/otp/app Disable two factor authentication
TwoFactorAuthApi disableTfaSms DELETE /user/otp/sms Disable two factor authentication
TwoFactorAuthApi enableTfaApp POST /user/otp/app Enable two factor auth using app
TwoFactorAuthApi enableTfaSms POST /user/otp/sms Enable two factor auth using sms
UsagesApi findDeviceUsages GET /devices/{id}/usages Retrieve all usages for device
UsagesApi findProjectUsage GET /projects/{id}/usages Retrieve all usages for project
UserVerificationTokensApi consumeVerificationRequest PUT /verify-email Verify a user using an email verification token
UserVerificationTokensApi createValidationRequest POST /verify-email Create an email verification request
UserdataApi validateUserdata POST /userdata/validate Validate user data
UsersApi createUser POST /users Create a user
UsersApi findCurrentUser GET /user Retrieve the current user
UsersApi findInvitations GET /invitations Retrieve current user invitations
UsersApi findUserById GET /users/{id} Retrieve a user
UsersApi findUserCustomdata GET /users/{id}/customdata Retrieve the custom metadata of a user
UsersApi findUsers GET /users Retrieve all users
UsersApi updateCurrentUser PUT /user Update the current user
VlansApi createVirtualNetwork POST /projects/{id}/virtual-networks Create a virtual network
VlansApi deleteVirtualNetwork DELETE /virtual-networks/{id} Delete a virtual network
VlansApi findVirtualNetworks GET /projects/{id}/virtual-networks Retrieve all virtual networks
VlansApi getVirtualNetwork GET /virtual-networks/{id} Get a virtual network
VrfsApi bgpDynamicNeighborsIdGet GET /bgp-dynamic-neighbors/{id} Retrieve a BGP Dynamic Neighbor
VrfsApi createBgpDynamicNeighbor POST /metal-gateways/{id}/bgp-dynamic-neighbors Create a VRF BGP Dynamic Neighbor range
VrfsApi createVrf POST /projects/{id}/vrfs Create a new VRF in the specified project
VrfsApi createVrfRoute POST /vrfs/{id}/routes Create a VRF route
VrfsApi deleteBgpDynamicNeighborById DELETE /bgp-dynamic-neighbors/{id} Delete a VRF BGP Dynamic Neighbor
VrfsApi deleteVrf DELETE /vrfs/{id} Delete the VRF
VrfsApi deleteVrfRouteById DELETE /routes/{id} Delete a VRF Route
VrfsApi findVrfById GET /vrfs/{id} Retrieve a VRF
VrfsApi findVrfIpReservation GET /vrfs/{vrf_id}/ips/{id} Retrieve all VRF IP Reservations in the VRF
VrfsApi findVrfIpReservations GET /vrfs/{id}/ips Retrieve all VRF IP Reservations in the VRF
VrfsApi findVrfRouteById GET /routes/{id} Retrieve a VRF Route
VrfsApi findVrfs GET /projects/{id}/vrfs Retrieve all VRFs in the project
VrfsApi getBgpDynamicNeighbors GET /metal-gateways/{id}/bgp-dynamic-neighbors List BGP Dynamic Neighbors
VrfsApi getVrfRoutes GET /vrfs/{id}/routes Retrieve all routes in the VRF
VrfsApi updateVrf PUT /vrfs/{id} Update the VRF
VrfsApi updateVrfRouteById PUT /routes/{id} Update a VRF Route

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-Auth-Token
  • Location: HTTP header


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
