If you use this dataset and code, please cite our paper:
title={CONSAC: Robust Multi-Model Fitting by Conditional Sample Consensus},
author={Kluger, Florian and Brachmann, Eric and Ackermann, Hanno and Rother, Carsten and Yang, Michael Ying and Rosenhahn, Bodo},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
Please also cite the corresponding NYU Depth v2 paper!
In order to use the original RGB images as well, you need to obtain the original dataset MAT-file and convert it to a version 7 MAT-file in MATLAB so that we can load it via scipy:
Get the code:
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:fkluger/nyu_vp.git
cd nyu_vp
Set up the Python environment using Anaconda:
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate nyu_vp
Build the LSD line segment detector module:
cd lsd
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
In order to visualise the dataset, run:
python nyu.vp --mat_file nyu_depth_v2_labeled.v7.mat
For usage within your own project, refer to the NYUVP
from nyu import NYUVP
dataset = NYUVP(
data_dir_path="./data", # Path where the CSV files containing VP labels etc. are stored
split='all', # train, val, test, trainval or all
keep_data_in_memory=True, # whether data shall be cached in memory
mat_file_path=None, # path to the MAT file containing the original NYUv2 dataset
normalise_coordinates=False,# normalise all point coordinates to a range of (-1,1)
remove_borders=True, # ignore the white borders around the NYU images
extract_lines=False # do not use the pre-extracted line segments
idx = 0
sample = dataset[idx] # get a single sample from the dataset
VPs = sample['VPs'] # array Mx3 with vanishing points in homogeneous coordinates
image = sample['image'] # RGB image
lines = sample['line_segments'] # array Nx12 containing all extracted line segments
p1 = lines[:, 0:3] # line segment start points in hom. coordinates
p2 = lines[:, 3:6] # line segment end points in hom. coordinates
hom_lines = lines[:, 6:9] # parametrised line [a,b,c] s.t. ax+by+c=0
centroids = lines[:, 9:12] # centroid = (p1+p2)/2.