layout | title | tags |
manual |
zip - Statistics of command combinations using semicolon |
statistic |
The commands before zip
: Execute the given command before zip
Command | percentage |
ip | 15% |
w | 13% |
name | 12% |
zip | 12% |
find | 10% |
cd | 3% |
grep | 2% |
mysql | 2% |
awk | 1% |
mkdir | 1% |
echo | 1% |
sed | 1% |
cat | 1% |
ls | 1% |
The commands after zip
: Execute the given command after zip
Command | Percentage |
ip | 13% |
zip | 12% |
unzip | 9% |
rm | 6% |
grep | 6% |
w | 4% |
name | 4% |
echo | 4% |
cd | 3% |
sed | 2% |
exec | 1% |
cp | 1% |
history | 1% |
top | 1% |
mv | 1% |
less | 1% |
ss | 1% |
Below are the scenarios for all command combinations above.
The description in the table is referenced from and can be used to search the one-line-command or the scripts in the website of CommandLineFu.
- Recursively unzip archives to their respective folder
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- copy zip files which contains XXX
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- bash script to zip a folder while ignoring git files and copying it to dropbox
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Unzip all zip files in a directory into a newly created directory based on zip file name
- uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- convert rar to zip
- convert rar to zip
- Write in a text file the contents of all the zip files in a directory.
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- Grep through zip files
- Make a dedicated folder for each zip file
- Recompress all files in current directory from gzip to bzip2
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- Recursively unzip archives to their respective folder
- for x in
psql -e\l | awk '{print $1}'| egrep -v "(^List|^Name|\-\-\-\-\-|^\()"
; do pg_dump -C $x | gzip > /backups/$x-back.gz - Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- Backup all databases in a MySQL container
- Search for classes in Java JAR files.
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- gunzip all .gz file in current dir
- Recompress all files in current directory from gzip to bzip2
- Recursively unzip archives to their respective folder
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- unzip all zip files under a current directory in the directory those files were in
- Recompress all files in current directory from gzip to bzip2
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- Zip all subdirectories into zipfiles
- gzip only that files that are not gzipped and are not open by any process
- Search for classes in Java JAR files.
- convert rar to zip
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- Grep through zip files
- Recursively unzip archives to their respective folder
- copy zip files which contains XXX
- bash script to zip a folder while ignoring git files and copying it to dropbox
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Unzip all zip files in a directory into a newly created directory based on zip file name
- uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- convert rar to zip
- convert rar to zip
- Write in a text file the contents of all the zip files in a directory.
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- Grep through zip files
- Make a dedicated folder for each zip file
- Recompress all files in current directory from gzip to bzip2
- Recursively unzip archives to their respective folder
- zip all files in a directory, one file per zip
- Recompress all files in current directory from gzip to bzip2
- Move all but the newest 100 emails to a gzipped archive
- Zip all subdirectories into zipfiles
- gzip only that files that are not gzipped and are not open by any process
- Search for classes in Java JAR files.
- make a zip file containing all files with the openmeta tag "data"
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- Grep through zip files
- Convert a bunch of file from cbr to cbz
- generate an initrd file
- Automator Bash script to create Clean zips in MacOS Finder without __MACOSX metadata
- Batch edition of all Writer files in the current directory (body text)
- for x in
psql -e\l | awk '{print $1}'| egrep -v "(^List|^Name|\-\-\-\-\-|^\()"
; do pg_dump -C $x | gzip > /backups/$x-back.gz - uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- gunzip all .gz file in current dir
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- for x in
psql -e\l | awk '{print $1}'| egrep -v "(^List|^Name|\-\-\-\-\-|^\()"
; do pg_dump -C $x | gzip > /backups/$x-back.gz - uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- Extract 2 copies of .tar.gz content
- decompiler for jar files using jad
- Search for packages, ranked by popularity
- Search for classes in Java JAR files.
