based on Ever-Gauzy
Ever Gauzy - Open Business Management Platform for Collaborative, On-Demand and Sharing Economies.
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software.
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software.
- Human Resource Management (HRM) software with employee Time and Activity Tracking functionality.
- Work and Project Management software.
helm repo add ever-co
helm install ever-co/ever-gauzy
This chart bootstraps a Ever-Gauzy deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
To install the chart with the release name my-release
$ # Helm 2
helm install --name my-release ever-co/ever-gauzy
$ # Helm 3
helm install my-release ever-co/ever-gauzy
The command deploys ever-gauzy on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The configuration section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.
Tip: List all releases using
helm list
To uninstall/delete the my-release
$ # Helm 2
helm delete --purge my-release
$ # Helm 3
helm uninstall my-release
The command removes nearly all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.env.production |
Set the environment to production (true) or development (false) | false |
global.baseUrls.api |
The base URL for the API | "" |
global.baseUrls.client |
The base URL for the client | "" |
webapp.replicaCount |
Number of ever-gauzy webapp replicas | 1 |
webapp.image.repository |
Repository for webapp image | |
webapp.image.pullPolicy |
Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
webapp.image.tag |
Image tag | "latest" |
webapp.imagePullSecrets |
List of Docker registry secret names | [] |
webapp.nameOverride |
Override name for the chart | "" |
webapp.fullnameOverride |
Override full name for the chart | "" |
webapp.envs |
List of environment variables | [] |
webapp.serviceAccount.create |
Create a service account | true |
webapp.serviceAccount.automount |
Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials | true |
webapp.serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to the service account | {} | |
Name of the service account | "" |
webapp.cloudinary.apiKey |
Cloudinary API key | "" |
webapp.cloudinary.cloudName |
Cloudinary cloud name | "" |
webapp.googleMap.apiKey |
Google Maps API key | "" |
webapp.googleMap.autoComplete |
Enable or disable auto-complete feature | true |
webapp.googleMap.defaultLatitude |
Default latitude for map center | "42.6459136" |
webapp.googleMap.defaultLongitude |
Default longitude for map center | "23.3332736" |
webapp.googleMap.defaultCurrency |
Default currency for location | "USD" |
webapp.gitHub.clientId |
GitHub client ID | "" |
webapp.gitHub.appName |
Name of GitHub app | "" |
webapp.gitHub.redirectUrl |
Redirect URL for GitHub authentication | "" |
webapp.gitHub.postInstallUrl |
URL to redirect to after GitHub app installation | "" |
webapp.gitHub.appId |
GitHub app ID | "" |
webapp.jitsu.browserUrl |
Jitsu browser URL | "" |
webapp.jitsu.browserWriteKey |
Jitsu browser write key | "" |
webapp.podAnnotations |
Annotations to add to pods | {} |
webapp.podLabels |
Labels to add to pods | {} |
webapp.podSecurityContext |
Security context for pods | {} |
webapp.securityContext |
Security context for containers | {} |
webapp.service.type |
Service type | ClusterIP |
webapp.service.port |
Service port | 80 |
webapp.service.targetPort |
Target port for the service | 4200 |
webapp.ingress.enabled |
Enable Ingress | false |
webapp.ingress.className |
Ingress class name | "" |
webapp.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for Ingress | {} |
webapp.ingress.hosts |
List of Ingress hosts | [{"host": "chart-example.local", "paths": [{"path": "/", "pathType": "ImplementationSpecific"}]}] |
webapp.ingress.tls |
TLS configuration for Ingress | [] |
webapp.resources |
Resource requests and limits | {} |
webapp.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
webapp.tolerations |
Toleration labels for pod assignment | [] |
webapp.affinity |
Affinity settings for pod assignment | {} |
api.replicaCount |
Number of ever-gauzy API replicas | 1 |
api.image.repository |
Repository for API image | |
api.image.pullPolicy |
Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
api.image.tag |
Image tag | "latest" |
api.imagePullSecrets |
List of Docker registry secret names | [] |
api.nameOverride |
Override name for the chart | "" |
api.fullnameOverride |
Override full name for the chart | "" |
api.envs |
List of environment variables | [] |
api.serviceAccount.create |
Create a service account | true |
api.serviceAccount.automount |
Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials | true |
api.serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations to add to the service account | {} | |
Name of the service account | "" |
api.loglevel |
Log level for the API | "info" |
api.adminPasswordReset |
Enable or disable admin password reset feature | true |
api.allowSuperAdminRole |
Allow or disallow users with super admin role | true |
api.sentry.sentryDsn |
Sentry DSN (Data Source Name) | "" |
api.sentry.sentryHttpTracingEnabled |
Enable or disable Sentry HTTP tracing | false |
api.sentry.sentryPostgresTrackingEnabled |
Enable or disable Sentry Postgres tracking | false |
api.jwt.jwtSecret |
Secret key for JWT | "changeMe" |
api.jwt.jwtRefreshTokenSecret |
Refresh token secret for JWT | "changeMe" |
