Design and implement Java program as follows:
- Media hierarchy:
- Create Media, EBook, MovieDVD, and MusicCD classes
- Add an attribute to Media class to store indication when media object is rented versus available.
- Add code to constructor and create get and set methods as appropriate.
- Add any additional constructors and methods needed to support the below functionality
- Design and implement Manager class which:
- stores a list of Media objects
- has functionality to load Media objects from files
- creates/updates Media files
- has functionality to add new Media object to its Media list
- has functionality to find all media objects for a specific title and returns that list
- has functionality to rent Media based on id (updates rental status on media, updates file, returns rental fee)
- Design and implement MediaRentalSystem which has the following functionality:
- Command line user interface. Look at the bottom of this project file for sample look and feel.
- selection to load Media files from a given directory (user supplies directory)
- selection to find a media object for a specific title value (user supplies title and should display to user the media information once it finds it - should find all media with that title)
- selection to rent a media object based on its id value (user supplies id and should display rental fee value to the user)
- selection to exit program
- Program should throw and catch Java built-in and user-defined exceptions as appropriate
- Your classes must be coded with correct encapsulation: private/protected attributes, get methods, and set methods and value validation
- There should be appropriate polymorphism: overloading, overriding methods, and dynamic binding
- Program should take advantage of the inheritance properties as appropriate