diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 95212c1..c4ff2c4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -6,30 +6,32 @@ The Exoscale `draw.io` icon libraries provide three sets of icons to visualize a
## Exoscale Symbol
The file `exo-sym_v2.xml` holds the library of the Exoscale Symbol icons for product and feature.
+![Exoscale Symbols](./docs/exo-sym_v2.png)
## Exoscale Component
The file `exo-com_v2.xml` holds the library of the Exoscale Component icons.
+![Exoscale Components](./docs/exo-com_v2.png)
## Exoscale External
The file `exo-ext_v2.xml` holds the library of the External generic icons.
+![Exoscale Externals](./docs/exo-ext_v2.png)
## Installation
To get started, download the archive of icons from [GitHub](https://github.com/exoscale/drawio-library/releases) and use the `Open Library...` command in the `File` menu in `draw.io`.
## Usage
If you have opened all three icon libraries, you can access all icons on the right-hand side of the UI; clicking on one of the icons will place it on your drawing canvas. The initial icon sizing is so structured that usage is proportionally aligned.
## Examples