layout | title | tags |
manual |
ss - Statistics of command combinations using pipe |
statistic |
The commands before ss
: Pipe the result of the given command to ss
Command | percentage |
w | 13% |
ss | 10% |
cat | 6% |
echo | 5% |
grep | 4% |
ps | 3% |
du | 3% |
ssh | 3% |
dd | 2% |
ip | 2% |
name | 2% |
host | 2% |
awk | 2% |
tar | 2% |
curl | 2% |
man | 2% |
zip | 1% |
gzip | 1% |
cp | 1% |
find | 1% |
ls | 1% |
password | 1% |
mysql | 1% |
comm | 1% |
su | 1% |
sort | 1% |
id | 1% |
nc | 1% |
sed | 1% |
The commands after ss
: Pipe the result of ss
to the given command.
Command | Percentage |
w | 14% |
ss | 10% |
grep | 9% |
awk | 7% |
su | 3% |
sort | 3% |
ip | 3% |
sed | 3% |
ssh | 3% |
tar | 2% |
cat | 2% |
echo | 2% |
zip | 2% |
ls | 1% |
dd | 1% |
tail | 1% |
name | 1% |
gzip | 1% |
host | 1% |
passwd | 1% |
xargs | 1% |
Below are the scenarios for all command combinations above.
The description in the table is referenced from and can be used to search the one-line-command or the scripts in the website of CommandLineFu.
- Stream audio over ssh
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- get you public ip address
- Show word-by-word differences between two latex files, in color
- Encrypted chat with netcat and openssl (one-liner)
- Encrypted chat with netcat and openssl (one-liner)
- find hard linked files (duplicate inodes) recursively
- Ergo browsing 'pacman' queries (Arch)
- this svn script will commit all files excluding those with extensions {.project .classpath .properties .sh .number} and those with Status Modified or Added {M or A}
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Extended man command
- command line fu roulette
- Highlight the plain text in XML (or HTML, SGML, etc)
- Get your commandlinefu points (upvotes - downvotes)
- What is the use of this switch ?
- Do some learning...
- Do some learning...
- Colorized grep in less
- Find which jars contain a class
- Monitor cpu freq and temperature
- delay execution of a command that needs lots of memory and CPU time until the resources are available
- force change password for all user
- Stores the certificate expiration date on the variable A
- Check wireless link quality with dialog box
- log rm commands
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- find examples of multiline idioms in Linux drivers source code
- Quick and dirty hardware summary
- nmap all my hosts in EC2
- TCPDUMP & Save Capture to Remote Server w/ GZIP
- TCPDUMP & Save Capture to Remote Server
- SSH folder with progress bar and faster encryption with compression
- Better git diff, word delimited and colorized
- Better git diff, word delimited and colorized
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Extract HTTP Passwords in POST Requests
- Extract HTTP Passwords in POST Requests
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- combining streams
- get all my commands in terminal
- get all my commands from commandlinefu
- change user password one liner
- see who is on this machine
- search manpages on the internets
- kill all instances of an annoying or endless, thread-spawning process
- grep for all occurences of a (Perl-)regex in the complete, or part of man-database
- Get your external IP address with the best command
- Get your external IP address with a random command
- check site ssl certificate dates
- Duplicating service runlevel configurations from one server to another.
- Check if a remote port is up using (i.e. from behind a firewall/proxy)
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- Generate RSA private key and self-signed certificate
- zgrep with colour into less
- Set a user password without passwd
- Find All Email Forwarders in Zimbra Mail Server
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Backup trought SSH
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- find geographical location of an ip address
- find geographical location of an ip address
- It decripts all pgp files in a selection folder and move the output into a file.
- Download SSL/TLS pem format cert from https web host
- generate pem cert from host with ssl port
- Passwords from 9/11 tragedy pager intercepts (Yeah! Plain text! From
- Download all recently uploaded pastes on
- List all active access_logs for currently running Apache or Lighttpd process
- Check if SSL session caching is enabled on Google
- list offsets from HEAD with git log.
- Recursive search inside the content of files under current directory - then view the result paginated with 'less'
- Check SSL expiry from commandline
- Search from the command line using the API
- Forget fortunes in your terminal this grabs a random
- Netcat ftp brute force
- Print whois info about connected ip addresses
- use curl to resume a failed download
- Changes a User Password via command line without promt
- extract all urls from firefox sessionstore
- Find the real procesor speed when you use CPU scaling [cpuspeed]
- Reconstruct a malformed authorizated_keys for ssh
- useradd: 1 line, Add new user with root uid, test1:password1 and pipe errors to /tmp/err
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- kill all instances of an annoying or endless, thread-spawning process
- Check if your desired password is already available in haveibeenpwnd database. This command uses the API provided by HIBP
- Check if you need to run LaTeX more times to get the refefences right
- Show a 4-way scrollable process tree with full details.
- Fetches NOAA text product weather data. (US only)
- print latest (top 10, top 3 or *) commands
- Optimize Google Chrome database speedup sqlite3
- A way to run commands on a remote computer to be displayed on the remote computer
- pop-up messages on a remote computer
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- Recursively scan directories for mp3s and pass them to mplayer
- Show me just the ip address
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Lists all usernames in alphabetical order
- Send data securly over the net.
- Block all brute force attacks in realtime (IPv4/SSH)
- Random music player
- Grep recursively your Python project with color highlighting the result and line numbers
- Create an animated gif from a Youtube video
- Key binding to search
- Key binding to search
- Get contents from hosts, passwd, groups even if they're in DB/LDAP/other
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Search from the command line using the API
- Watch all postgres processes, sorted by memory use
- shortcut to immediately view any script with less
- Nice way to view source code
- full text(CJK) search mails and link the result to $MAILDIR/bingo/cur/
- Copy uncommitted changes to remote git repository
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Sometimes you just want a quick way to find out if a certain user account is locked [Linux].
- Get your external IP address
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- tar via network
- Generate secure password to userwith chpasswd
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- dmesg pipe less with color
- check the fucking weather
- Dropbox login using only curl, sed and bash
- Set user passwords to username from partial password file
- Browse system RAM in a human readable form
- Create MySQL-Dump, copy db to other Server and upload the db.
- Find all the files more than 10MB, sort in descending order of size and record the output of filenames and size in a text file.
- See a full last history by expanding logrotated wtmp files
- Display something when an X app fails
- iso to USB with dd and show progress status
- look some php code by some keywords
- Get the SAN (subjectAltName) of a site's certificate.
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- Random line from (funny IRC quotes)
- Random line from (funny IRC quotes)
- Send email from terminal
- Mac osx friendly version of this terminal typing command at 200ms per key
- Find all uses of PHP constants in a set of files
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Create the oauth token required for a Twitter stream feed
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy files between hosts while on a proxy host
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- make rsync progress output suitable for shell script reading
- Find which jars contain a class
- Complex string encoding with sed
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- Pipe ls output into less
- force change password for all user
- Stores the certificate expiration date on the variable A
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- Enter your ssh password one last time
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- 2 SSL get expiration date from remote site
- pipe remote log web server file to lostalgia
- nmap all my hosts in EC2
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Email a file to yourself
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Extract HTTP Passwords in POST Requests
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- translate with google, get all translations
- copy public key
- Shows a specific process memory usage
- Compile all .less files to .css
- Compile all .less files to .css
- SSH Autocomplete. Takes your history and creates ssh autocomplete using tab
- change user password one liner
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins.
- Create SSH key exchange from one host to the other
- Sum of the total resident memory is using.
- Analyze Apache Web Log Statistics starting on DATE x
- check site ssl certificate dates
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- Generate RSA private key and self-signed certificate
- Copy your SSH public key on a remote machine for passwordless login.
- Set a user password without passwd
- Copy public ssh Id to new host withtout bash redirection
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- find geographical location of an ip address
- It decripts all pgp files in a selection folder and move the output into a file.
- Download SSL/TLS pem format cert from https web host
- generate pem cert from host with ssl port
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- send attachment file email
- Chrome sucks
- Check SSL expiry from commandline
- show each new entry in system messages as a popup
- This generates a unique and secure password with SALT for every website that you login to
- ssh copy
- Changes a User Password via command line without promt
- Find the real procesor speed when you use CPU scaling [cpuspeed]
- useradd: 1 line, Add new user with root uid, test1:password1 and pipe errors to /tmp/err
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- List SAN domains for a certificate
- Monitor progress of a command
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- ssh Publickey auf remote Rechner anh?ngen
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Send data securly over the net.
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Key binding to search
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- UBNT device
- get processid of running process
- test and send email via smtps using openssl client
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Sometimes you just want a quick way to find out if a certain user account is locked [Linux].
- List ReverseSSH ports
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Generate secure password to userwith chpasswd
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- Create MySQL-Dump, copy db to other Server and upload the db.
