- Important speed-up for detection of country names using regular expressions (Thanks to Etienne Bacher).
gets thenomatch
returns NA when the code does not support a given country. (Issue #336)- Improved regex for Italy
function to download custom dictionaries (cross-walks):- US States, Swiss Cantons, Global Burden of Disease, ExioBase, GTAP.
- New codes: Polity V "p5c", "p5n"
- New code "unhcr_region". Thanks to @galalH for code contribution #329
- Many regex improvements
- Several minor bug fixes
- Detect French country names using regular expressions:
origin = "country.name.fr"
(Thanks to Samuel Meichtry) - Detect Italian country names using regular expressions:
origin = "country.name.it"
(Thanks to Samuel Meichtry)
- New code: unhcr
- destination argument accepts a vector of strings and tries one after the other
- countryname(warn=TRUE) by default
- better class checks
- countryname defaults to
for missing country names (nomatch=NULL) - Vietnam: better regex and support for vdem
- Namibia fixes: eurostat, genc2c, wb_api2c, ecb
- Various regex improvements
- Congo French disambiguation
- New 'countryname' function converts country names from any language (thanks to @davidsjoberg)
- New
function guesses which code a vector uses - Bug in dict build inserted NA in region variable (Thanks to M. Pascariu)
- Added region23 with the old, more granular regions
- Added unicode.symbol, which converts to emoji flags
- Added ISO 4217 currency name, alpha, and numeric codes
- Added UN region codes and names
- Added IANA ccTLD codes
- Improved various regexes
- Added Demographic and Health Surveys (thanks to @mcooper)
- Updated World Bank regions with manual additions
- Bug: Typo prevented users for using "p4n" as origin code
- Fixed bad icao.region codes (Thanks to @espinielli)
- Added country name "United Arab Republic" and its regex (Thanks to Gina Reynolds)
- Added SOM to wb code (Thanks to Fabian Besche)
- Added Vietnam to codelist_panel
- Gleditsch and Ward codes (Thanks to Altaf Ali)
- V-Dem 8 country codes (panel and cross-section)
- Fixed Netherlands Antilles test (ANT code retired by ISO)
- codelist_panel now excludes years where a country didn't exist
- Scraping function for UN M49 codes. (Thanks to @cjyetman and @emilBeBri)
nomatch = NULL
now works as expected when sourcvar is a factor (#192 thanks to @jhuovari for reporting)
- Huge thanks to @cjyetman for his incredible work on this major release!
- Country-Year (panel) conversion dictionary
- Dictionary built from original sources
- Liechtenstein should not be in eu28
- Russia eurocontrol region fix
- CLRD country names
- Move to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 http://semver.org/#semantic-versioning-specification-semver
- Fixed North Korea regex and added tests
- Fixed Sudan iso3n code
- Removed lookbehind from Ireland regex for javascript compatibility (request by plotly)
- Added nomatch argument
New features
- "custom_dict" argument allows user-supplied dictionary data.frames
- "custom_match" argument allows a user-supplied named vector of custom origin->destination matches that will supercede any matching values in the default result (issue #107) (Thanks to @cjyetman)
- German, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic country names as destination codes
- German regular expression to convert from German names to codes. (Thanks to @sumtxt)
- Aviation codes (Thanks to Enrico Spinielli)
- ar5 and eu28 (Thanks to Niklas Roming)
- eurostat (Thanks to @cjyetman)
- 2 and 3 character codes for the World Bank API: wb_api2c and wb_api3c (Thanks to @cjyetman)
- alpha and numeric codes for Polity IV: p4_scode and p4_ccode (Thanks to @cjyetman)
- World Values Survey numeric code (Thanks to @cjyetman)
Regex fixes and improvements:
- Improved regex for Ireland and United States of America (Thanks to @cjyetman)
- D.R. Congo (found in WVS) matches Democratic Republic of the Congo (Thanks to @cjyetman)
- Southern Africa
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Republic of China == Taiwan (Thanks to Nils Enevoldsen)
- Martinique (Thanks to Martyn Plummer)
- Tahiti country name string converts to French Polynesia
- Major speed-up in regex conversion by using factors (Thanks to @cjyetman)
- when more than one match is found for a given string, is returned rather than arbitrarily choosing the last match found (Thanks to @cjyetman)
- updated tests to new testthat convention (Thanks to @cjyetman)
- English country names are now official UN versions
- Better docs, examples, and README
- Taiwan FAO code is 214 (Thanks to Matthieu Stigler)
- Nils Enevoldsen did wonderful work refactoring most of the regex in the dictionary.
- Nils also added a bunch of tests. Thanks!
- Added Tokelau
- Added International Olympic Committee codes (Thanks to Devon Meunier)
- Bug: fips04 -> fips104 (Thanks to Florian Hollenbach)
- Complete FIPS104 codes (Thanks to Andy Halterman)
- Generic code name validity check (Thanks to Stefan Zeugner)
- Fixed IMF codes (Thanks to Stefan Zeugner)
- Regex fix to work better with Database of Political Insitutions (Thanks to Christopher Gandrud)
- Avoids confusion with Eq Guinea (Thanks to Christopher Gandrud)
- Bug: NA cowc -> ABW (Thanks to Jon Mellon)
- Regex fixes
- Guinea
- West Bank
- Kitts / Christopher
- Georgia / India
- Mali
- Sudan nigeria
- Belgium
- Korea Somalia
- Oman
- sint maarten typo
- add sint maartin & curacao (thanks johnb30)
- Missing wb codes filled-in using iso3c
- Added South Sudan
- Thanks to Rod Alence!
- Vietnam cown
- Regexes:
- Dominica / Dominican Republic
- New Zealand / Aland
- De-duplicate Sudan
- Niger vs. Nigeria regex
- Fixed regexes: Mali, Korea, Oman, Dominica
- Added World Bank (wb) country codes. Very similar, but slightly different from iso3c.
- Removed useless functions countrycode.nomatch and countryframe
- Fixed 2 Congo-related problems
- Added option for countrycode() to report codes for which no match was found
- Moved documentation to roxygen2
- Fixed Trinidad Tobago regex
- Added UN and FAO country codes