Either build this project yourself, and include the .jar
in your buildscript dependencies,
or use our Maven repo. The plugin is applied using apply plugin: 'aspectj'
The version of AspectJ to use can be defined using either ext.aspectjVersion
or the aspectj
extension's version
If the AspectJ version is not set, version 1.8.12
is used as the default.
Something like this:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://maven.eveoh.nl/content/repositories/releases"
dependencies {
classpath "nl.eveoh:gradle-aspectj:2.0"
repositories {
apply plugin: 'aspectj'
// Optionally
project.ext {
aspectjVersion = '1.8.12'
// Or
aspectj {
version = '1.8.12'
Note that version 2.0+ is only compatible with Gradle 4+. Use version 1.6 for earlier Gradle versions.
Use the aspectpath
, ajInpath
, testAspectpath
and testAjInpath
to specify external aspects or external code to weave:
dependencies {
aspectpath "org.springframework:spring-aspects:${springVersion}"
By default, xlint: ignore
is used. Specify a different value for the xlint
variable of the compileAspect
task to show AspectJ warnings:
compileAspect {
xlint = 'warning'
It is possible to specify a different value for the maxmem
variable of the compileAspect
task to increase or decrease the max heap size:
compileAspect {
maxmem = '1024m'
To specify additional ajc arguments, you can use additionalAjcArgs
. If xlint
or maxmem
are also specified in additionalAjcArgs
, the values in additionalAjcArgs
will take precedence. For example, to preserve debug symbols,
compileAspect {
additionalAjcArgs = ['debug' : '', 'X' : 'noInline', 'preserveAllLocals' : '']
See https://github.com/eveoh/aspectj-example for an example project, contributed by Jason Zwolak.
We do not use this code any longer and this repository has been archived. Feel free to fork to make your own changes.
The project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Most/all of the code
originated from the Spring Security project and was created by Luke Taylor and
Rob Winch. See LICENSE
for details.