Variadic function.
* @name mylog
* @note collects log entries into the output buffer with timestamp and loglevel info
* @param loglevel_t level: loglevel - enum type: 0 - INFO, 1 - DEBUG
* 2 - WARNING, 3 - ERROR
* @param char** output: the address of the message pool where
* chunks are collected before send to output
* @param const char* fm: format - printf like format string
* @retval None
void mylog(loglevel_t loglevel, char **dst, const char *format, ...);
loglevel_t loglevel - INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR
typedef enum { INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR } loglevel_t;
char** output - pointer to the address of ouput pool
char* fmt - printf like format string
... argument list reference
The mylog allocates and reallocates output buffer - referenced by char** output - as new formatted strings added to the message pool.
* @name mylog_printf
* @note sends output pool contents to the output stream
* @param FILE* stream: the output stream - stdout, stderr or any FILE* pointer
* @param char* outstr: the output pool with collected chunks of strings
* @retval None
void mylog_printf(FILE *stream, char *outstr);
FILE* stream - output stream
char* outstr - the pool of accumulated output strings
mylog_printf puts the accumulated output messages pool contents to the FILE* referenced output stream, then frees up the allocated memory of the output pool.
Every time when user calls at least once the mylog function, then the user MUST call the mylog_printf - or at least free(outstr) before leave the code block, otherwise memory exhaustion may occure!
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