Download Solus iso from https://getsol.us/download/. Choose Budgie version preferably.
Burn iso to a Solus Live USB stick using Rufus https://rufus.ie/ (Windows) or Gnome MultiWriter (Linux) or Balena Etcher (Mac).
Boot into the Solus Live USB stick and install Solus. Choose LVM if you need encryption.
Boot into the installed Solus and update the software.
Open Terminal and install git using command:
sudo eopkg install git
Recommended: set your git details:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "you@your-domain.com"
To enable colors in the output, which can be very helpful:
git config --global color.ui auto
Generate SSH keys: use instructions from here:
take care be sure to replace calls to apt-get (Ubuntu package manager) with eopkg (Solus package manager) -
Initialise repository:
cd ~; mkdir git; cd git;
Pull this repository locally:
git clone https://github.com/neurogamer/tools_of_the_trade
or this script:
wget https://gist.github.com/MrDrMcCoy/c23f1d215b8725ac3e1193686b7ebbfc
Run the setup script downloaded above:
Go to script's folder. Make the .sh or .bash script executable (right click > properties).
Open Terminal and run:
Any of these scripts will automatically set up Solus workstation.
sudo sed -i.bak -e '$a\' -e 'Defaults timestamp_timeout=-1' -e '/Defaults timestamp_timeout=.*/d' /etc/sudoers
sudo sed -i.bak -e '$a\' -e 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -e '/StrictHostKeyChecking=.*/d' /etc/ssh/ssh_config
sudo sed -i.bak -e '$a\' -e 'UserKnownHostsFile=\/dev\/null' -e '/UserKnownHostsFile=.*/d' /etc/ssh/ssh_config
sudo sed -i.bak -e '$a\' -e 'GlobalKnownHostsFile=\/dev\/null' -e '/GlobalKnownHostsFile=.*/d' /etc/ssh/ssh_config
sudo sed -i.bak -e '$a\' -e 'Compression=yes' -e '/Compression=.*/d' /etc/ssh/ssh_config
sudo eopkg remove -y gnome-mpv hexchat hythmbox thunderbird
sudo eopkg install -y audacity calibre cifs-utils cmus conky curl davfs2 dbeaver deadbeef docker evolution
sudo eopkg install -y feh fuse gimp htop inkscape iotop keepass lutris lxappearance lynx mc mpd mtr neofetch
sudo eopkg install -y pavucontrol powertop ranger remmina scribus shellcheck sshfs-fuse steam terminator
sudo eopkg install -y tlp umbrello unrar variety vim virt-manager virtualbox{,-current} vlc vscode wine zsh
sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety -y https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsolus/3rd-party/master/desktop/font/mscorefonts/pspec.xml
sudo eopkg it mscorefonts*.eopkg;sudo rm mscorefonts*.eopkg
sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsolus/3rd-party/master/network/util/teamviewer/pspec.xml
sudo eopkg it teamviewer*.eopkg;sudo rm teamviewer*.eopkg
sudo systemctl start teamviewerd.service
sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsolus/3rd-party/master/network/web/browser/google-chrome-stable/pspec.xml
sudo eopkg it google-chrome-*.eopkg;sudo rm google-chrome-*.eopkg
sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsolus/3rd-party/master/office/mendeleydesktop/pspec.xml
sudo eopkg it mendeleydesktop*.eopkg;sudo rm mendeleydesktop*.eopkg
sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsolus/3rd-party/master/programming/pycharm/pspec.xml
sudo eopkg it pycharm*.eopkg;sudo rm pycharm*.eopkg
sudo eopkg bi --ignore-safety https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getsolus/3rd-party/master/security/enpass/pspec.xml
sudo eopkg it enpass*.eopkg;sudo rm enpass*.eopkg
code-oss --install-extension Tyriar.sort-lines
code-oss --install-extension ms-python.python
code-oss --install-extension redhat.vscode-yaml
code-oss --install-extension shardulm94.trailing-spaces
code-oss --install-extension shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced
code-oss --install-extension timonwong.shellcheck
code-oss --install-extension wholroyd.jinja
code-oss --install-extension yzhang.markdown-all-in-one
for group in docker fuse davfs2 input libvirt vboxusers; do
sudo gpasswd -a $USER $group