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Submitting using GitHub Website

Corrado Gioannini edited this page Nov 13, 2023 · 7 revisions

New forecast data has to be submitted using pull requests from a forked version of this repository. This will trigger all the validation checks to ensure a successful acquisition of the forecasts.

  1. Only for the first submission. Go to the repository flu-forecast-hub on GitHub and click on Fork button to create your personal copy of the repository

  2. Sync your repository clicking the Sync fork button (in the root page of the repository).

  3. a. Only for the first submission. Navigate to the model-output folder (where all the forecasts are stored), click on the AddFile / Upload files button in the upper-right corner and drag and drop your submission folder (or chose it using the file browser); the folder must be named in the format team-model (where team and model correspond to the team_abbr and model_abbr fields of the metadata file).

    b. Subsequent submissions. Navigate to your team-model submission folder under model-output and click on the AddFile / Upload files button in the upper-right corner; then drag and drop your forecast files (or chose it using the file browser).

  4. Give the commit a meaningful name, select "Commit directly to the main branch" option and click Commit changes to commit changes to your local fork.

    Since your changes are uploaded to the local fork, you need to open a Pull Request.

  5. Move to your fork main folder and click on Contribute / Open pull request button.

  6. Make sure that the base repository is the main repository and the head repository is your fork.

  7. Enter as title of the PR your team name, model name and submission date, and then click on Create pull request button.

  8. Wait for validation and merge.

For subsequent submissions repeat from point 2