- 🎥 Compilers (A Aiken 2014)
- 📖 Compiler Construction (N Wirth 2005)
- 📖 Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (AV Aho, MS Lam, R Sethi, JD Ullman 2006)
- 📖 Engineering a Compiler (K Cooper, L Torczon 2011)
- 📖 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (H Abelson, GJ Sussman 1984) The Wizard Book
- 📄 A New C Compiler (K Thompson 1990)
- 📄 Linear Scan Register Allocation (M Poletto, V Sarkar 1999)
- 📄 Crafting interpreters (Robert Nystrom)
- 📖 Writing A Compiler In Go (T Ball 2018)
- 📖 Writing An Interpreter In Go (T Ball 2016)
- 📖 Language Implementation Patterns (T Parr 2014)
- 💬 Parsing Expressions by Precedence Climbing (E Bendersky 2012)
- 🛠 Let's Build a Regex Engine (A Grebenyuk 2019)
- 📄 Regular Expression Matching Can Be Simple And Fast (R Cox 2007)