- {{ 'dashboard.ez_version.release_not_determined'|trans|desc("The system could not find your composer.lock
file. It's needed to determine information about
- your eZ install, and recommended to be kept on project development to make sure same package versions are used across all environments.")}}
+ {{ 'dashboard.ez_version.release_not_determined'|trans
+ |desc("The system could not find your composer.lock
file. It's needed to determine information about
+ your eZ installation. It is recommended to keep it during project development to make sure the same package versions are
+ used across all environments.")
+ |raw }}
{% elseif ez.stability != 'stable' %}
{% set severity = 1 %}
@@ -60,8 +63,13 @@
{# In the future with retrival of info from updates.ez.no we can detect missing (public) security fixes and then let this become an error #}
{% set severity = 1 %}