- Append a pub key from pem file and save in remote server accessing with another key
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy files between hosts while on a proxy host
- Check the total memory usage of processes with a specific name
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Monitor cpu freq and temperature
- force change password for all user
- Put files back together after encrypted with tar and ccrypt
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- Enter your ssh password one last time
- Instant threadpool
- ssh autocomplete
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Randomize lines (opposite of | sort)
- Transfer 1 file with ssh
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- copy public key
- Quick searching with less
- send files via ssh-xfer
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins.
- Create SSH key exchange from one host to the other
- Copy your SSH public key on a remote machine for passwordless login.
- Get MD5 checksum from a pipe stream and do not alter it
- Copy public ssh Id to new host withtout bash redirection
- Set ondemand governor for all cpu cores.
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- It decripts all pgp files in a selection folder and move the output into a file.
- Command to kill PID
- Passwords from 9/11 tragedy pager intercepts (Yeah! Plain text! From
- Script executes itself on another host with one ssh command
- Verify a file has not been tampered with since dpkg installation
- Get a list of IP Addresses that have failed to login via SSH
- Play local mp3 file on remote machine's speakers
- Copy a file over SSH without SCP
- Untar a directory in a tar file over ssh
- Info cpu
- Restore mysql database uncompressing on the fly.
- Netcat ftp brute force
- ssh copy
- use curl to resume a failed download
- Reconstruct a malformed authorizated_keys for ssh
- Load multiple sql script in mysql
- Copy a file over the network with 3 bounces
- output your mp3 file over SSH on a remote computer's speaker
- Brute force discover
- most changed files in domains by rdiff-backup output
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Bulk add urls to your Instapaper account
- ssh Publickey auf remote Rechner anh?ngen
- Send data securly over the net.
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- SFTP upload through HTTPS proxy
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Find brute force attempts on SSHd
- Copy a file over SSH without SCP
- Group OR'd commands where you expect only one to work
- See a full last history by expanding logrotated wtmp files
- Display something when an X app fails
- IBM AIX: Verify a sha256sum listing with openssl
- IBM AIX: Calculate the SHA256 hashes of a directory without sha256sum
- Get the SAN (subjectAltName) of a site's certificate.
- Encrypted chat with netcat and openssl (one-liner)
- Encrypted chat with netcat and openssl (one-liner)
- Send email from terminal
- Mac osx friendly version of this terminal typing command at 200ms per key
- Zenity percent progressbar for scripts accepting parameters
- Create a PNG screenshot of Rigol Ultravision scopes attached per LAN
- Create the oauth token required for a Twitter stream feed
- Find which jars contain a class
- run command on a group of nodes in parallel
- Remove "ssh host" from known hosts file.
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- Stores the certificate expiration date on the variable A
- Send Reminders from your Linux Server to Growl on a Mac
- 2 SSL get expiration date from remote site
- ssh autocomplete
- Delimiter Hunting
- Email a file to yourself
- List users in a group
- Encrypt your file using RC4 encryption
- change user password one liner
- check web server port 80 response header
- run command on a group of nodes in parallel
- run command on a group of nodes in parallel
- check site ssl certificate dates
- Check if a remote port is up using (i.e. from behind a firewall/proxy)
- Post to twitter via curl, Windows version
- Download certificate from FTP
- Set a user password without passwd
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Set laptop display brightness
- send echo to socket network
- Quickly generate an MD5 hash for a text string using OpenSSL
- send attachment file email
- Display $PATH with one line per entry
- A command's package details
- Check SSL expiry from commandline
- Search from the command line using the API
- Netcat ftp brute force
- This generates a unique and secure password with SALT for every website that you login to
- pretend to be busy in office to enjoy a cup of coffee
- Changes a User Password via command line without promt
- useradd: 1 line, Add new user with root uid, test1:password1 and pipe errors to /tmp/err
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- List SAN domains for a certificate
- Send a local file via email
- Recursively scan directories for mp3s and pass them to mplayer
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Download certificate chain from FTP
- Capture and re-use expensive multi-line output in shell
- Key binding to search
- Search from the command line using the API
- test and send email via smtps using openssl client
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- Generate secure password to userwith chpasswd
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- run complex remote shell cmds over ssh, without escaping quotes
- Set user passwords to username from partial password file
- Convert any text you type into sha1
- Display something when an X app fails
- List PCI device with class and vendor/device IDs
- IBM AIX: Verify a sha256sum listing with openssl
- IBM AIX: Calculate the SHA256 hashes of a directory without sha256sum
- Capture video of a linux desktop
- Random line from (funny IRC quotes)
- Random line from (funny IRC quotes)
- Create subversion undo point
- Kill any lingering ssh processes
- Find all uses of PHP constants in a set of files
- Ergo browsing 'pacman' queries (Arch)
- this svn script will commit all files excluding those with extensions {.project .classpath .properties .sh .number} and those with Status Modified or Added {M or A}
- Screencast with ffmpeg x11grab
- Server load and process monitoring
- Colorized grep in less
- kill all process that belongs to you
- Delimiter Hunting
- resolving basic authentication problem(401) with wget
- translate with google, get all translations
- combining streams
- ps a process keeping the header info so you know what the columns of numbers mean!
- grep for all occurences of a (Perl-)regex in the complete, or part of man-database
- Disaster Snapshot (procmail)
- Colorize matching string without skipping others
- Find highest context switches
- Show number of NIC's, ports per nic and PCI address
- split a postscript file
- Updated top ten memory utilizing processes (child/instance aggregation) now with percentages of total RAM
- zgrep with colour into less
- Ease your directory exploration
- Command to kill PID
- Exclude dumping of specific tables with same prefix from a single database
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- rss parser
- Do some learning...
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Commit current modified or added files in current svn repository
- Recursive search inside the content of files under current directory - then view the result paginated with 'less'
- sum and average of requests responses times or sizes in Apache2 access log
- Find for jar's containing a class file
- Check if you need to run LaTeX more times to get the refefences right
- Get the password for PostgreSQL backend db for VMware vRA
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Download all Red Hat Manuals - A better way by user Flatcap
- Multi (file)source SSH host tab-completion
- Grep recursively your Python project with color highlighting the result and line numbers
- Capture and re-use expensive multi-line output in shell
- Drop all tables from a database, without deleting it
- Scrape commands from commandline fu's 1st page
- SSH monitor
- List ReverseSSH ports
- display typedefs, structs, unions and functions provided by a header file
- Provides external IP, Country and City in a formated manner.
- look some php code by some keywords
- Kill any process with one command using program name
- Find the process you are looking for minus the grepped one
- Find the process you are looking for minus the grepped one
- Kill any lingering ssh processes
- search for and kill a process in one blow
- Kill a bunch of processes with the same name
- View and review the system process tree.
- ps to show child thread PIDs
- Print heap addresses and size
- Look for process by filename in command then kill the process
- ps to show child thread PIDs
- ensure your ssh tunnel will always be up (add in crontab)
- combining streams
- Shows a specific process memory usage
- Count total processes for specific program and user
- see who is on this machine
- kill all instances of an annoying or endless, thread-spawning process
- Sum of the total resident memory is using.
- split a postscript file
- kill an arbitrary process running on an Android device attached via USB debug cable
- Kill a lot of process once a time
- backup the old files
- Kill process by searching something from 'ps' command
- Search for an active process without catching the search-process
- Chrome sucks
- Kill any lingering ssh processes
- kill all instances of an annoying or endless, thread-spawning process
- Show a 4-way scrollable process tree with full details.
- generate a core dump of a process
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Find a process by name and automatically kill it
- Get the number of open sockets for a process
- get processid of running process
- Watch all postgres processes, sorted by memory use
- kill some process (same as others) but parsing to a variable
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- Dropbox login using only curl, sed and bash
- get you public ip address
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Extended man command
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Dump a web page
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- Recursively find top 20 largest files (> 1MB) sort human readable format
- TCPDUMP & Save Capture to Remote Server w/ GZIP
- TCPDUMP & Save Capture to Remote Server
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- send incoming audio to a Icecast server (
- get all my commands in terminal
- get all my commands from commandlinefu
- Remote mysql dump all databases with ssh
- search manpages on the internets
- view the system memory in clear text
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- Show bz compressed PF binary log
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Monitor ETA using pv command
- Fetches NOAA text product weather data. (US only)
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- find a particular string on an unmounted partition
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- Create MySQL-Dump, copy db to other Server and upload the db.
- Copy a MySQL Database to a new Server via SSH with one command
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy files between hosts while on a proxy host
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- Enter your ssh password one last time
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- pipe remote log web server file to lostalgia
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- copy public key
- SSH Autocomplete. Takes your history and creates ssh autocomplete using tab
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins.
- Create SSH key exchange from one host to the other
- Copy your SSH public key on a remote machine for passwordless login.
