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362 lines (285 loc) · 11.5 KB

Track 2.2 - Task 5: Verify credential



Your web wallet user should now have their first credential in their wallet. Now we can build the functionality that will verify that credential.

In a real-world implementation, we would naturally have two applications and two separate agents, one for issuing and one for verifying. The wallet user would first acquire a credential using the issuer application and then use the credential, i.e., prove the data, in another application.

For simplicity, we build the verification functionality into the same application we have been working on. The underlying protocol for requesting and presenting proofs is the present proof protocol.

Task sequence

App Overview

In this task:

We will create a new connection according to the steps in task 1 when the user reads the QR code in /verify-endpoint. We have already the most of the logic for that in place. In addition, we will add logic to the application to verify credentials:

  1. Once the connection protocol is complete, the application is notified of the new connection.
  2. Application sends a proof request to the new connection.
  3. Application agent initiates the Aries present proof protocol.
  4. Wallet user gets a notification of the request.
  5. Wallet user accepts the request.
  6. Present proof protocol continues.
  7. The application gets a notification of the presentation.
  8. The application approves the proof presentation.
  9. Present proof protocol continues.
  10. Once the protocol is completed, the wallet user is notified that proving was successful.
  11. Once the protocol is completed, the application is notified that verifying was successful.
    participant Client Application
    participant Application Agent
    participant User Agent
    actor Wallet User

    Note left of Wallet User: User reads QR-code from /verify-page
    Application Agent->>Client Application: <<New connection!>>
    Client Application->>Application Agent: Send proof request
    Note right of Application Agent: Aries Present proof protocol
    Application Agent->>User Agent: Send request
    User Agent->>Wallet User: <<Request received!>>
    Wallet User->>User Agent: Accept request
    User Agent->>Application Agent: <<Protocol continues>
    Application Agent->>Client Application: <<Presentation received!>>
    Client Application->>Application Agent: Approve presentation
    Application Agent->>User Agent: <<Protocol continues>
    User Agent->>Wallet User: <<Proof ok!>>
    Application Agent->>Client Application: <<Proof ok!>>

1. Listen to present proof protocol

Open file agent/listen.go. Add new methods HandlePresentProofPaused and HandlePresentProofDone to listener interface:

type Listener interface {
  HandleNewConnection(*agency.Notification, *agency.ProtocolStatus_DIDExchangeStatus)
  HandleBasicMesssageDone(*agency.Notification, *agency.ProtocolStatus_BasicMessageStatus)
  HandleIssueCredentialDone(*agency.Notification, *agency.ProtocolStatus_IssueCredentialStatus)
  // Send notification to listener when present proof protocol is paused
  HandlePresentProofPaused(*agency.Notification, *agency.ProtocolStatus_PresentProofStatus)
  // Send notification to listener when present proof protocol is completed
  HandlePresentProofDone(*agency.Notification, *agency.ProtocolStatus_PresentProofStatus)

When receiving notification for the present proof protocol, notify listeners via the new methods. Edit Listen-function:


func (agencyClient *AgencyClient) Listen(listeners []Listener) {


    // Notify listeners of protocol events
    switch notification.GetTypeID() {
    case agency.Notification_STATUS_UPDATE:
      if status.State.State == agency.ProtocolState_OK {
        switch notification.GetProtocolType() {
        case agency.Protocol_DIDEXCHANGE:
          for _, listener := range listeners {
            listener.HandleNewConnection(notification, status.GetDIDExchange())
        case agency.Protocol_BASIC_MESSAGE:
          for _, listener := range listeners {
            listener.HandleBasicMesssageDone(notification, status.GetBasicMessage())
        case agency.Protocol_ISSUE_CREDENTIAL:
          for _, listener := range listeners {
            listener.HandleIssueCredentialDone(notification, status.GetIssueCredential())
          // Notify listener when present proof protocol is completed
        case agency.Protocol_PRESENT_PROOF:
          for _, listener := range listeners {
            listener.HandlePresentProofDone(notification, status.GetPresentProof())
          log.Printf("No handler for protocol message %s\n", notification.GetProtocolType())
      } else {
        log.Printf("Status NOK %v for %s\n", status, notification.GetProtocolType())
      // Notify listener when present proof protocol is paused
    case agency.Notification_PROTOCOL_PAUSED:
      for _, listener := range listeners {
        listener.HandlePresentProofPaused(notification, status.GetPresentProof())
      log.Printf("No handler for notification %s\n", notification.GetTypeID())



2. Add code for verifying logic

Create a new file src/verifier.go.

