We welcome new repositories from ESS-DIVE users that are creating software, documents, or tools related to the ESS-DIVE repository. Prior to creating a new repository, please email ESS-DIVE support to express your interest in contributing to the community space.
When you are ready to start a new repository on the ESS-DIVE Community Space click the green "New" button on the Community Space homepage.
On the next screen, you will be prompted to create a name for your repository. We encourage you to pick a repository name that is short and uses dashes between words. For example, the name of this repository is community-repo-guide.
Scrolling down the page, you can enter a description for your repository and then choose whether your repository is public or private. In the interest of creating open and freely available community resources, we ask that all repositories are publicly available.
Your last step before creating your repository is to create a README file. By checking this option, a README.md file will automatically appear in your new repository.
README files give the reader important context for your GitHub repository. For more information on the type of content you can provide in your README file, we have compiled a template README.md file which you can view here.