- Copy public ssh Id to new host withtout bash redirection
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- ssh copy
- ssh Publickey auf remote Rechner anh?ngen
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- List ReverseSSH ports
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- Append a pub key from pem file and save in remote server accessing with another key
- transfer lvm image to another host
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- Cloning hard disks over the network:
- Extract android adb backup to tar format (only works for non encrypted backups)
- output your microphone to a remote computer's speaker
- Check CRL expiration time
- dd and ssh
- Creating Harddisk image and saving on remote server
- nmap all my hosts in EC2
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Extract android adb ab backup to tar format (only works for non encrypted backups)
- Test network speed without wasting disk
- useradd: 1 line, Add new user with root uid, test1:password1 and pipe errors to /tmp/err
- fuman, an alternative to the 'man' command that shows examples
- Install a basic FreeBSD system
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Backup a local drive into a file on the remote host via ssh
- UBNT device
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- Copy a MySQL Database to a new Server via SSH with one command
- iso to USB with dd and show progress status
- copy paste multiple binary files
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- get you public ip address
- Extract android adb backup to tar format (only works for non encrypted backups)
- Get your external IP address
- Get your external IP address
- Get your external IP address
- Backup sda5 partition to ftp ( using pipes and gziped backup )
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- move a lot of files over ssh
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Email an svn dump
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- Get your current Public IP
- Get your current Public IP
- Get external IP address
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Extract android adb ab backup to tar format (only works for non encrypted backups)
- Encrypted archive with openssl and tar
- use curl to resume a failed download
- clone a hard drive to a remote directory via ssh tunnel, and compressing the image
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Show me just the ip address
- Dump root ext3 fs over ssh
- unzip file on local machine copy to remote machine with ssh
- shortcut to immediately view any script with less
- Get your external IP address
- improve copy file over ssh showing progress
- check the fucking weather
- Migrate wordpress db between two hosts changing the URL on the fly with encryption and compression
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- Copy specific files to another machine, keeping the file hierarchy
- Counts number of lines (in source code excluding comments)
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Find which jars contain a class
- 2 SSL get expiration date from remote site
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Get file from remote system
- Count total processes for specific program and user
- Find out what files are changed or added in a git repository.
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Exclude dumping of specific tables with same prefix from a single database
- Import SQL into MySQL with a progress meter
- add random color and external ip address to prompt (PS1)
- Run git gc in all git repositories bellow .
- Check SSL expiry from commandline
- Easy file sharing from the command line using
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- look some php code by some keywords
- List PCI device with class and vendor/device IDs
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Copy files between hosts while on a proxy host
- make rsync progress output suitable for shell script reading
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- Get file from remote system
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Get just the IP for a hostname
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- add random color and external ip address to prompt (PS1)
- return external ip
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Enable tab completion for known SSH hosts
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- this svn script will commit all files excluding those with extensions {.project .classpath .properties .sh .number} and those with Status Modified or Added {M or A}
- Highlight the plain text in XML (or HTML, SGML, etc)
- delay execution of a command that needs lots of memory and CPU time until the resources are available
- SSH folder with progress bar and faster encryption with compression
- Duplicating service runlevel configurations from one server to another.
- Find All Email Forwarders in Zimbra Mail Server
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Download all recently uploaded pastes on
- List all active access_logs for currently running Apache or Lighttpd process
- Forget fortunes in your terminal this grabs a random
- Print whois info about connected ip addresses
- extract all urls from firefox sessionstore
- Find the real procesor speed when you use CPU scaling [cpuspeed]
- Check if your desired password is already available in haveibeenpwnd database. This command uses the API provided by HIBP
- Lists all usernames in alphabetical order
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Sometimes you just want a quick way to find out if a certain user account is locked [Linux].
- Set user passwords to username from partial password file
- Browse system RAM in a human readable form
- Find all the files more than 10MB, sort in descending order of size and record the output of filenames and size in a text file.
- Copy specific files to another machine, keeping the file hierarchy
- scping files with streamlines compression (tar gzip)
- Secure copy from one server to another without rsync and preserve users, etc
- Pack up some files into a tarball on a remote server without writing to the local filesystem
- make rsync progress output suitable for shell script reading
- encrypt, split and get ready for dvd a large file via tar and ccrypt
- Encrypted archive with openssl and tar
- Send a backup job to a remote tape drive on another machine over SSH
- Create tar over SSH
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Find highest context switches
- Check if a remote port is up using (i.e. from behind a firewall/proxy)
- create compressed encrypted backup
- Backup trought SSH
- backup the old files
- Encrypted archive with openssl and tar
- oneliner to transfer a directory using ssh and tar
- oneliner to transfer a directory using ssh and tar
- Untar a directory in a tar file over ssh
- Remote backups with tar over ssh
- tar via network
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- Adhoc tar backup
- Random line from (funny IRC quotes)
- Get your commandlinefu points (upvotes - downvotes)
- Get your external IP address
- Check CRL expiration time
- Get your current Public IP
- Get your current Public IP
- Get external IP address
- get all my commands in terminal
- get all my commands from commandlinefu
- Get your external IP address with the best command
- Get your external IP address with a random command
- Check if a port is open to the internet using
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Search from the command line using the API
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Bulk add urls to your Instapaper account
- Key binding to search
- Search from the command line using the API
- check the fucking weather
- Dropbox login using only curl, sed and bash
- Zenity percent progressbar for scripts accepting parameters
- command line fu roulette
- Get your commandlinefu points (upvotes - downvotes)
- What is the use of this switch ?
- get all my commands in terminal
- get all my commands from commandlinefu
- search manpages on the internets
- Sum of the total resident memory is using.
- Get your external IP address with the best command
- Get your external IP address with a random command
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Give to anyone a command to immediatly find a particular part of a man.
- Search from the command line using the API
- Read manpages without the man(1) command
- print latest (top 10, top 3 or *) commands
- A way to run commands on a remote computer to be displayed on the remote computer
- pop-up messages on a remote computer
- Key binding to search
- Send remote command output to your local clipboard
- Search from the command line using the API
- open manpage and search for a string
- run complex remote shell cmds over ssh, without escaping quotes
- copy paste multiple binary files
- Backup sda5 partition to ftp ( using pipes and gziped backup )
- move a lot of files over ssh
- Email an svn dump
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- Encrypted archive with openssl and tar
- use curl to resume a failed download
- clone a hard drive to a remote directory via ssh tunnel, and compressing the image
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Dump root ext3 fs over ssh
- unzip file on local machine copy to remote machine with ssh
- improve copy file over ssh showing progress
- check the fucking weather
- Migrate wordpress db between two hosts changing the URL on the fly with encryption and compression
- copy paste multiple binary files
- Backup sda5 partition to ftp ( using pipes and gziped backup )
- move a lot of files over ssh
- Email an svn dump
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- Encrypted archive with openssl and tar
- clone a hard drive to a remote directory via ssh tunnel, and compressing the image
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- unzip file on local machine copy to remote machine with ssh
- improve copy file over ssh showing progress
- Migrate wordpress db between two hosts changing the URL on the fly with encryption and compression
- Copy specific files to another machine, keeping the file hierarchy
- Monitor cpu freq and temperature
- Put files back together after encrypted with tar and ccrypt
- Quick and dirty hardware summary
- TCPDUMP & Save Capture to Remote Server w/ GZIP
- TCPDUMP & Save Capture to Remote Server
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Get file from remote system
- Check if a remote port is up using (i.e. from behind a firewall/proxy)
- Set ondemand governor for all cpu cores.
- Show bz compressed PF binary log
- backup the old files
- Info cpu
- Find the real procesor speed when you use CPU scaling [cpuspeed]
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Remote backups with tar over ssh
- Copy uncommitted changes to remote git repository
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- Copy specific files to another machine, keeping the file hierarchy
- Counts number of lines (in source code excluding comments)
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Find which jars contain a class
- Compile all .less files to .css
- backup the old files
- Recursive search inside the content of files under current directory - then view the result paginated with 'less'
- Run git gc in all git repositories bellow .
- Recursively replace a string in files with lines matching string
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find&grep all in once
- Find files modified in the last N days; list sorted by time
- Archive all SVN repositories in platform indepenent form
- Rename many files in directories and subdirectories
- get you public ip address
- do a full file listing of every file found with locate
- ps to show child thread PIDs
- Pipe ls output into less
- Read recursive directory listings at leisure
- Quick and dirty hardware summary
- Generate SHA1 hash for each file in a list
- Find the dates your debian/ubuntu packages were installed.
- pngcrush all .png files in the directory
- Compile all .less files to .css
- Check if a remote port is up using (i.e. from behind a firewall/proxy)
- Check if SSL session caching is enabled on Google
- display colored list items in less pager
- A way to run commands on a remote computer to be displayed on the remote computer
- pop-up messages on a remote computer
- Bulk add urls to your Instapaper account
- Display "ls -l" output with color in less
- Find files modified in the last N days; list sorted by time
- Create an animated gif from a Youtube video
- List ReverseSSH ports
- List all file and directory on user's home with details
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- change user password one liner
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- Set a user password without passwd
- Changes a User Password via command line without promt
- useradd: 1 line, Add new user with root uid, test1:password1 and pipe errors to /tmp/err
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Generate secure password to userwith chpasswd
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- Remote mysql dump all databases with ssh
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- Import SQL into MySQL with a progress meter
- Monitor ETA using pv command
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Create MySQL-Dump, copy db to other Server and upload the db.
