- 👨🏫 Build a Modern Computer from First Principles (N Nisan, S Schocken) "Nand2Tetris"
- 📖 Computer Organization and Design (DA Patterson, JL Hennessy 2013)
- 📖 The Elements of Computing Systems (N Nisan, S Schocken 2005) "Nand2Tetris"
- 📃 I/O Is Faster Than the CPU (P Enberg, A Rao, S Tarkoma 2019)
- 🔗 ARM Application Binary Interface Specifications
- 📄 Procedure Call Standard for the ARM 64-bit Architecture
- 📄 System V Application Binary Interface (AMD64 Architecture Processor Supplement) (M Matz, J Hubicka, A Jaeger, M Mitchell 2013)