# Ionic Strongloop Starter A starter app for Ionic with user integration against your Strongloop backend. With this app you will be able to register new users, login, logout, and initiate a password reset request. ##[Strongloop SDK information](http://docs.strongloop.com/display/public/LB/AngularJS+JavaScript+SDK) ##Starting [Install Strongloop](http://docs.strongloop.com/display/SL/Installing+StrongLoop) ###Server Api location once the server is running--> localhost:3000/api ``` git clone https://github.com/fitcom/ionic-strongloop-starter.git cd ionic-strongloop-starter ``` to start the strongloop server ``` cd server slc run ``` the api explorer will be accessiable from localhost:3000/explorer but if you would like to access a graphical UI so you can edit your api and start the server without using the terminal/command promt much use A strongloop account (Free) is required to use this feature ``` cd *server slc arc ``` Once the browser is open create a new account or login After login to start the api server from strongloop arc   Then click start :) ### App [Install Ionic](http://ionicframework.com/getting-started/) View in browser ``` cd app ionic serve ``` Show how the app will look on android and ios (using broswer) ``` cd app ionic server --lab ``` #### Android Run on android device ``` cd app ionic run android ``` If you would like maximum perform from your andorid app i would recommend installing crosswalk(Google Chrome Browser) in you app ``` cd app ionic browser add crosswalk ``` #### IOS Well don't have a mac yet :D ##TODO's ###App + Add user avatar function + Add reset password function + Add some form validation ###Server + Setup email connector + Setup storage component