Releases: floccusaddon/floccus
Releases · floccusaddon/floccus
FIX: Correctly escape paths in tags
FIX: Wait a certain time before starting sync when detecting changes
FIX: first run routine was called on every startup
(Floccus is now available in the Chrome WebStore:
FIX: Display sync folder path
FIX initial loading of options page
- FIX: Display error messages of multiple errors
- FIX: Add resource locking to fix race conditions and allow more concurrency (should fix remaining issues related to creation of duplicates)
- FIX: Refactor to only read from tree once to increase performance in Firefox
FIX: Add write lock for account storage
FIX: Refactor sync process to avoid creating duplicates
FIX: mkdirpPath: Fix break condition
FIX: Speed up initial tag population
FIX: Use more stable parallel execution helper tool
FIX: Don't remove folders beyond the sync folder when the last bookmark is remove
FIX: Declare incompatibility with Fx < v57
FIX: Improve error reporting
- NEW: Sync folder hierarchy
- NEW: Allow custom folders to be chosen for syncing
- NEW: Allow nesting synced folders
- NEW: Remember last sync time per account
- NEW: Overhauled user interface
- NEW: Identify local duplicates and throw an error
- FIX: Address performance problems
- FIX: Allow deleting account when syncing
- FIX: Ignore bookmarks with unsupported protocols
- FIX: Sync more often (every 15min instead of 25min)
- FIX: Call removeFromMappings on LOCALDELETE
- FIX: Improve logging and error messages
- FIX: Stop tracking bookmarks when they're moved outside the account scope
- Pick an existing folder to sync
- Now uses a shorter and less scary tag prefix for syncing folder path with nextcloud
- Overhauled UI
- Remember last sync time per account
- Folder sync support