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PyTorch meta-architecture for temporally consistent video generation with GANs.

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TimeCycleGAN: A Meta-Architecture for Temporally Consistent GANs

TimeCycleGAN Teaser

PyTorch meta-architecture for temporally consistent video generation with GANs. Can be added to any existing PyTorch GAN model. We provide example models for unconditional video generation, paired video-to-video translation, and unpaired video-to-video translation. See for technical details.


  • Linux or macOS
  • Python 3.7.4
  • (Optional) NVIDIA GPU + CUDA 10.1

Required Packages

  • numpy 1.17.3
  • Pillow 6.2.1
  • tensorboard 2.0.0
  • torch 1.3.0
  • torchvision 0.4.1
  • GitPython 3.1.0

Additional Requirements for Metric Computations and Optical Flow

  • matplotlib 3.1.1
  • opencv-python
  • scikit-image 0.17.2
  • scipy 1.4.1
  • tqdm 4.43.0
  • pytz==2019.3
  • scikit-image 0.17.2
  • scipy 1.4.1



  1. Make sure you have all required packages listed above or install with pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Run pip install -e . to install the TimeCycleGAN code. This will allow you to run the scripts from any location and it also allows you to import TimeCycleGAN in your own projects with e.g. from timecyclegan import TimeCycleMixin.
  3. If you want to use models or metrics with optical flow, you need to install flownet2-pytorch first via cd timecyclegan/models/networks/flownet2_pytorch/; bash Note that this will require a NVIDIA GPU with CUDA.

Full Install:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
cd timecyclegan/models/networks/flownet2_pytorch/

Repository Structure

  • timecyclegan/ is the sources root.
  • timecyclegan/data/ contains scripts for generating/modifying/preparing Cityscapes/CARLA data.
  • timecyclegan/datasets/ contains subclasses of that we used for all experiments.
  • timecyclegan/evaluation/ contains evaluation code to compute FID, LPIPS, tLP, and tOF metrics.
  • timecyclegan/models/ contains all GAN models. All models inherit from the abstract classes in timecyclegan/models/ Use get_model() in timecyclegan/models/ to load a specific model.
  • timecyclegan/models/networks/ contains network architecture defintions of all discriminators, generators, and others.
  • timecyclegan/models/baselines/ contains reimplementation of all baseline models (pix2pix, CycleGAN, RecycleGAN, vid2vid, DCGAN).
  • timecyclegan/models/sequential/ contains modified versions with recurrent generators for all non-sequential baselines (pix2pix, CycleGAN, RecycleGAN, DCGAN). We subclass those in order to build our TimeCycleGAN models shown in the paper ( and in particular).
  • timecyclegan/models/mixins/ contains Python Mixins for easily adding the TimeCycle loss, sequence discriminators, or a warp loss to your models. See Usage chapter below.

TimeCycleGAN Models (from my Thesis)

In my thesis, four specific TimeCycleGAN models are explained. Those correspond to code classes as follows:

  • TimeCycleGAN-U is timecyclegan.models.timecycle_dcgan.TimeCycleDCGAN
  • TimeCycleGAN-UP is timecyclegan.models.timecycle_cyclegan.TimeCycleCycleGAN
  • TimeCycleGAN-P and TimeCycleGAN-P++ are timecyclegan.models.timecycle_pix2pix.TimeCyclePix2Pix and timecyclegan.models.timecycle_pix2pix.TimeCyclePix2Pix with different hyperparameter choices.

See chapter 4.1.2. on page 34 in my thesis for a detailed list of hyperparameters.

Adding TimeCycle Loss to a GAN

You can add the TimeCycle loss to your own GAN in as few as 10 LoC. Assuming your GAN is implemented in PyTorch as a class with separate methods for forward/backward behavior, simply subclass your GAN and implement the TimecycleMixin as shown below:

from timecyclegan import TimeCycleMixin

class MyGANWithTimecycle(TimeCycleMixin, MyGAN):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # init your GAN and TimecycleMixin
        self.add_timecycle_discriminator(...) # optional

def forward(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().forward(*args, **kwargs) # perform forward() of your GAN
        self.set_timecycle_discriminator_input(...) # optional

def backward(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().backward(*args, **kwargs) # perform backward() of your GAN
        self.loss_G += self.timecycle_backward(...)
        self.loss_D += self.timecycle_backward_D(...) # optional

For usage examples, see my custom models timecyclegan/models/timecycle_<x>.py. They also show how you can make use of my other mixins for sequence disrciminators and warp losses.

For a more detailed usage guide, see chapter 4.2. on page 35 of my thesis.



  • To train a model, run python <your_experiment_name> <source_directory> <target_directory> [optional args]
  • See python -h for a full list of optional args or check timecyclegan/util/
  • Training logs will be written to runs/<your_experiment_name>. See Logging section below for usage.
  • Checkpoints and saved models will be written to checkpoints/<your_experiment_name>.


  • Use python <your_experiment_name> <val_source_dir> <val_target_dir> [optional args] to inference a trained model with name <your_experiment_name> on the given validation dataset and to compute FID, LPIPS, tLP and tOF metrics on it.
  • See python -h for a list of optional args or check timecyclegan/util/
  • By default, result images will be written to results/<your_experiment_name> (customizable with -to arg).
  • Validation metrics are displayed in the terminal and will also be logged to metrics.csv.

Training + Validation

Training and validation can be done in one using python while supplying both train and val arguments.


To inference a model, use python with same args as for validation. This will do the same as just without the metric computation.


  • Training losses, images, hparams will be logged to Tensorboard. Use tensorboard --logdir=runs/<your_experiment_name> to inspect.
  • Hyperparameters of all trained models are also logged to train_log.csv together with current git commit hash.
  • Metrics computed during validation will be logged to metrics.csv.
  • All commands you run are logged to command_log.txt.


If you use this code in your research, please cite my Master's thesis:

  title={Learning Temporal Consistency in Video Generation},
  author={Altenberger, Felix and Niessner, Matthias},


This code borrows heavily from pytorch-CycleGAN-and-pix2pix, from which we adapt all generator/discriminator network architectures for paired and unpaired video-to-video translation models.

Optical flow estimation is performed by flownet2-pytorch.

pytorch-fid and PerceptualSimilarity are used for FID and LPIPS metric computations.


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