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198 lines (140 loc) · 6.66 KB

Findy Agency deployment to AWS ECS


You can read more about this deployment project from Findy Agency blog:

or watch the presentation on YouTube:


This CDK script sets up agency to AWS:

  • microservice backend auth, vault, core to ECS with load balancer
  • pwa wallet app to s3
  • cloudfront as proxy to redirect requests from public internet to s3 or load balancer
  • pipeline to update agency deployment on new releases to agency services



  • steward seed and DID is known (if using indy ledger)
  • genesis-file is available (if using indy ledger)
  • AWS Route53 managed zone

Note! This setup is intended for development time testing scenarios. Production setup would need another iteration with additional security, high availability and performance considerations in mind. There are some open issues with this setup (see TODO), and most probably those issues will not be solved as the direction for future solutions will be more platform-agnostic.


Note that the none of the following steps are optional.

  1. Clone this repository to your own desktop. The initial CDK pipeline creation is done from your local computer according to these instructions. After the creation, the pipeline automatically reconfigures itself to deploy new stages or stacks.

  2. cd to this folder: cd aws-ecs

  3. Make sure you have installed AWS CLI, node.js, AWS CDK, and Typescript:

    # node
    nvm install
    # aws cdk
    npm install -g aws-cdk
    # typescript
    npm install -g typescript
  4. You need AWS Account. Create IAM user with full AWS access rights, and copy the AWS Access keys via console if you don't have them already.

  5. You should have a domain available for the installation

  6. Create GitHub codestar connection so that the pipeline can clone the needed source code repositories and trigger automatic version updates. The connection is not used to access your repositories, only the public Findy Agency repositories, so you can for example create a dummy repository for it (if you don't want to allow full access).

  7. Declare following environment variables:

    # default region for AWS e.g. eu-north-1
    export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<xxx>
    # IAM user access key ID
    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<xxx>
    # IAM user secret access key
    export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<xxx>
    # default region for AWS e.g. eu-north-1
    export CDK_DEFAULT_REGION=<xxx>
    # AWS account number
    export CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT=<xxx>
    # domain root (AWS Route53 zone created in previous step)
    export DOMAIN_NAME=""
    # desired pwa wallet domain
    export SUB_DOMAIN_NAME="agency"
    # desired agency api domain
    export API_SUB_DOMAIN_NAME="agency-api"
    # github connection arn
    export GITHUB_CONNECTION_ARN="arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:xxx:connection/xxx"
    # steward DID registered to ledger
    # (empty string if not running as steward,
    # e.g. "Th7MpTaRZVRYnPiabds81Y" when using file ledger)
    export STEWARD_DID="xxx"
    # steward seed used when registering steward DID to ledger
    # (empty string if not running as steward,
    # e.g. "000000000000000000000000Steward1" when using file ledger)
    export STEWARD_SEED="xxx"
    # steward wallet key
    # note: agency core can be used to create compatible keys: findy-agent tools key create
    # (empty string if not running as steward)
    export STEWARD_WALLET_KEY="xxx"
    # desired agency admin id
    export ADMIN_ID="xxx"
    # desired agency admin authenticator key
    # note: agency cli can be used to create compatible keys: findy-agent-cli new-key
    export ADMIN_AUTHN_KEY="xxx"
  8. Make sure you know the path to ledger genesis file (if not using file ledger).


# install deps
npm install

# save pipeline params
# leave <path_to_ledger_genesis> empty if using file ledger
./tools/ <path_to_ledger_genesis>

# bootstrap, first synth and store context to AWS params
cdk bootstrap
cdk synth
npm run pipeline:context

# save secrets

# deploy the pipeline
cdk deploy

Open pipelines at AWS console and see that the pipeline succeeds. Following changes to the app or infra are deployed automatically by the pipeline.


Navigate to URL https://your-sub-domain-name.your-domain-name

You should see the view below. Test the user registration and login according to these instructions. wallet

You can further test the issuing and verifying with sample scripts and servers found in this repository: Make sure you install the CLI tool to your testing environment.

Declare needed env variables as following:

# (create new key: 'findy-agent-cli new-key')
export FCLI_KEY=<yourkey>
export FCLI_USER=<your-unique-issuer-username>

# agency API server cert path
export FCLI_TLS_PATH='../cert'

# agency authentication origin
# agency API server
# agency API server port

Clone the repository and download the API certifcate using the script: ./tools/ "$FCLI_SERVER"

Now you should be ready to run the samples.


  • disabling default HTTP listener
  • auth/core services lock bolt dbs while execution and thus updates bring currently the whole system down
  • load balancer has performance issues with GRPC-listener TLS termination