This project contains an implementation to schedule jobs in parallel and to handle exceptions
In particular the problem to solve was the following:
In our backend application, there are multiple classes implementing the IJob interface. Each of this implementations performs certain operations and is scheduled to run at a certain time on our servers. Because the amount of jobs we have to run increases steadily, we want to create a new job, which takes a list of IJob instances and runs them in parallel.
The amount of threads that the new implementation is using to run the jobs in parallel should be configurable.
If one of the jobs throws an exception, all other currently running jobs should be stopped as well and the execute() method should pass the exception to the caller.
To make sure the implementation works as designed UnitTests are required.
The solution is based on executors and java 8 streams. Basically it builds an executors whose size is configurable and submit all the job instances it receives in the constructor once the execute method is invoked. Then it checks periodically (the period can be configured) in order to checks whether tasks are completed or whether an exception is thrown. A List is used to store Future and in case the job execution is not completed, the future is added again to the list. This data structure is not thread safe but in the implementation is just one thread working on it. In case of exception from once of the inner job, the first caught exception is propagated to the caller.
Unfortunately I made the checking of Future inside a stream generated but there's no easy way to stop it (takeWhile will be added in java 9)
In order to make unit tests I create stubs for jobs taking a while and for jobs throwing exceptions.
I added the project on travis in order to have a continuous integration tool.