Add the following content to the new file:

package handlers

import (

  agency ""

type Verifier struct {
  conn        client.Conn
  connections sync.Map
  credDefID   string

func NewVerifier(conn client.Conn, credDefID string) *Verifier {
  return &Verifier{
    conn:      conn,
    credDefID: credDefID,

func (v *Verifier) getConnection(id string) *connection {
  if anyConn, ok := v.connections.Load(id); ok {
    if conn, ok := anyConn.(*connection); ok {
      return conn
  return nil

func (v *Verifier) AddInvitation(id string) {
  v.connections.Store(id, &connection{id: id})

func (v *Verifier) HandleNewConnection(
  notification *agency.Notification,
  status *agency.ProtocolStatus_DIDExchangeStatus,
) {
  defer err2.Catch(err2.Err(func(err error) {
    log.Printf("Error handling new connection: %v", err)

  conn := v.getConnection(notification.ConnectionID)

  if conn == nil {
    // Connection was not for verifying, skip

  // Create proof request content
  attributes := make([]*agency.Protocol_Proof_Attribute, 1)
  attributes[0] = &agency.Protocol_Proof_Attribute{
    CredDefID: v.credDefID,
    Name:      "foo",

  log.Printf("Request proof, conn id: %s, attrs: %v", notification.ConnectionID, attributes)

  // Send the proof request
  pw := async.NewPairwise(v.conn, notification.ConnectionID)
  res := try.To1(pw.ReqProofWithAttrs(context.TODO(), &agency.Protocol_Proof{
    Attributes: attributes,

  log.Printf("Proof request sent: %s", res.GetID())

// This function is called after proof is verified cryptographically.
// The application can execute its business logic and reject the proof
// if the attribute values are not valid.
func (v *Verifier) HandlePresentProofPaused(
  notification *agency.Notification,
  status *agency.ProtocolStatus_PresentProofStatus,
) {

  pw := async.NewPairwise(v.conn, notification.ConnectionID)

  // we have no special logic here - accept all received values
  res := try.To1(pw.Resume(

  log.Printf("Proof continued: %s", res.GetID())

func (v *Verifier) HandlePresentProofDone(
  notification *agency.Notification,
  status *agency.ProtocolStatus_PresentProofStatus,
) {
  conn := v.getConnection(notification.ConnectionID)

  if conn == nil {
    // Connection was not for issuing, skip

    "Proof verified from: %s, with id: %s",


3. Implement the /verify-endpoint

Open file main.go.

Add new field verifier to app state struct:

type app struct {
  agencyClient *agent.AgencyClient
  greeter      *handlers.Greeter
  issuer       *handlers.Issuer
  // Verifier handles the verifying logic
  verifier     *handlers.Verifier

Modify function main. Create the verifier and give it as a parameter on listener initialization:

func main() {


  // Create handlers
  myApp := app{
    agencyClient: agencyClient,
    greeter:      handlers.NewGreeter(agencyClient.Conn),
    issuer:       handlers.NewIssuer(agencyClient.Conn, credDefId),
    // Handler for verifying logic
    verifier:     handlers.NewVerifier(agencyClient.Conn, credDefId),

// Start listening
    // Add verifier to listener array


Replace the implementation in the /verify-endpoint with the following:

// Show pairwise invitation. Once connection is established, verify credential.
func (a *app) verifyHandler(response http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  defer err2.Catch(err2.Err(func(err error) {
    http.Error(response, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
  id, html := try.To2(createInvitationPage(a.agencyClient.AgentClient, "Verify"))

4. Test the /verify-endpoint

Make sure the server is restarted (go run .). Open your browser to http://localhost:3001/verify

You should see a simple web page with a QR code and a text input with a prefilled string.

Verify page

5. Read the QR code with the web wallet

Add the connection in the same way as in task 1: Tap the "Add connection" button in your web wallet and read the QR code with your mobile device. Alternatively, you can copy-paste the invitation string to the "Add connection"-dialog.

6. Ensure proof request is received in the web wallet

Accept proof request.

Accept proof request

7. Check server logs

Ensure that server logs display the success for the proof protocol:

Server logs

8. Continue with task 6

Congratulations, you have completed task 5, and now know how to verify credentials! To revisit what happened, check the sequence diagram.

You can now continue with task 6.