- Go to your profile on instagram.com (# if not already)
- Click on
XXX following
for the popup with the users you're following to appear - Open Chrome Devtools and Paste the following into the Console and hit return:
(async function() {
const UNFOLLOW_LIMIT = 800;
const delay = (ms) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
const findButton = (txt) => [...document.querySelectorAll("button")].find(btn => btn.innerText === txt);
for (let i = 0; i < UNFOLLOW_LIMIT; i++) {
const $next = findButton("Following");
if (!$next) {
console.log(`No more users to unfollow, stopping at ${i} unfollows.`);
await delay(100);
let $confirm = findButton("Unfollow");
if ($confirm) {
await delay(100);
// Verify if the unfollow was successful
$confirm = findButton("Follow");
if ($confirm) {
console.log(`Unfollowed #${i + 1}`);
} else {
console.log(`Failed to unfollow #${i + 1}`);
i--; // Do not count this as a successful unfollow
} else {
console.log(`Failed to find the "Unfollow" confirmation button for #${i + 1}`);
i--; // Do not count this as a successful unfollow
await delay(20 * 1000); // Wait 20 seconds, Instagram allows about 200 unfollows per hour
console.log("The end");
better and improved code
reference - @berstend and @macedonga