Step 1. Download the repository, copy the src_c/libsmlite/
project in the repository into your solution project, and include it
#include "libsmlite.h"
#pragma comment (lib, "libsmlite.lib") // Or '-lsmlite' in GCC
Step 2. Define two enum class that represent all states and all triggers
enum MyState { MyState_Rest, MyState_Ready, MyState_Reading, MyState_Writing };
enum MyTrigger { MyTrigger_Run, MyTrigger_Close, MyTrigger_Read, MyTrigger_FinishRead, MyTrigger_Write, MyTrigger_FinishWrite };
Step 3. Define state machine builder
psmlite_builder_t _smb = smlite_builder_create ();
Step 4. Rules that define a state machine, specifying what triggers are allowed to be fired for a specific state
// If the current state of the state machine is MyState_Rest
psmlite_configstate_t _state = smlite_builder_configure (_smb, MyState_Rest);
// This method is fired if the state changes from another state to MyState_Rest state, not by the initial value specified when the state machine is initialized
// void _rest_entry () {
// printf ("entry Rest\n");
// }
smlite_configstate_on_entry (_state, _rest_entry);
// This method is fired if the state changes from the MyState_Rest state to another state
// void _rest_leave () {
// printf ("leave Rest\n");
// }
smlite_configstate_on_leave (_state, _rest_leave);
// If MyTrigger_Run is triggered, the state is changed to MyState_Ready
smlite_configstate_when_change_to (_state, MyTrigger_Run, MyState_Ready);
// If MyTrigger_Close is triggered, ignore it
smlite_configstate_when_ignore (_state, MyTrigger_Close);
// If MyTrigger_Read is fired, the callback function is called and the state is adjusted to the return value
// int32_t _rest_read (int32_t _state, int32_t _trigger) {
// printf ("call _rest_read ()\n");
// return (int32_t) MyState_Ready;
// }
smlite_configstate_when_func (_state, MyTrigger_Read, (whenfunc_t) _rest_read);
// If MyTrigger_FinishRead is fired, the callback function is called and the state is adjusted to the return value
// Note that an argument must be passed when firing, and the number and type must match exactly, otherwise segment fault
// int32_t _rest_finishread (int32_t _state, int32_t _trigger, const char *_param) {
// printf ("call _rest_finishread () with param [%s]\n", _param);
// return (int32_t) MyState_Ready;
// }
smlite_configstate_when_func (_state, MyTrigger_FinishRead, (whenfunc_t) _rest_finishread);
// If MyTrigger_Write is fired, the callback function is called (triggering this method callback does not adjust the return value)
// void _rest_write (int32_t _state, int32_t _trigger) {
// printf ("call _rest_write ()\n");
// }
smlite_configstate_when_action (_state, MyTrigger_Write, (whenaction_t) _rest_write);
// If MyTrigger_FinishWrite is fired, the callback function is called (triggering this method callback does not adjust the return value).
// Note that an argument must be passed when firing, and the number and type must match exactly, otherwise segment fault
// int32_t _rest_finishwrite (int32_t _state, int32_t _trigger, const char *_param) {
// printf ("call _rest_finishwrite () with param [%s]\n", _param);
// }
smlite_configstate_when_func (_state, MyTrigger_FinishWrite, (whenfunc_t) _rest_finishwrite);
If you encounter the same trigger in the same state, you are allowed to define at most one way to handle it. The code above explains the defined trigger in detail.If a trigger is not defined but is encountered, print error message and ignore.
Step 5. Now let's get to the actual use of the state machine
// Build state machine
psmlite_t _sm = smlite_builder_build (_smb, MyState_Rest);
// Get current status
MyState _state = (MyState) smlite_get_state (_sm);
// Determine whether an trigger is allowed to fire (1 allow 0 disallow)
int _allow = smlite_allow_triggering (_sm, MyTrigger_Run);
// Fire an trigger
smlite_triggering (_sm, MyTrigger_Run);
// Fires an trigger and passes in the specified parameters
smlite_triggering (_sm, MyTrigger_Run, (const char *) "hello");
// Forced to modify the current state, this code will not trigger OnEntry and OnLeave methods
smlite_set_state (_sm, MyState_Ready);
// Release the state machine and state machine builder
smlite_delete (&_sm);
smlite_builder_delete (&_smb);