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Hydrologic Monitoring Reporting Format Term Guide

Required Fields

DateTime | Latitude | Longitude | InstallationMethod_ID | InstallationMethod_Description

Optional Fields

DataFlag | Notes | Depth | Depth_Reference | Elevation | Elevation_Reference | Site_ID | Site_Name |Water_Name | Site_Type | Configuration | DateTime_Start | DateTime_End | UTC_Offset

Required Fields


Metadata_Element DateTime
Required recommended or optional Required
File Data File
Description Date and time of measurement formatted as YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-ss completed to the known precision.
Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Format required or recommended Required
Additional Instructions Time zone must not change in the middle of the file (i.e., no switch to daylight savings). Time must be in 24-hour format. UTC offset must be reported in a header row in each data file. Date and time can be in separate columns if preferred. DateTime_Start column and a DateTime_End column can be used rather than a single DateTime column if applicable. If time is not relevant to the research, Date alone can be specified. If the measurement is taken over a period of time or is an average of multiple values, the data dictionary should indicate what time has been provided (i.e., "the time stamp indicates the start of the 5 minute averaging period").
Examples 2020-03-25 13:25


Metadata_Element Latitude
Required recommended or optional Conditional. See additional instructions.
File Data File or Installation Methods
Description Geographic location (latitude)
Format Decimal degrees WGS84
Format required or recommended Required
Additional Instructions North/South should be indicated with positive and negative values rather than letters. If the latitude and longitude of the sensors have not been published in a publicly available dataset previously, the latitude and longitude must be reported in either the data file(s) or the installation methods file. If the latitude and longitude of the sensors have been published in a publicly available dataset previously and associated with a site ID unique to the coordinates, the site ID must be reported in either the data file(s) or the installation methods file instead of the coordinates. To reduce potential error across the datasets, this RF recommends you do not also include the previously published coordinates. You must put the reference to the previously published dataset in the FLMD and include the name of the published data column that corresponds directly to Site_ID if not named identically. You may also choose to include the information for the previously published dataset in the data dictionary definition of “Site_ID” and during upload in the ESS-DIVE dataset-level metadata “related references” field. Please note that if you plan to include sensor coordinates that differ from the previously published coordinates associated with the site ID, you should follow the guidance for coordinates not previously published.
Examples 43.319487


Metadata_Element Longitude
Required recommended or optional Conditional. See additional instructions.
File Data File or Installation Methods
Description Geographic location (longitude)
Format Decimal degrees WGS84
Format required or recommended Required
Additional Instructions East/West should be indicated with positive and negative values rather than letters. If the latitude and longitude of the sensors have not been published in a publicly available dataset previously, the latitude and longitude must be reported in either the data file(s) or the installation methods file. If the latitude and longitude of the sensors have been published in a publicly available dataset previously and associated with a site ID unique to the coordinates, the site ID must be reported in either the data file(s) or the installation methods file instead of the coordinates. To reduce potential error across the datasets, this RF recommends you do not also include the previously published coordinates. You must put the reference to the previously published dataset in the FLMD and include the name of the published data column that corresponds directly to Site_ID if not named identically. You may also choose to include the information for the previously published dataset in the data dictionary definition of “Site_ID” and during upload in the ESS-DIVE dataset-level metadata “related references” field. Please note that if you plan to include sensor coordinates that differ from the previously published coordinates associated with the site ID, you should follow the guidance for coordinates not previously published.
Examples -119.259388


Metadata_Element Site_ID
Required recommended or optional Conditional
File Data File or Installation Methods
Description ID of site
Format Alphanumeric
Format required or recommended Recommended
Additional Instructions If the latitude and longitude of the sensors have not been published in a publicly available dataset previously, the latitude and longitude must be reported in either the data file(s) or the installation methods file. If the latitude and longitude of the sensors have been published in a publicly available dataset previously and associated with a site ID unique to the coordinates, the site ID must be reported in either the data file(s) or the installation methods file instead of the coordinates. To reduce potential error across the datasets, this RF recommends you do not also include the previously published coordinates. You must put the reference to the previously published dataset in the FLMD and include the name of the published data column that corresponds directly to Site_ID if not named identically. You may also choose to include the information for the previously published dataset in the data dictionary definition of “Site_ID” and during upload in the ESS-DIVE dataset-level metadata “related references” field. Please note that if you plan to include sensor coordinates that differ from the previously published coordinates associated with the site ID, you should follow the guidance for coordinates not previously published.
Examples SWS-1


Metadata_Element InstallationMethod_ID
Required recommended or optional Required
File Installation Methods
Description Unique user-determined ID for a method described in InstallationMethod_Description. Corresponds to Data File header row section "InstallationMethod_ID"
Format Alphanumeric
Format required or recommended Recommended
Additional Instructions May be listed as a column in data file(s) also.
Examples DO_012


Metadata_Element InstallationMethod_Description
Required recommended or optional Required
File Installation Methods
Description Free text field that provides a brief description of the approach to sensor installation or deployment. May contain a description of installation/deployment structure or environment.
Format Text
Format required or recommended Required
Examples Sensor deployed to fixed location from top of well casing to 10 m depth. Top of well screen is at 30 m depth from top of casing and extends down 3 m.

