Releases: floccusaddon/floccus
Releases · floccusaddon/floccus
Signed-off-by: Marcel Klehr <>
Signed-off-by: Marcel Klehr <>
- [native] Don't reload tree in TREE_LOAD
- [native] fix(Drawer): Add icon for git profiles
- fix: Finally fix locking logic
- fix(BrowserController): Don't spam setIcon warnings
- fix(Account): call onSyncFail if onSyncStart fails
- [native] fix: set largeHeap to true on android + fix git settings
- fix: Improve locking logic
- fix(NextcloudBookmarks#getExistingBookmarks): Don't use search-by-url for javascript links
- fix: Make Diff#inspect() output more readable
- fix: Limit concurrency for reorderings
- fix: Improve bulkImport performance by chunking
- fix: Unhandled error "Receiving end does not exist"
fix: Make Diff#inspect() output more readable Signed-off-by: Marcel Klehr <>
- fix(GoogleDrive): Catch 500 errors
- [native] fix: Reload tree on app resume
- fix(NextcloudBookmarks): Remove feature detection of 5yo features
- [native] fix(intent): Register intent activity properly
- feat(NextcloudBookmarks): Accept javascript: links
- fix(webpack): Don't set DEBUG to true in production
- fix(BrowserController#setStatusBadge): Don't throw when setting icon
- fix(Account#progressCallback): Don't error if syncProcess is not defined yet
- fix: Don't error in old Chrome versions if browser.permissions.contains fails
- fix: Wrap local tree fetch error
- fix(webpack): Split initial chunks to avoid AMO review complaining
- fix(SyncProcess): Do not serialize all trees each progress tick
- fix(SyncProcess): Call progressCb 2x less
- fix(Account): Extract and unify progressCallback
- fix(SyncProcess): Limit action execution concurrency to 12
- fix(Account): Properly declare DEBUG the typescript way
- fix(syncProcess): Properly count planned actions
- fix(Git): On init don't use force push
- fix(Git): Only bulldoze the repository if HEAD or branch cannot be found
- Add optional automatic error reporting to discover dormant bugs
- fix(Unidirectional): Scanner should use mappings if possible
- fix({html,xbel} parsers): Don't replace '0' by ''
- fix: Don't set lock after freeing it
- Fix(BrowserTree): Don't load full Tree on startup
- enh(ui): Add git adapter: You can now sync via git
- fix(GoogleDrive): Don't pollute console
- fix(BrowserController#getStatus): Show error icon if an account hasn't been synced in two days
- fix: Ignore errors from browser.permissions.contains
- fix: Ignore errors in REQUEST_NET_PERMS
- fix: Replace node.js' url with whatwg URL
- fix(browserslist): support and_chr >=60
- fix: Don't sync tabs if floccus' browser profile is not active
- fix(performance): Turn parallel processing back on Marcel Klehr 03.05.24, 19:30
- fix(Account#sync): Don't store continuation if the adapter is caching changes internally
(See v5.0.0 announcement: #1449 )
Also see
- fix(tests/gdrive): Don't derive file name from seed
- chore: Allow fuzzed testing with interrupts on nextcloud-bookmarks
- enh(ci/tests); Use github sha as seed
- fix: Store continuation while sync is running to be able to resume after interrupts
- chore: Update donation methods
- fix: Distinguish between InterruptedSyncError and CancelledSyncError
- [android] Include dependenciesInfo in gradle file
- [native] fix(Account): Don't try to load LocalTabs resource
(See v5.0.0 announcement: #1449 )