- Move all but the newest 100 emails to a gzipped archive
- Batch edition of all Writer files in the current directory (body text)
- Backup all databases in a MySQL container
- gunzip all .gz file in current dir
- gunzip all .gz file in current dir
- Grep through zip files
- for x in
psql -e\l | awk '{print $1}'| egrep -v "(^List|^Name|\-\-\-\-\-|^\()"
; do pg_dump -C $x | gzip > /backups/$x-back.gz
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- Backup all mysql databases to individual files on a remote server
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- tsv file to json file
- Move all but the newest 100 emails to a gzipped archive
- Move all but the newest 100 emails to a gzipped archive
- gzip only that files that are not gzipped and are not open by any process
- uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- make a zip file containing all files with the openmeta tag "data"
- convert rar to zip
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- Recursively unzip archives to their respective folder
- copy zip files which contains XXX
- bash script to zip a folder while ignoring git files and copying it to dropbox
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Unzip all zip files in a directory into a newly created directory based on zip file name
- uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- convert rar to zip
- convert rar to zip
- Write in a text file the contents of all the zip files in a directory.
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- Grep through zip files
- Make a dedicated folder for each zip file
- Recursively unzip archives to their respective folder
- copy zip files which contains XXX
- bash script to zip a folder while ignoring git files and copying it to dropbox
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Unzip all zip files in a directory into a newly created directory based on zip file name
- uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- convert rar to zip
- convert rar to zip
- Write in a text file the contents of all the zip files in a directory.
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- Grep through zip files
- Make a dedicated folder for each zip file
- Recursively unzip archives to their respective folder
- copy zip files which contains XXX
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Unzip all zip files in a directory into a newly created directory based on zip file name
- uncompress file that is compressed multiple times
- Write in a text file the contents of all the zip files in a directory.
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- Grep through zip files
- Make a dedicated folder for each zip file
- backup local MySQL database into a folder and removes older then 5 days backups
- Convert a bunch of file from cbr to cbz
- Search recursive all docx files for SearchTerm and print its name
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Rezip a bunch of files
- decompiler for jar files using jad
- gunzip all .gz file in current dir
- Search recursive all docx files for SearchTerm and print its name
- copy zip files which contains XXX
- Search for classes in Java JAR files.
- Search for classes in Java JAR files.
- grep in .odt files
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- Grep through zip files
- Download all data from Google Ngram Viewer
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- unzip all zip files under a current directory in the directory those files were in
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Grep through zip files
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- Recursively unzip archives to their respective folder
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- convert rar to zip
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- Search recursive all docx files for SearchTerm and print its name
- Check if your webserver supports gzip compression with curl
- Compare copies of a file with md5
- Compression formats Benchmark
- find which of the zip files contains the file you're searching for
- unzip all zip files under a current directory in the directory those files were in
- convert rar to zip
- convert rar to zip
- Batch edition of all Writer files in the current directory (body text)
- copy zip files which contains XXX
- Geo Temp
- Batch edition of all Writer files in the current directory (body text)
- backup local MySQL database into a folder and removes older then 5 days backups
- Backup files older than 1 day on /home/dir, gzip them, moving old file to a dated file.
- copy zip files which contains XXX
- bash script to zip a folder while ignoring git files and copying it to dropbox
- generate a unique and secure password for every website that you login to
- This generates a unique and secure password with SALT for every website that you login to
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Backup files older than 1 day on /home/dir, gzip them, moving old file to a dated file.
- Search for classes in Java JAR files.
- Quickly find a count of how many times invalid users have attempted to access your system
- Search for classes in Java JAR files.
- Quickly find a count of how many times invalid users have attempted to access your system
- Download all data from Google Ngram Viewer
- Backup all MySQL Databases to individual files
- backup local MySQL database into a folder and removes older then 5 days backups
- unzip all zip files under a current directory in the directory those files were in
- copy zip files which contains XXX
- move a lot of files over ssh
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- get a list of top 1000 sites from alexa
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Unpack magnatune flac album and move artwork into album dir
- Backup files older than 1 day on /home/dir, gzip them, moving old file to a dated file.
- Quickly find a count of how many times invalid users have attempted to access your system