With a year of custom control Library, stability and compatibility have been guaranteed. Because the company projects tend to statistics, so the project is more in this aspect of the control; But now that I've pulled out all the libraries, I can't just talk about the statistics class, I can diverge to more scenarios. So, the library will be maintained until Android goes down, and I go down. Of course, a person's power is always limited, in this look forward to more like-minded code friends to join, we work together to do something spectacular.
LFT:Circular progress with bottom corner marks>>>[CircleProgressBarView] MID:Ring with scale>>>[GradientProBar] RGT:Horizontal progress-Progress indicator>>>[HorProBar]
Time scale(Support the zoom)>>>[TimeRulerView] & CircleButton(Rotate with the device to monitor the rotation direction in real time)>>>[CircleButton]
Custom slide control(Support multi - finger touch, inertial sliding, custom scroll bar)>>>[CustomScrollView] & Custom ViewPager slide animation>>>[ScaleAlphaTransformer]
Bitmap flip animation(Control the flip and fold effect of bitmap through Camera and Canvas)>>>[BmpOverturnView]
Step 1.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
maven {
url '' // widget发布版本已切换到该目录
Step 2.
implementation 'com.faithhb:widgetcase:1.0.3'
widgetcase The latest version:
implementation(name: 'hawkeye_widget-release', ext: 'aar')
Add local dependencies:
implementation project(':hawkeye_widget')
-dontwarn com.dongni.**
-keep class com.dongni.** { *; }
# page modle To avoid confusion
-keep class com.doyou.cv.bean.**{*; }
-keep class com.doyou.cv.WLogger{*; }
-keep class com.doyou.cv.widget.**
-keepclassmembers class com.doyou.cv.widget.** {
public *;
# Utility classes avoid confusion
-keep class com.doyou.cv.utils.**
-keepclassmembers class com.doyou.cv.utils.** {
public *;
First of all, if there is a problem, you can issue issue. I will often go to see it. If it can be solved, it will be solved in time.
You can fork down the project first and then modify some netizens' problems or the problems you find and the places that need to be optimized by yourself, and then send them to me in the form of pr. I will immediately check the code, test and merge the code. I will invite him to be the developer of this project. He will be really convenient and quick to maintain this open source library.
Copyright 2019 faith-hb
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.