- Copy a MySQL Database to a new Server via SSH with one command
- Zenity percent progressbar for scripts accepting parameters
- command line fu roulette
- Get your commandlinefu points (upvotes - downvotes)
- get all my commands in terminal
- get all my commands from commandlinefu
- Sum of the total resident memory is using.
- Get your external IP address with the best command
- Get your external IP address with a random command
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Search from the command line using the API
- print latest (top 10, top 3 or *) commands
- A way to run commands on a remote computer to be displayed on the remote computer
- pop-up messages on a remote computer
- Key binding to search
- Send remote command output to your local clipboard
- Search from the command line using the API
- run complex remote shell cmds over ssh, without escaping quotes
- Highlight the plain text in XML (or HTML, SGML, etc)
- shell function to make gnu info act like man.
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Compare a remote file with a local file
- Quick and dirty hardware summary
- Use GNU info with a pager
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- search manpages on the internets
- Check if a remote port is up using (i.e. from behind a firewall/proxy)
- Update a namecheap @ A record to point to your current internet-facing IP address
- Verify a file has not been tampered with since dpkg installation
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- List all active access_logs for currently running Apache or Lighttpd process
- Forget fortunes in your terminal this grabs a random
- Brute force discover
- List ReverseSSH ports
- Convert any text you type into sha1
- List your largest installed packages (on Debian/Ubuntu)
- List your largest installed packages (on Debian/Ubuntu)
- Do some learning...
- Count number of javascript files in subdirectories
- ssh autocomplete
- du and sort to find the biggest directories in defined filesystem
- SSH Autocomplete. Takes your history and creates ssh autocomplete using tab
- Get your external IP address with the best command
- Get your external IP address with a random command
- du and sort to find the biggest directories in defined filesystem
- Check for login failures and summarize
- Sort installed rpms in alphabetic order with their size.
- Sort installed rpms by decreasing size.
- Multi (file)source SSH host tab-completion
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Check the total memory usage of processes with a specific name
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- Enter your ssh password one last time
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- copy public key
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins.
- Create SSH key exchange from one host to the other
- Copy public ssh Id to new host withtout bash redirection
- ssh copy
- Find the real procesor speed when you use CPU scaling [cpuspeed]
- ssh Publickey auf remote Rechner anh?ngen
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- get processid of running process
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Map the slot of an I/O card to its PCI bus address
- make rsync progress output suitable for shell script reading
- Pipe ls output into less
- Bruteforce a P12 file
- log rm commands
- Encrypted archive with openssl and tar
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- Quickly generate an MD5 hash for a text string using OpenSSL
- Netcat ftp brute force
- Check if you need to run LaTeX more times to get the refefences right
- Get the password for PostgreSQL backend db for VMware vRA
- Use JQ to get a csv list of assets in aws with security groups, names, and ENI ID for tracking VPC Flows from JSON
- Grep recursively your Python project with color highlighting the result and line numbers
- Key binding to search
- Key binding to search
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Generate secure password to userwith chpasswd
- Display something when an X app fails
- IBM AIX: Verify a sha256sum listing with openssl
- Complex string encoding with sed
- Get a metascore from
- Adjust gamma so monitor doesn't mess up your body's clock
- SSL get expiration date from remote site
- Find all bash functions in a file
- SSH Autocomplete. Takes your history and creates ssh autocomplete using tab
- ssh autocomplete
- Analyze Apache Web Log Statistics starting on DATE x
- Makes a Zenity select list based on entries in your wpa_supplicant.conf
- Search from the command line using the API
- Automatically tunnel all ports of running docker instances in boot2docker
- fuman, an alternative to the 'man' command that shows examples
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Use Dell Service Tag $1 to Find Machine Model [Model Name and Model Number]
- check a list of domains registered on godaddy
- Let google say something for you! (mpv can be replaced by any mp3-decoder)
- Enable tab completion for known SSH hosts
- Play a podcast via XPath and mpg123
- Play 2600 off the hook over ssh
- Get AWS temporary credentials ready to export based on a MFA virtual appliance
- set desktop background to highest-rated image from Reddit /r/wallpapers
- this toggles mute on the Master channel of an alsa soundcard
- Create passwords and store safely with gpg
- Show 10 6 characters pass and crypt(3) *if you like
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- add random color and external ip address to prompt (PS1)
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- add random color and external ip address to prompt (PS1)
- Create subversion undo point
- search manpages on the internets
- find top 20 results in apache statistics for a specific month
- List PCI device with class and vendor/device IDs
- Show word-by-word differences between two latex files, in color
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Better git diff, word delimited and colorized
- Better git diff, word delimited and colorized
- Paged, colored svn diff
- most changed files in domains by rdiff-backup output
- To help sort through differences in .txt files
- do a full file listing of every file found with locate
- Recursively find top 20 largest files (> 1MB) sort human readable format
- Compile all .less files to .css
- List all file and directory on user's home with details
- look some php code by some keywords
- Send email from terminal
- Monitor cpu freq and temperature
- log rm commands
- Block all brute force attacks in realtime (IPv4/SSH)
- Mac osx friendly version of this terminal typing command at 200ms per key
- find all active ip?s in a subnet
- View online pdf documents in cli
- Search from the command line using the API
- Download all Red Hat Manuals - A better way by user Flatcap
- Search from the command line using the API
- command line fu roulette
- Check if a remote port is up using (i.e. from behind a firewall/proxy)
- Passwords from 9/11 tragedy pager intercepts (Yeah! Plain text! From
- Fetches NOAA text product weather data. (US only)
- print latest (top 10, top 3 or *) commands
- Get your external IP address
- Get full from half remembered commands
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- unzip file on local machine copy to remote machine with ssh
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- iso to USB with dd and show progress status
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Recursive search inside the content of files under current directory - then view the result paginated with 'less'
- Find files modified in the last N days; list sorted by time
- make rsync progress output suitable for shell script reading
- Do some learning...
- Do some learning...
- Do a quick check on the harware specifications on a set of Linux (RedHat) boxes
- last mounted device
- pipe remote log web server file to lostalgia
- Print Memory Utilization Percentage For a specific process and it's children
- show each new entry in system messages as a popup
- Use Growl to monitor your local apache error logs for new messages
- display memory usage of a process
- View and review the system process tree.
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- kill some process (same as others) but parsing to a variable
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- Update a namecheap @ A record to point to your current internet-facing IP address
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Dump and compress a drive over ssh with current speeds
- Generate a Random (unicast) MAC address
- Pipe ls output into less
- Compile all .less files to .css
- Compile all .less files to .css
- force change password for all user
- Extract HTTP Passwords in POST Requests
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Send data securly over the net.
- Sometimes you just want a quick way to find out if a certain user account is locked [Linux].
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- Compare a remote file with a local file
- pipe remote log web server file to lostalgia
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Check wireless link quality with dialog box
- get all my commands in terminal
- pretend to be busy in office to enjoy a cup of coffee
- test and send email via smtps using openssl client
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- log rm commands
- Extract HTTP Passwords in POST Requests
- ssh autocomplete
- Search The History for a Particular Command (ssh in this case)
- find examples of multiline idioms in Linux drivers source code
- Block all brute force attacks in realtime (IPv4/SSH)
- Quick and dirty hardware summary
- Quick and dirty hardware summary
- Get your current Public IP
- relabel current konsole tab
- displays an uncluttered list of the names of all variables and functions in the current environment, (without shell functions and definitions)
- Quick and dirty hardware summary
- Get file from remote system
- Quick and dirty hardware summary
- Quick and dirty hardware summary
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Brute force discover
- List ReverseSSH ports
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Recursively scan directories for mp3s and pass them to mplayer
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Netcat ftp brute force
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- get all my commands in terminal
- get all my commands from commandlinefu
- search manpages on the internets
- run command on a group of nodes in parallel
- run command on a group of nodes in parallel
- Generate RSA private key and self-signed certificate
- Generate RSA private key and self-signed certificate
- Generate RSA private key and self-signed certificate
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Download SSL/TLS pem format cert from https web host
- generate pem cert from host with ssl port
- Check SSL expiry from commandline
- Random music player
- Copy uncommitted changes to remote git repository
- Print whois info about connected ip addresses
- useradd: 1 line, Add new user with root uid, test1:password1 and pipe errors to /tmp/err
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- Send a local file via email
- Send your terminfo to another machine
- Show me just the ip address
- shortcut to immediately view any script with less
- Copy uncommitted changes to remote git repository
- List ReverseSSH ports
- dmesg pipe less with color
- See a full last history by expanding logrotated wtmp files
- Determine next available UID
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- Echo the latest commands from commandlinefu on the console
- Kill any process with one command using program name
- Export usernames and passwords from sslstrip log
- Take a screenshot of x11 over ssh pipe to view on a mac in one line
- Kill any lingering ssh processes
- Get column names in MySQL
- Find all uses of PHP constants in a set of files
- search for and kill a process in one blow
- Display error pages in report format
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Gets WAN ip address directly from DGN2200 router.
