In the following, we describe the changes to the JCG test suite w.r.t. to version published in the paper.
- moved the current
Classloading tests to Reflection; the tests are basically about Reflection and Type/Method Inference. - renamed DirectCalls to Non-virtualCalls.
- renamed PolymorphicCalls to VirtualCalls
- added an additional expected call target to the test case for DynamicProxies
- split up Java8PolymorphicCalls in those related to default methods and those related to static interface methods
- renamed (LambdasAnd)MethodReferences to Java8Invokedynamics to reflect that the tests cases are about the invokedynamic instructions created by Java 8+ method references and lambda expressions. Please note that the Scala compiler hijacks Java's infrastructure and analyses which support Java 8's invokedynamics (i.e., those using
) will also support Scala to a reasonable amount. - removed PackageBoundaries (at least for the time being), because the tests are not related to unsoundness (commit: #bc967bb3363bfd85449937126f63ad6e666875cd)