Releases: faradey/madock
PWA Studio as a separate service.
Backward incompatible changes were made to the code. Code changes allow new platforms to be added in the future.
At the moment, PWA Studio has been added as a separate service.
There are plans to add Shopify and Shopware in the future.
Fixed command project:remove
Removed "restart: on-failure:3" from Elasticsearch service of docker-compose
Installed libssh2-1-dev libssh2-1 php-ssh2 for PHP
Removed the restart_if_failure option for the DB service of docker-compose
Improved removing project. Now deletion is more transparent. Before execution, you will see the items that will be deleted and only after your confirmation will they be deleted.
Fixed files permission with --with-chmod
Support Magento 2.4.6
Support sample data with the setup command
Added OpenSearch
Support PHP 8.2 and xdebug
Improved patcher for creating patches from the whole folder
Updated phpmyadmin version from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1
Increased UPLOAD_LIMIT for phpmyadmin. Now it is 2GB
Added the custom DB repository in the config
Added PHP 8.2 to the setup process
Added the xdebug profile
Increased PHP Max Input Vars Limit by default
Enabled log_bin_trust_function_creators for DB
Added the new option for DB commands "--service-name DB container name. Optional. Default container: db. Example: db2"
Support overriding /docker/nginx/conf/default-proxy.conf
Added the command "install"
Support n98-magerun
Support the second DB
Support proxy as a service
Fixed default_server for the nginx proxy configuration
Remove --single-transaction option from the mysqldump command
Remove the innodb_log_file_size option for MySQL 8.x
Improved elasticsearch plugins installation
Fixed cron
Fixed a bug with the start/stop command of the proxy server
Fixed FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS for the import DB
Fixed the project setup with Redis and rabbitMQ versions
Fixed a bug with the media synchronization
Fixed the proxy port and the starting script
Fixed livereload location in nginx proxy
Fixed DEFINER for the DB import/export
Fixed the issue with permissions of .ssh folder #8
Added a new command "patch:create".
Added a new param "--name" for "db:export" and "remote:sync:db".
Added a new command setup:env for generating env.php file.
Changed domain .loc to .test by default.
Optimization for MariaDB 10.4.
Prune the volumes with option --with-volumes. For example madock prune --with-volumes
Added the ability to specify a custom repository and version of docker images when you set up the project.
Added "--with-chown" option for some commands. Reset permissions for files and folders.
Improved "db:import" command. Now, the Madock can read DB files from any folder of the Magento project. The name of the DB file must contain ".sql" in any part of the name.
Fixed the problem with the same project folder names from different locations.
Added a new command project:remove.
Added stopping proxy containers if there are no active projects.
Refactoring code.