- Kill all threads from a MySQL user
- Check the total memory usage of processes with a specific name
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- Daily watch "question pour un champion" (French TV show)
- force change password for all user
- Print unique ipaddresses as they come in from Apache Access Log File
- tail -f a log file over ssh into growl
- Check CRL expiration time
- Add temporary entry to authorized_keys
- Top ten (or whatever) memory utilizing processes (with children aggregate) - Can be done without the multi-dimensional array
- Top ten (or whatever) memory utilizing processes (with children aggregate)
- Uncompress a CSS file
- Look for process by filename in command then kill the process
- Enter your ssh password one last time
- Get acurate memory usage of a Process in MegaBytes
- log rm commands
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- Fetch the requested virtual domains and their hits from log file
- Grep auth log and print ip of attackers
- Total Apache memory
- Sum size of files returned from FIND
- Checks apache's access_log file, strips the search queries and shoves them up your e-mail
- Extract HTTP Passwords in POST Requests
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- grep apache access.log and list IP's by hits and date - sorted
- Count number of hits per IP address in last 2000 lines of apache logs and print the IP and hits if hits > 20
- Get the version of sshd on a remote system
- show mysql process ids
- Analyse an Apache access log for the most common IP addresses
- Shows a specific process memory usage
- Generate a Random (unicast) MAC address
- Count total processes for specific program and user
- change user password one liner
- Unix timestamp Solaris
- kill all instances of an annoying or endless, thread-spawning process
- Watch who requests what page from apache logs
- Monitoring TCP connections number
- Fix SELinux problem with Postfix on Centos
- analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark
- Sum of the total resident memory is using.
- Copy uncommitted changes from remote git repository
- Validate openssh key & print checksum
- Download 40 top funnyjunk Images to the current directory
- Updated top ten memory utilizing processes (child/instance aggregation) now with percentages of total RAM
- Real time duplication of Apache app traffic to a second server
- Set a user password without passwd
- bash screensaver (scrolling ascii art with customizable message)
- Analyse compressed Apache access logs for the most commonly requested pages
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- Set ondemand governor for all cpu cores.
- kill an arbitrary process running on an Android device attached via USB debug cable
- Script para hacer un acopia d ela base de datos mysql
- Run a command for blocks of output of another command
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- faster replace sting with dd
- diff two css files to create an overriding css (e.g. for wordpress child themes)
- Command to kill PID
- Download latest NVIDIA Geforce x64 Windows driver
- List user processes with their memory usage and total usage.
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- Pipe system log to espeak
- rss parser
- Kill process by searching something from 'ps' command
- Download all manuals RedHat 7 (CentOS/Fedora) with one command in Linux
- add random color and external ip address to prompt (PS1)
- analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark
- Chrome sucks
- Use wpa_supplicant to access a wifi AP without using a .conf file
- sum and average of requests responses times or sizes in Apache2 access log
- Check for login failures and summarize
- Thread count per user
- show each new entry in system messages as a popup
- Parallel XZ with progress bar
- Changes a User Password via command line without promt
- Find the real procesor speed when you use CPU scaling [cpuspeed]
- Pull Total Memory Usage In Virtual Environment
- How many lines does the passwd file have?
- Retrieve a download count for URLs in apache logs
- useradd: 1 line, Add new user with root uid, test1:password1 and pipe errors to /tmp/err
- kill all instances of an annoying or endless, thread-spawning process
- List SAN domains for a certificate
- generate random password
- send a circular
- Connect via SSH to VirtualBox guest VM without knowing IP address
- Number of CPU's in a system
- solaris: get seconds since epoch
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- most changed files in domains by rdiff-backup output
- Show me just the ip address
- Grep ip addresses from access attempts to a page and add them to an ipset referenced by an iptables rule
- Update with your external IP.
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Calculating number of Connection to MySQL
- Send data securly over the net.
- Get the number of open sockets for a process
- Gather list of PHPCS error messages sorted by frequency
- sorta apache logs by ip frequency
- Get listening ports on a localhost
- wmi
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Schedule a script or command in x num hours, silently run in the background even if logged out
- List ethernet ports speed
- Find and sort by Resident Size of each process on the system in MB
- kill some process (same as others) but parsing to a variable
- Sum using awk
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Sometimes you just want a quick way to find out if a certain user account is locked [Linux].
- find all open files by named process
- Finds all of the mailers being used in your rails app
- Phrack 66 is out, but the .tar.gz is not there yet on's website
- Extract all 404 errors from your apache accesslog (prefix lines by occurrences number)
- analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark
- Echo the latest commands from commandlinefu on the console
- Get Chromecast opencast pincode
- HTTP GET request on wireshark remotly
- Generate secure password to userwith chpasswd
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- List your Boxee queue
- Play back shell session recorded using the
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- Translates a phrase from English to Portuguese
- analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark
- Create MySQL-Dump, copy db to other Server and upload the db.
- avoid ssh hangs using jobs
- avoid ssh hangs using jobs
- View open file descriptors for a process.
- Get the SAN (subjectAltName) of a site's certificate.
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- Random line from (funny IRC quotes)
- Random line from (funny IRC quotes)
- Send email from terminal
- Mac osx friendly version of this terminal typing command at 200ms per key
- Find all uses of PHP constants in a set of files
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Create the oauth token required for a Twitter stream feed
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy files between hosts while on a proxy host
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- make rsync progress output suitable for shell script reading
- Find which jars contain a class
- Complex string encoding with sed
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- Pipe ls output into less
- force change password for all user
- Stores the certificate expiration date on the variable A
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- Enter your ssh password one last time
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- 2 SSL get expiration date from remote site
- pipe remote log web server file to lostalgia
- nmap all my hosts in EC2
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Email a file to yourself
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Extract HTTP Passwords in POST Requests
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- translate with google, get all translations
- copy public key
- Shows a specific process memory usage
- Compile all .less files to .css
- Compile all .less files to .css
- SSH Autocomplete. Takes your history and creates ssh autocomplete using tab
- change user password one liner
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins.
- Create SSH key exchange from one host to the other
- Sum of the total resident memory is using.
- Analyze Apache Web Log Statistics starting on DATE x
- check site ssl certificate dates
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- Generate RSA private key and self-signed certificate
- Copy your SSH public key on a remote machine for passwordless login.
- Set a user password without passwd
- Copy public ssh Id to new host withtout bash redirection
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- find geographical location of an ip address
- It decripts all pgp files in a selection folder and move the output into a file.
- Download SSL/TLS pem format cert from https web host
- generate pem cert from host with ssl port
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- send attachment file email
- Chrome sucks
- Check SSL expiry from commandline
- show each new entry in system messages as a popup
- This generates a unique and secure password with SALT for every website that you login to
- ssh copy
- Changes a User Password via command line without promt
- Find the real procesor speed when you use CPU scaling [cpuspeed]
- useradd: 1 line, Add new user with root uid, test1:password1 and pipe errors to /tmp/err
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- List SAN domains for a certificate
- Monitor progress of a command
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- ssh Publickey auf remote Rechner anh?ngen
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Send data securly over the net.
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Key binding to search
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- UBNT device
- get processid of running process
- test and send email via smtps using openssl client
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Sometimes you just want a quick way to find out if a certain user account is locked [Linux].
- List ReverseSSH ports
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Generate secure password to userwith chpasswd
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- Create MySQL-Dump, copy db to other Server and upload the db.
- Append a pub key from pem file and save in remote server accessing with another key
- Get the SAN (subjectAltName) of a site's certificate.
- kill all running instances of wine and programs runned by it (exe)
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- Random line from (funny IRC quotes)
- Find the process you are looking for minus the grepped one
- Kill any lingering ssh processes
- Counts number of lines (in source code excluding comments)
- Find all uses of PHP constants in a set of files
- Determine whether a CPU has 64 bit capability or not
- Kill a bunch of processes with the same name
- Automagically create a /etc/hosts file based on your DHCP list (only works on Linksys WRT54G router)
- list all crontabs for users
- Get an authorization code from Google
- Find which jars contain a class
- Export OPML from Google Reader
- Daily watch "question pour un champion" (French TV show)
- set desktop background to highest-rated image from Reddit /r/wallpapers
- Print heap addresses and size
- Check wireless link quality with dialog box
- List all username for accounts using bash shell
- Get sunrise and sunset times
- Basic search for Quassel PostgreSQL database
- dig this
- FAST Search and Replace for Strings in all Files in Directory
- Find out how old a web page is
- Checks apache's access_log file, strips the search queries and shoves them up your e-mail
- Get the list of local files that changed since their last upload in an S3 bucket
- Get the version of sshd on a remote system
- Get curenttly playing track in radio
- Run a command on a remote machine
- get all my commands from commandlinefu
- Check SSH fingerprints
- Count the number of queries to a MySQL server
- See why a program can't seem to access a file
- Print Memory Utilization Percentage For a specific process and it's children
- Sum of the total resident memory is using.