api.jwt.jwtRefreshTokenExpirationTime |
Expiration time for JWT refresh tokens in seconds | "86400" |
api.s3.awsAccessKeyId |
AWS Access Key ID for S3 | "" |
api.s3.awsSecretAccessKey |
AWS Secret Access Key for S3 | "" |
api.s3.awsRegion |
AWS region for S3 | "" |
api.s3.awsS3Bucket |
AWS S3 bucket name | "" |
api.wasabiS3.wasabiAccessKeyId |
Wasabi Access Key ID | "" |
api.wasabiS3.wasabiSecretAccessKey |
Wasabi Secret Access Key | "" |
api.wasabiS3.wasabiRegion |
Wasabi region | "" |
api.wasabiS3.wasabiServiceUrl |
Wasabi Service URL | "" |
api.wasabiS3.wasabiS3Bucket |
Wasabi S3 bucket name | "" |
api.mailConfig.mailFromAddress |
Email address used in the 'From' field | "" |
api.mailConfig.mailHost |
Mail server host | "" |
api.mailConfig.mailPort |
Mail server port | "" |
api.mailConfig.mailUserName |
Username for mail authentication | "" |
api.mailConfig.mailPassword |
Password for mail authentication | "" |
api.googleAuth.gClientId |
Google Client ID | "" |
api.googleAuth.gClientSecret |
Google Client Secret | "" |
api.googleAuth.gCallbackUrl |
Callback URL for Google authentication | "" |
api.facebookAuth.fbClientId |
Facebook Client ID | "" |
api.facebookAuth.fbClientSecret |
Facebook Client Secret | "" |
api.facebookAuth.fbGraphVersion |
Facebook Graph API version | "" |
api.facebookAuth.fbCallbackUrl |
Callback URL for Facebook authentication | "" |
api.gauzyAi.graphqlEndpoint |
GraphQL endpoint for Gauzy AI | "" |
api.gauzyAi.restEndpoint |
REST endpoint for Gauzy AI | "" |
api.unleash.unleashAppName |
Unleash application name | "" |
api.unleash.unleashApiUrl |
Unleash API URL | "" |
api.unleash.unleashInstanceId |
Unleash instance ID | "" |
api.unleash.unleashRefreshInterval |
Unleash refresh interval | "" |
api.unleash.unleashMatricsInterval |
Unleash metrics interval | "" |
api.unleash.unleashApiKey |
Unleash API key | "" |
api.pm2.pm2PublicKey |
PM2 public key | "" |
api.pm2.pm2SecretKey |
PM2 secret key | "" |
api.pm2.pm2MachineName |
PM2 machine name | "" |
api.jitsu.serverUrl |
Jitsu server URL | "" |
api.jitsu.serverWriteKey |
Jitsu server write key | "" |
api.gitHub.githubClientId |
GitHub Client ID | "" |
api.gitHub.githubClientSecret |
GitHub Client Secret | "" |
api.gitHub.githubWebhookUrl |
GitHub webhook URL | "" |
api.gitHub.githubWebhookSecret |
GitHub webhook secret | "" |
api.gitHub.githubAppPrivateKey |
GitHub App private key | "" |
api.gitHub.githubAppId |
GitHub App ID | "" |
api.gitHub.githubAppName |
GitHub App name | "" |
api.gitHub.githubCallbackUrl |
GitHub callback URL | "" |
api.gitHub.githubPostInstallUrl |
GitHub post-installation URL | "" |
api.podAnnotations |
Annotations to add to pods | {} |
api.podLabels |
Labels to add to pods | {} |
api.podSecurityContext |
Security context for pods | {} |
api.securityContext |
Security context for containers | {} |
api.service.type |
Service type | ClusterIP |
api.service.port |
Service port | 80 |
api.service.targetPort |
Target port for the service | 3000 |
api.ingress.enabled |
Enable Ingress | false |
api.ingress.className |
Ingress class name | "" |
api.ingress.annotations |
Annotations for Ingress | {} |
api.ingress.hosts |
List of Ingress hosts | [{"host": "chart-example.local", "paths": [{"path": "/", "pathType": "ImplementationSpecific"}]}] |
api.ingress.tls |
TLS configuration for Ingress | [] |
api.resources |
Resource requests and limits | {} |
api.nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
api.tolerations |
Toleration labels for pod assignment | [] |
api.affinity |
Affinity settings for pod assignment | {} | |
Global Docker image registry | "" | |
Global Docker registry secret names as an array | [] | |
Global StorageClass for Persistent Volume(s) | "" |
postgresql.auth.postgresPassword |
Password for the "postgres" admin user | "" |
postgresql.auth.username |
Name for a custom user to create | "" |
postgresql.auth.password |
Password for the custom user to create | "" |
postgresql.auth.database |
Name for a custom database to create | "" |
postgresql.auth.existingSecret |
Name of an existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials | "" |
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.adminPasswordKey |
Name of the key in an existing secret to use for the admin password | "" (Only used when postgresql.auth.existingSecret is set) |
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.userPasswordKey |
Name of the key in an existing secret to use for the user password | "" (Only used when postgresql.auth.existingSecret is set) |
postgresql.auth.secretKeys.replicationPasswordKey |
Name of the key in an existing secret to use for replication password | "" (Only used when postgresql.auth.existingSecret is set) |
postgresql.service.ports.postgresql |
PostgreSQL service port | "" |
Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value]
argument to helm install
. For example:
$ # Helm 2
helm install ever-co/ever-gauzy --name my-release \
--set global.env.production=true
$ # Helm 3
helm install my-release ever-co/ever-gauzy \
--set global.env.production=true
Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example:
$ # Helm 2
helm install ever-co/ever-gauzy --name my-release -f values.yaml
$ # Helm 3
helm install my-release ever-co/ever-gauzy -f values.yaml
Tip: You can use the default values.yaml and look on examples.