JavaScript is a core technology for a frontend developer and it is at the time of writing this document the world most popular programming language.
It is used in the browser to do everything from changing the document, animating elements, tracking users, fetching data from the server and the list goes on.
With technology like Node JavaScript is used to build the backend part of a web application.
With technology like Electron it is possible to build desktop applications with JavaScript, at the time of writing this document this is not a common practice in the industry but very high end applications like Slack and Visual studio code are made with it.
Frameworks like React native allow you to build mobile applications with JavaScript as well and the framework has at the time of writing this document reach a fair amount of popularity.
You can read more about JavaScript here.
Asynchronous JavaScript And XML is a collective name to call out to the network from JavaScript and it is a core concept every frontend developer needs to understand.
You can read more about Ajax here.