- compute the qps according to the latest n lines of logs
- Find out how old a web page is
- see who's using DOM storage a/k/a Web Storage, super cookies
- set desktop background to highest-rated image from Reddit /r/wallpapers
- "Clone" a list of installed packages from one Debian/Ubuntu Server to another
- PlayTweets from the command line
- Pulse Volume Control Using Zenity
- find geographical location of an ip address
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Download mp3 files linked in a RSS podcast feed
- Geo Location of an IP-address
- UPS Tracking Script
- Exclude dumping of specific tables with same prefix from a single database
- Kill a lot of process once a time
- Find the fastest server to disable comcast's DNS hijacking
- Download all manuals RedHat 7 (CentOS/Fedora) with one command in Linux
- psgrep
- Chrome sucks
- Chrome sucks
- Linux: find names non non-virtual network interfaces
- Show a running count of CLOSE_WAIT and TIME_WAIT connections for debugging network apps
- Download all files from podcast RSS feed
- Displays the number of unread messages on your gmail at the top right corner of your terminal
- Kill multiple Locked connection by a single user in MYSQL DB
- connect via ssh using mac address
- extract all urls from firefox sessionstore
- Generate background office noise using Digg feeds and OSX.
- Kill any lingering ssh processes
- moreplayingaround
- Speak the top 6 lines of your twitter timeline every 5 minutes.....
- Btrfs: Find file names with checksum errors
- compile source & then remove the dev tools you needed to install
- search and cut between two strings
- Speak the last 3 tweets on Mac OS
- list tomcat webapps
- Use Dell Service Tag $1 to Find Machine Model [Model Name and Model Number]
- Download all Red Hat Manuals - A better way by user Flatcap
- Get a summary of network devices in the system
- Calculating number of Connection to MySQL
- Multi (file)source SSH host tab-completion
- Find a process by name and automatically kill it
- Btrfs: Find file names with checksum errors
- wmi
- Drop all tables from a database, without deleting it
- get processid of running process
- get processid of running process
- Watch all postgres processes, sorted by memory use
- get process id of command
- Per country GET report, based on access log. Easy to transform to unique IP
- List ethernet ports speed
- SSH monitor
- Sometimes you just want a quick way to find out if a certain user account is locked [Linux].
- List ReverseSSH ports
- List ReverseSSH ports
- find all open files by named process
- Download files linked in a RSS feed
- Report the established connections for a particular port
- Find brute force attempts on SSHd
- display memory usage of a process
- Download files linked in a RSS feed
- Determine next available UID
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- Echo the latest commands from commandlinefu on the console
- Kill any process with one command using program name
- Export usernames and passwords from sslstrip log
- Kill any lingering ssh processes
- Get column names in MySQL
- Find all uses of PHP constants in a set of files
- search for and kill a process in one blow
- Display error pages in report format
- Gets WAN ip address directly from DGN2200 router.
- Check the total memory usage of processes with a specific name
- force change password for all user
- Print unique ipaddresses as they come in from Apache Access Log File
- Check CRL expiration time
- Top ten (or whatever) memory utilizing processes (with children aggregate) - Can be done without the multi-dimensional array
- Top ten (or whatever) memory utilizing processes (with children aggregate)
- Uncompress a CSS file
- Look for process by filename in command then kill the process
- Get acurate memory usage of a Process in MegaBytes
- log rm commands
- Fetch the requested virtual domains and their hits from log file
- Grep auth log and print ip of attackers
- Total Apache memory
- Sum size of files returned from FIND
- Checks apache's access_log file, strips the search queries and shoves them up your e-mail
- grep apache access.log and list IP's by hits and date - sorted
- Count number of hits per IP address in last 2000 lines of apache logs and print the IP and hits if hits > 20
- show mysql process ids
- Analyse an Apache access log for the most common IP addresses
- Shows a specific process memory usage
- Unix timestamp Solaris
- kill all instances of an annoying or endless, thread-spawning process
- Watch who requests what page from apache logs
- Monitoring TCP connections number
- Sum of the total resident memory is using.
- Validate openssh key & print checksum
- Download 40 top funnyjunk Images to the current directory
- Updated top ten memory utilizing processes (child/instance aggregation) now with percentages of total RAM
- Real time duplication of Apache app traffic to a second server
- Analyse compressed Apache access logs for the most commonly requested pages
- Set ondemand governor for all cpu cores.
- kill an arbitrary process running on an Android device attached via USB debug cable
- diff two css files to create an overriding css (e.g. for wordpress child themes)
- Command to kill PID
- Download latest NVIDIA Geforce x64 Windows driver
- List user processes with their memory usage and total usage.
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- rss parser
- Kill process by searching something from 'ps' command
- add random color and external ip address to prompt (PS1)
- sum and average of requests responses times or sizes in Apache2 access log
- Check for login failures and summarize
- Thread count per user
- Find the real procesor speed when you use CPU scaling [cpuspeed]
- Pull Total Memory Usage In Virtual Environment
- Retrieve a download count for URLs in apache logs
- kill all instances of an annoying or endless, thread-spawning process
- List SAN domains for a certificate
- Connect via SSH to VirtualBox guest VM without knowing IP address
- solaris: get seconds since epoch
- most changed files in domains by rdiff-backup output
- Show me just the ip address
- Grep ip addresses from access attempts to a page and add them to an ipset referenced by an iptables rule
- Calculating number of Connection to MySQL
- Get the number of open sockets for a process
- sorta apache logs by ip frequency
- Get listening ports on a localhost
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Find and sort by Resident Size of each process on the system in MB
- kill some process (same as others) but parsing to a variable
- Sum using awk
- Extract all 404 errors from your apache accesslog (prefix lines by occurrences number)
- Echo the latest commands from commandlinefu on the console
- List your Boxee queue
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- Translates a phrase from English to Portuguese
- Play a podcast via XPath and mpg123
- Create strong, but easy to remember password
- Quickly generate an MD5 hash for a text string using OpenSSL
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Uncompress a CSS file
- generate a unique and secure password for every website that you login to
- Email a file to yourself
- Create a random password encrypted with md5 with custom lenght
- Kill multiple instances of a running process
- Shows a specific process memory usage
- Unix timestamp Solaris
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- Update a namecheap @ A record to point to your current internet-facing IP address
- List out classes in of all htmls in directory
- Download latest NVIDIA Geforce x64 Windows driver
- List user processes with their memory usage and total usage.
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Use md5 to generate a pretty hard to crack password
- send attachment file email
- Use wpa_supplicant to access a wifi AP without using a .conf file
- sum and average of requests responses times or sizes in Apache2 access log
- Generate Sha1, MD5 hash using echo
- Download all files from podcast RSS feed
- This generates a unique and secure password with SALT for every website that you login to
- Blackhole any level zones via dnsmasq
- Pull Total Memory Usage In Virtual Environment
- List SAN domains for a certificate
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Remote execute command as sudoer via ssh
- Download files linked in a RSS feed
- List all users
- Mapreduce style processing
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- List all groups and the user names that were in each group
- Print all /etc/passwd lines with duplicated uid
- Top 10 requestors by IP address from Apache/NCSA Logs
- ssh autocomplete
- ssh autocomplete
- List cassandra snapshots by date
- See the top 10 IP addresses in a web access log
- Find duplicate UID in /etc/passwd
- SSH Autocomplete. Takes your history and creates ssh autocomplete using tab
- Find highest context switches
- List all users and groups
- List out classes in of all htmls in directory
- Count the number of unique colors there are in a websites css folder
- List all active access_logs for currently running Apache or Lighttpd process
- Hits per hour apache log
- List your MACs address
- Compare two directories
- memory usage
- Display IPs accessing your Apache webserver.
- Brute force discover
- Lists all users in alphabetical order
- Lists all usernames in alphabetical order
- Multi (file)source SSH host tab-completion
- Top ten memory hogs
- top 10 of access log
- Shows users and 'virtual users' on your a unix-type system
- Compare a remote dir with a local dir
- Extract busiest times from apache access log
- Echo the latest commands from commandlinefu on the console
- Create a PNG screenshot of Rigol Ultravision scopes attached per LAN
- Create a local compressed tarball from remote host directory
- copy remote ssh session output to local clipboard
- Get MD5 checksum from a pipe stream and do not alter it
- Backup a remote database to your local filesystem
- Update IP filter for qBittorrent
- dump the whole database
- display the hover text of the most recent xkcd
- hostgrep: set ip and hostname from /etc/hosts (non-DNS)
- Get a MySQL DB dump from a remote machine
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Email a file to yourself
- TCPDUMP & Save Capture to Remote Server w/ GZIP
- Copy stdin to your X11 buffer
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- Backup VPS disk to another host
- dump a remote db via ssh and populate local db with postgres
- Get MD5 checksum from a pipe stream and do not alter it
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Script para hacer un acopia d ela base de datos mysql
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Speed Up WAN File Transfer With Compression
- send attachment file email
- This generates a unique and secure password with SALT for every website that you login to
- find css or js files, minifiy with in-path-yuicompressor, gzip output, and save into .gz
- Import MySQL db to localhost.
