Still in experimental state
$ composer require filmtools/standards
use FilmTools\Standards\StandardInterface;
// Returns a name or short description of this developing standard.
public function getName() : string;
// Returns the minimum film density of interest
public function getDmin() : float;
// Returns the maximum film density of interest
public function getDmax() : float;
// Returns the file path to CSV with norm data
public function getNormDataFile() : string;
use FilmTools\Standards\StandardProviderInterface;
// Returns the Standard instance, or null.
public function getStandard() : ?StandardInterface;
This trait implements the getStandard method as a public standard member attribute.
use FilmTools\Standards\StandardProviderTrait;
use FilmTools\Standards\StandardProviderInterface;
class MyClass implements StandardProviderInterface {
use StandardProviderTrait;
$foo = new MyClass;
print_r( $foo->standard );
print_r( $foo->getStandard() );
The StandardAwareInterface extends StandardProviderInterface.
use FilmTools\Standards\StandardAwareInterface;
// Sets the Standard instance.
public function setStandard( StandardInterface $standard);
The StandardAwareTrait uses StandardProviderTrait and implements setStandard method:
use FilmTools\Standards\StandardAwareTrait;
use FilmTools\Standards\StandardAwareInterface;
use FilmTools\Standards\TraditionalStandard;
class MyClass implements StandardAwareInterface {
use StandardAwareTrait;
$foo = new MyClass;
$foo->setStandard( new TraditionalStandard );
print_r( $foo->standard );
print_r( $foo->getStandard() );
This callable class creates a StandardInterface instance according to the developing standard name. The result is an extension of the Standard class.
The constructor accepts a name of the default standard which defaults to iso6
See the examples below on how to setup a developing standard.
use FilmTools\Standards\StandardsFactory;
$standard_factory = new StandardsFactory;
$standard_factory = new StandardsFactory("iso6");
// Call without standard name
$standard = $standard_factory();
echo get_class($standard);
// FilmTools\Standards\TraditionalStandard
use FilmTools\Standards\TraditionalStandard;
use FilmTools\Standards\TraditionalInterface;
echo TraditionalInterface::DMIN; // 0.1
echo TraditionalInterface::DMAX; // 1.29
$standard = new TraditionalStandard;
$standard = $standard_factory("iso6");
$standard = $standard_factory("traditional");
echo $standard->getName(); // "Traditional (ISO6)"
echo $standard->getDmin(); // 0.1
echo $standard->getDmax(); // 1.29
echo $standard->getNormDataFile // "/path/to/normdensities-iso6.csv"
Ralph W. Lambrecht and Chris Woodhouse work in their famous book “Way Beyond Monochrome” with slightly higher density values.
use FilmTools\Standards\LambrechtWoodhouseStandard;
use FilmTools\Standards\LambrechtWoodhouseInterface;
echo LambrechtWoodhouseInterface::DMIN; // 0.17
echo LambrechtWoodhouseInterface::DMAX; // 1.37
$standard = $standard_factory("wbm");
$standard = new LambrechtWoodhouseStandard;
echo $standard->getName(); // "Way Beyond Monochrome (Lambrecht/Woodhouse)"
echo $standard->getDmin(); // 0.17
echo $standard->getDmax(); // 1.37
echo $standard->getNormDataFile // "/path/to/normdensities-wbm.csv"
The Kodak standard extends from TraditionalStandard.
use FilmTools\Standards\KodakStandard;
$standard = $standard_factory("kodak");
$standard = $standard_factory("ci");
$standard = new KodakStandard;
echo $standard->getName(); // "Contrast Index (Kodak)"
echo $standard->getDmin(); // 0.1
echo $standard->getDmax(); // 1.29
echo $standard->getNormDataFile // "/path/to/normdensities-ci.csv"
The Ilford standard extends from TraditionalStandard.
use FilmTools\Standards\IlfordStandard;
$standard = $standard_factory("ilford");
$standard = $standard_factory("gbar");
$standard = new IlfordStandard;
echo $standard->getName(); // "G-bar (Ilford)"
echo $standard->getDmin(); // 0.1
echo $standard->getDmax(); // 1.29
echo $standard->getNormDataFile // "/path/to/normdensities-iso6.csv"