Status: Accepted
Name | ID |
DateTimeInput | 4e862a9df81183ab425bdf0fbd76bd0b558c7f44c24887b4354bf1c26c74a623 |
Allows to input date and time.
- returns date timestamp selected by user.
Note: function accepts date in unixtime (seconds from the midnight UTC-0 of 1st Jan 1970) which is int128 bits long, negative values are allowed. Date unixtime includes day, month, year and 0 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds.
answerId: uint32 - function id of result callback
prompt: bytes - utf-8 string to print to the user before input.
defaultDate: int128 - date by default.
minDate: int128 - minimum date that can be chosen.
maxDate: int128 - maximum date that can be chosen.
date: int128 - chosen date unixtime (UTC-0).
- returns the timestamp within a day selected by the user.
answerId: uint32 - function id of result callback
prompt: bytes - utf-8 string to print to the user before input.
defaultTime: uint32 - time by default.
minTime: uint32 - minimum time that can be chosen.
maxTime: uint32 - maximum time that can be chosen.
minuteInterval: uint8 - minimal allowed minuteInterval between neibour times in minutes. Valid values are {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30}.
time: uint32 - chosen timestamp.
- allow to select date and time.
answerId: uint32 - function id of result callback.
prompt: bytes - utf-8 string to print to the user before input.
defaultDatetime: int128 - unixtime, default date and time.
minDatetime: int128 - unixtime, minimum allowed date and time to choose.
maxDatetime: int128 - unixtime, maximum allowed date and time to choose.
minuteInterval: uint8 - minimal allowed minuteInterval between neibour times in minutes. Valid values are {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30}.
inTimeZoneOffset: int16 - time zone offset related to UTC-0 in minutes. There is a special value 0x7FFF which defines local user time zone.
datetime: int128 - unixtime of chozen date and time.
timeZoneOffset: int16 - time zone offset in minutes. Use this value for correct date and time representation for the user.
- returns user time zone offset in minutes.
answerId: uint32 - function id of result callback.
timeZoneOffset: int16 - user time zone offset in minutes.
interface IDateTimeInput {
function getDate(
uint32 answerId,
string prompt,
int128 defaultDate,
int128 minDate,
int128 maxDate
) external returns (int128 date);
function getTime(
uint32 answerId,
string prompt,
int128 defaultTime,
uint32 minTime,
uint32 maxTime,
uint8 minuteInterval
) external returns (uint32 time);
function getDateTime(
uint32 answerId,
string prompt,
int128 defaultDatetime,
int128 minDatetime,
int128 maxDatetime,
uint8 minuteInterval,
int16 inTimeZoneOffset
) external returns (int128 datetime, int16 timeZoneOffset);
function getTimeZoneOffset(uint32 answerId) external returns (int16 timeZoneOffset);
TODO: add later
TODO: add later