- Monitor progress of a command
- Easy file sharing from the command line using
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- gzip over ssh
- find&grep all in once
- get gzipped logs from webserver to local machine
- Finds all of the mailers being used in your rails app
- tar+pbzip2 a dir
- Echo the latest commands from commandlinefu on the console
- Random line from (funny IRC quotes)
- command line fu roulette
- SSL get expiration date from remote site
- hostgrep: set ip and hostname from /etc/hosts (non-DNS)
- Create A Continuous Yahoo! News Ticker For The Terminal
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- translate with google, get all translations
- List last opened tabs in firefox browser
- Generate a Random (unicast) MAC address
- Compile all .less files to .css
- SSH Autocomplete. Takes your history and creates ssh autocomplete using tab
- get all my commands in terminal
- Generate random valid mac addresses
- ssh autocomplete
- Download certificate from FTP
- Extract all urls from last firefox sessionstore used in a portable way.
- Execute MySQL query send results from stdout to CSV
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Verify a file has not been tampered with since dpkg installation
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Search from the command line using the API
- Run query on remote database and output results as csv
- Pull Total Memory Usage In Virtual Environment
- Btrfs: Find file names with checksum errors
- Viewing Top Processes according to cpu, mem, swap size, etc.
- show number of established TCP connections
- Find the correct PID
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Update with your external IP.
- Download certificate chain from FTP
- Extract all urls from the last firefox sessionstore.js file used.
- Generate a Random MAC address
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- UBNT device
- Scrape commands from commandline fu's 1st page
- full text(CJK) search mails and link the result to $MAILDIR/bingo/cur/
- Migrate wordpress db between two hosts changing the URL on the fly with encryption and compression
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy files between hosts while on a proxy host
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- Enter your ssh password one last time
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- copy public key
- SSH Autocomplete. Takes your history and creates ssh autocomplete using tab
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins.
- Create SSH key exchange from one host to the other
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- Copy your SSH public key on a remote machine for passwordless login.
- Copy public ssh Id to new host withtout bash redirection
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- ssh copy
- ssh Publickey auf remote Rechner anh?ngen
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- List ReverseSSH ports
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- Create MySQL-Dump, copy db to other Server and upload the db.
- Append a pub key from pem file and save in remote server accessing with another key
- Play a podcast via XPath and mpg123
- Copy specific files to another machine, keeping the file hierarchy
- get a directory from one machine to another using tar and ssh
- Create a local compressed tarball from remote host directory
- Copy a file over SSH without SCP
- Put files back together after encrypted with tar and ccrypt
- Create & transfer tarball over ssh
- Copy files and directories from a remote machine to the local machine
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- print unread gmail message
- Backup entire system through SSH
- Extract remote gzip tarball
- Transfer large files/directories with no overhead over the network
- Copy a folder tree through ssh using compression (no temporary files)
- Get backup from remote host, then expand in current directory using tar
- Blackhole any level zones via dnsmasq
- print latest (top 10, top 3 or *) commands
- Get your Tweets from the command line
- Recover remote tar backup with ssh
- get gzipped logs from webserver to local machine
- test and send email via smtps using openssl client
- tar+pbzip2 a dir
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- To Stop or Start (Restart) a Windows service from a Linux machine
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- Create a local compressed tarball from remote host directory
- Take a screenshot of x11 over ssh pipe to view on a mac in one line
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy files between hosts while on a proxy host
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- copy public key
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins.
- print unread gmail message
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- Copy your SSH public key on a remote machine for passwordless login.
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- analyze traffic remotely over ssh w/ wireshark
- ssh copy
- ssh Publickey auf remote Rechner anh?ngen
- Send data securly over the net.
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Append a pub key from pem file and save in remote server accessing with another key
- IBM AIX: Verify a sha256sum listing with openssl
- Mac osx friendly version of this terminal typing command at 200ms per key
- Create the oauth token required for a Twitter stream feed
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- Compare a remote file with a local file
- hostgrep: set ip and hostname from /etc/hosts (non-DNS)
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- Create SSH key exchange from one host to the other
- bash screensaver (scrolling ascii art with customizable message)
- HourGlass
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- Run a command for blocks of output of another command
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Powershell Curl Logs Signal Strength of Cable Modem
- Show crontabs for all users
- Pipe system log to espeak
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Chrome sucks
- This generates a unique and secure password with SALT for every website that you login to
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- Get the password for PostgreSQL backend db for VMware vRA
- Create a QR code image in MECARD format
- Sometimes you just want a quick way to find out if a certain user account is locked [Linux].
- Play back shell session recorded using the
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- IBM AIX: Verify a sha256sum listing with openssl
- Create a local compressed tarball from remote host directory
- Get MD5 checksum from a pipe stream and do not alter it
- Backup a remote database to your local filesystem
- Update IP filter for qBittorrent
- dump the whole database
- Get a MySQL DB dump from a remote machine
- Email a file to yourself
- TCPDUMP & Save Capture to Remote Server w/ GZIP
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- Backup VPS disk to another host
- dump a remote db via ssh and populate local db with postgres
- Get MD5 checksum from a pipe stream and do not alter it
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Script para hacer un acopia d ela base de datos mysql
- Speed Up WAN File Transfer With Compression
- This generates a unique and secure password with SALT for every website that you login to
- find css or js files, minifiy with in-path-yuicompressor, gzip output, and save into .gz
- Import MySQL db to localhost.
- Monitor progress of a command
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- gzip over ssh
- find&grep all in once
- get gzipped logs from webserver to local machine
- tar+pbzip2 a dir
- Play a podcast via XPath and mpg123
- Mac osx friendly version of this terminal typing command at 200ms per key
- Enter your ssh password one last time
- Compile all .less files to .css
- print unread gmail message
- print latest (top 10, top 3 or *) commands
- Get your Tweets from the command line
- Monitor a log file, filling up all available space in the terminal window and preventing line wrap
- Get contents from hosts, passwd, groups even if they're in DB/LDAP/other
- test and send email via smtps using openssl client
- To Stop or Start (Restart) a Windows service from a Linux machine
- IBM AIX: Verify a sha256sum listing with openssl
- change your PS1 to look better :)
- Send email from terminal
- Create a PNG screenshot of Rigol Ultravision scopes attached per LAN
- replace old htaccess php AddHandler values with new one
- 2 SSL get expiration date from remote site
- nmap all my hosts in EC2
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Write random data to a disk, quickly
- find geographical location of an ip address
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Transfer large files/directories with no overhead over the network
- Generate File and Checksum with pseudo-random Content and Size in Bash
- find co-ordinates of a location
- find co-ordinates of a location
- Restore a local drive from the image on remote host via ssh
- UBNT device
- get you public ip address
- Server load and process monitoring
- Do a quick check on the harware specifications on a set of Linux (RedHat) boxes
- Stores the certificate expiration date on the variable A
- Show some details of recent Leopard Time Machine activity - shell: bash, Mac OSX 10.5
- pipe remote log web server file to lostalgia
- How much RAM is Apache using?
- Reports file systems with disk usage exceeding 90% on the specified host
- Block all brute force attacks in realtime (IPv4/SSH)
- Get table column names from an MySQL-database in comma-seperated form
- View latest apache access log
- Generate random sensible passwords, and copy them to the clipboard
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Do a quick check on the harware specifications on a set of Linux (RedHat) boxes
- Record output of any command using 'tee' at backend; mainly can be used to capture the output of ssh from client side while connecting to a server.
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- It decripts all pgp files in a selection folder and move the output into a file.
- Exclude dumping of specific tables with same prefix from a single database
- strace alternative for Mac OS X
- Kill multiple Locked connection by a single user in MYSQL DB
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- Get your Tweets from the command line
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Finds all of the mailers being used in your rails app
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- Print out which hosts are not running specific process
- Create a local compressed tarball from remote host directory
- Backup a remote database to your local filesystem
- dump the whole database
- Get a MySQL DB dump from a remote machine
- TCPDUMP & Save Capture to Remote Server w/ GZIP
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- Backup VPS disk to another host
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Script para hacer un acopia d ela base de datos mysql
- This generates a unique and secure password with SALT for every website that you login to
- find css or js files, minifiy with in-path-yuicompressor, gzip output, and save into .gz
- Import MySQL db to localhost.
- Monitor progress of a command
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- gzip over ssh
- get gzipped logs from webserver to local machine
- Copy files between hosts while on a proxy host
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- scp a good script from host A which has no public access to host C, but with a hop by host B
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins.
- Create SSH key exchange from one host to the other
- postgresql : drop all sequences from the public schema
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- Hostname tab-completion for ssh
- test and send email via smtps using openssl client
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- Append a pub key from pem file and save in remote server accessing with another key
- force change password for all user
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- change user password one liner
- Set a user password without passwd
- Changes a User Password via command line without promt
- useradd: 1 line, Add new user with root uid, test1:password1 and pipe errors to /tmp/err
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Sometimes you just want a quick way to find out if a certain user account is locked [Linux].