Optional Fields


Metadata_Element DataFlag
Required recommended or optional Recommended
File Data File
Description Indicator of flagged data
Format Alphanumeric code (defined by user in data dictionary file or a separate file).
Format required or recommended Recommended
Additional Instructions Flags to indicate additional information about the measurement. Must be defined in the data dictionary or a separate file. The definition may indicate that flagged values should not be used or why to use them with particular information in mind. If values are missing, it is strongly suggested that a data flag explain why they are missing (e.g., value was below reported range of the sensor; sensor component had expired; sensor was out of the water for maintenance). Flags can be defined in such a way that they refer to one variable or more than one. A single data flag column can be used, or columns for each parameter can be used but must have characters appended to the column header to differentiate the columns.
Examples DataFlag_01


Metadata_Element Notes
Required recommended or optional Recommended
File Data File
Description Any notes the user would like to include.
Format Text
Format required or recommended Recommended
Additional Instructions Can include field conditions (cloud cover, weather), sensor information, field activities, etc. If the installation method deviates from the ID written in the InstallationMethod_ID header row section, the new InstallationMethod_ID pertaining to the deviation can be put in this column if the information is not captured elsewhere.
Examples Collected samples for lab analyses


Metadata_Element Depth
Required recommended or optional Optional
File Installation Methods
Description Depth at which the sensor is deployed
Format Numeric
Format required or recommended Required
Examples 10.5


Metadata_Element Depth_Reference
Required recommended or optional Optional
File Installation Methods
Description Reference for depth value
Format Text
Format required or recommended Recommended
Examples meters below ground surface


Metadata_Element Elevation
Required recommended or optional Optional
File Installation Methods
Description Elevation at which the sensor is deployed
Format Numeric
Format required or recommended Required
Examples 104.5


Metadata_Element Elevation_Reference
Required recommended or optional Optional
File Installation Methods
Description Reference datum for elevation value
Format Text
Format required or recommended Recommended
Examples meters above mean sea level (NAVD88)


Metadata_Element Site_Name
Required recommended or optional Optional
File Installation Methods
Description Full name of site
Format Text
Format required or recommended Recommended
Examples Hanford 300 Area


Metadata_Element Water_Name
Required recommended or optional Recommended
File Installation Methods
Description Full name of water body
Format Text
Format required or recommended Recommended
Examples Columbia River


Metadata_Element Site_Type
Required recommended or optional Recommended
File Installation Methods
Description Water body type or local environmental context in which sensor was deployed/installed (controlled vocabulary)
Format ENVO term and code pasted from website (
Format required or recommended Required
Additional Instructions One or two word description of the water body in which the sensor was deployed. Required to use ENVO ontology ( and choose the most specific term possible. Common ENVO terms include fresh water river [ENVO:01000297]; lake [ENVO:00000020]; water well [ENVO:01000002]; groundwater [ENVO:01001004]; freshwater wetland ecosystem [ENVO:00000243]; and coastal wetland ecosystem [ENVO:00000230]. More than one term may be applicable. Pick the best fit for the system.
Examples fresh water river [ENVO:01000297]


Metadata_Element Configuration
Required recommended or optional Recommended
File Installation Methods
Description Description of the sensor deployment/installation configuration.
Format Term pasted from controlled vocabulary found in the additional instructions field
Format required or recommended Required
Additional Instructions Choose from the following controlled vocabulary: Well; Piezometer; Open water column; Buried in sediment or soil; Surface of sediment or soil; Engineered flow-through structure.
Examples Well


Metadata_Element DateTime_Start
Required recommended or optional Optional
File Installation Methods
Description Date and time use of installation method ID information began
Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Format required or recommended Required
Examples 2020-03-25 13:25


Metadata_Element DateTime_End
Required recommended or optional Optional
File Installation Methods
Description Date and time use of installation method ID information ended
Format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
Format required or recommended Required
Examples 2020-03-25 15:45


Metadata_Element UTC_Offset
Required recommended or optional Conditional
File Installation Methods
Description UTC offset of DateTime_Start and DateTime_End.
Format +/-hh:mm
Format required or recommended Required
Additional Instructions Required field if DateTime_Start or DateTime_End fields are listed.
Examples -02:00