- Generate secure password to userwith chpasswd
- Quickly add user accounts to the system and force a password change on first login
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- FAST Search and Replace for Strings in all Files in Directory
- Kill multiple instances of a running process
- Compile all .less files to .css
- Compile all .less files to .css
- Create SSH key exchange from one host to the other
- Duplicate installed packages from one machine to the other (RPM-based systems)
- Download all manuals RedHat 7 (CentOS/Fedora) with one command in Linux
- Replicate a directory structure from a 'basedir' in a remote server.
- Get the password for PostgreSQL backend db for VMware vRA
- generate a core dump of a process
- Phrack 66 is out, but the .tar.gz is not there yet on's website
- decompiler for jar files using jad
- Multiple open files and go directly to the line where some string is
- Clear cassandra snapshots that are older than 30 days
- Determine next available UID
- Kill all threads from a MySQL user
- Live stream a remote video device over ssh using ffmpeg
- Live stream a remote audio device over ssh using only ffmpeg
- Download all videos in your Boxee queue
- run a VirtualBox virtual machine without a gui
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- Play a podcast via XPath and mpg123
- Encrypted chat with netcat and openssl (one-liner)
- make rsync progress output suitable for shell script reading
- encrypt, split and get ready for dvd a large file via tar and ccrypt
- print unread gmail message
- Download all files from podcast RSS feed
- Get Chromecast opencast pincode
- Random password generating function
- Download files linked in a RSS feed
- Diff files over SSH
- Compare a remote file with a local file
- remote diff with side-by-side ordering.
- Diff files over SSH
- Compare a remote file with a local file
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Get and read log from remote host (works with log on pipe, too)
- read squid logs with human-readable timestamp
- Read Squid logs with human-readable timestamp in Pfsense
- get gzipped logs from webserver to local machine
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Take a screenshot of x11 over ssh pipe to view on a mac in one line
- Linux: find names non non-virtual network interfaces
- Download all videos in your Boxee queue
- Use Dell Service Tag $1 to Find Machine Model [Model Name and Model Number]
- Finds all of the mailers being used in your rails app
- To Stop or Start (Restart) a Windows service from a Linux machine
- Multiple open files and go directly to the line where some string is
- Take a screenshot of x11 over ssh pipe to view on a mac in one line
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- Extract HTTP Passwords in POST Requests
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- Send data securly over the net.
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- A command to copy mysql tables from a remote host to current host via ssh.
- Kill all threads from a MySQL user
- Sync a remote mysql database to a local db via SSH
- Exporting all MySQL user privileges
- Execute MySQL query send results from stdout to CSV
- Export mysql database to another database without having to save the output first
- Dump mySQL db from Remote Database to Local Database
- Create MySQL-Dump, copy db to other Server and upload the db.
- Migrate wordpress db between two hosts changing the URL on the fly with encryption and compression
- Gets WAN ip address directly from DGN2200 router.
- Kill all threads from a MySQL user
- Look for process by filename in command then kill the process
- Kill multiple instances of a running process
- kill some process (same as others) but parsing to a variable
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Generate random valid mac addresses
- backup with mysqldump a really big mysql database to a remote machine over ssh
- Compare two directories
- copy from host1 to host2, through your host
- Copy from host 1 to host 2 through your host
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- Compare two directories
- Finds all of the mailers being used in your rails app
- Multiple open files and go directly to the line where some string is
- Compare a remote dir with a local dir
- Identify differences between directories (possibly on different servers)
- find php command backdoor
- find potentially malicious PHP commands used in backdoors and aliked scripts
- Realtime lines per second in a log file
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- IBM AIX: Verify a sha256sum listing with openssl
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy public ssh Id to new host withtout bash redirection
- Replicate a directory structure from a 'basedir' in a remote server.
- having root on server, add user's public key to his keys (no password required)
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key
- Check SSL crt and key compatibility
- It decripts all pgp files in a selection folder and move the output into a file.
- Run query on remote database and output results as csv
- make rsync progress output suitable for shell script reading
- encrypt, split and get ready for dvd a large file via tar and ccrypt
- Copy uncommitted changes from remote git repository
- Set ondemand governor for all cpu cores.
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- make rsync progress output suitable for shell script reading
- Get MD5 checksum from a pipe stream and do not alter it
- dump a remote db via ssh and populate local db with postgres
- Get MD5 checksum from a pipe stream and do not alter it
- tar+pbzip2 a dir
- Do a quick check on the harware specifications on a set of Linux (RedHat) boxes
- Download all manuals RedHat 7 (CentOS/Fedora) with one command in Linux
- Send multiple attachments using mailx
- Download all Red Hat Manuals - A better way by user Flatcap
- Do a quick check on the harware specifications on a set of Linux (RedHat) boxes
- kill all process that belongs to you
- Backup a remote database to your local filesystem
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- Backup VPS disk to another host
- postgresql : drop all sequences from the public schema
- delay execution of a command that needs lots of memory and CPU time until the resources are available
- run shell with your's favourites as bash_history
- get all my commands from commandlinefu
- Set ondemand governor for all cpu cores.
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Remote execute command as sudoer via ssh
- delay execution of a command that needs lots of memory and CPU time until the resources are available
- bash screensaver (scrolling ascii art with customizable message)
- HourGlass
- Powershell Curl Logs Signal Strength of Cable Modem
- Get current position of the International Space Station in pulses of 1 second
- Play back shell session recorded using the
- delay execution of a command that needs lots of memory and CPU time until the resources are available
- run shell with your's favourites as bash_history
- get all my commands from commandlinefu
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- Remote execute command as sudoer via ssh
- delay execution of a command that needs lots of memory and CPU time until the resources are available
- Found how how much memory in kB $PID is occupying in Linux
- send a message to a windows machine in a popup
- Send data securly over the net.
- Backup a remote database to your local filesystem
- Stores the certificate expiration date on the variable A
- 2 SSL get expiration date from remote site
- check site ssl certificate dates
- Update a namecheap @ A record to point to your current internet-facing IP address
- back up your commandlinefu contributed commands
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- log rm commands
- Download SSL/TLS pem format cert from https web host
- generate pem cert from host with ssl port
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Check SSL expiry from commandline
- Remote screenshot
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- decompiler for jar files using jad
- Clear cassandra snapshots that are older than 30 days
- A signal trap that logs when your script was killed and what other processes were running at that time
- Update IP filter for qBittorrent
- Speed Up WAN File Transfer With Compression
- ps to show child thread PIDs
- Show OS release incl version.
- This command watches the top 10 processes currently taking up the most memory with thread & other info, incase you don't want to use the TOP or HTOP command.
- Cut a large wordlist into smaller chunks
- Ride another SSH agent
- Display the top ten running processes - sorted by memory usage
- Daily watch "question pour un champion" (French TV show)
- Compile all .less files to .css
- Pipe ls output into less
- Compile all .less files to .css
- Compile all .less files to .css
- Sum of the total resident memory is using.
- Key binding to search
- tail -f a log file over ssh into growl
- set desktop background to highest-rated image from Reddit /r/wallpapers
- set desktop background to highest-rated image from Reddit /r/wallpapers
- Recover remote tar backup with ssh
- Add your public SSH key to a server in one command
- Copy ssh keys to user@host to enable password-less ssh logins with permissions alignment.
- Use socat to wrap around your pty to enter the password.
- hostgrep: set ip and hostname from /etc/hosts (non-DNS)
- Execute MySQL query send results from stdout to CSV
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Email a file to yourself
- send attachment file email
- Capture all plaintext passwords
- Plaintext credentials sniffing with tcpdump and grep
- tcpdump sniff pop3,imap,smtp and http
- Kill multiple instances of a running process
- Auto Get Missing Launchpad Keys
- Blackhole any level zones via dnsmasq
- Remote execute command as sudoer via ssh
- Count total processes for specific program and user
- Copy uncommitted changes from remote git repository
- faster replace sting with dd
- Parallel XZ with progress bar
- How many lines does the passwd file have?
- Number of CPU's in a system
- avoid ssh hangs using jobs
- avoid ssh hangs using jobs
- View open file descriptors for a process.
- Copy uncommitted changes from remote git repository
- Download 40 top funnyjunk Images to the current directory
- Copy your SSH public key on a remote machine for passwordless login.
- Run a command for blocks of output of another command
- Compare mysql db schema from two different servers
- Screenshot pipe to remote host, adding URL to clipboard, notifying when done. (without saving locally)
- Get your Tweets from the command line
- It decripts all pgp files in a selection folder and move the output into a file.
- diff two css files to create an overriding css (e.g. for wordpress child themes)
- It decripts all pgp files in a selection folder and move the output into a file.
- Show crontabs for all users
- Show crontabs for all users
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- ssh autocomplete based on ~/.ssh/config
- Download all manuals RedHat 7 (CentOS/Fedora) with one command in Linux
- Phrack 66 is out, but the .tar.gz is not there yet on's website
- Blackhole any level zones via dnsmasq
- Copy your ssh public key to a server from a machine that doesn't have ssh-copy-id
- Multiple open files and go directly to the line where some string is