Quickly open scratch buffers for testing code, creating notes or
just messing around. Scratch buffers are organized by using context
like your working directory, Git branch and vim.v.count1
It supports templates, custom keymaps, and auto-saves when you hide the buffer.
In lua buffers, pressing <cr>
will execute the buffer / selection with
that will show print output inline and show errors as diagnostics.
Suggested config:
keys = {
{ "<leader>.", function() Snacks.scratch() end, desc = "Toggle Scratch Buffer" },
{ "<leader>S", function() Snacks.scratch.select() end, desc = "Select Scratch Buffer" },
-- lazy.nvim
---@type snacks.Config
opts = {
scratch = {
-- your scratch configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
---@class snacks.scratch.Config
---@field win? snacks.win.Config scratch window
---@field template? string template for new buffers
---@field file? string scratch file path. You probably don't need to set this.
---@field ft? string|fun():string the filetype of the scratch buffer
name = "Scratch",
ft = function()
if vim.bo.buftype == "" and vim.bo.filetype ~= "" then
return vim.bo.filetype
return "markdown"
---@type string|string[]?
icon = nil, -- `icon|{icon, icon_hl}`. defaults to the filetype icon
root = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/scratch",
autowrite = true, -- automatically write when the buffer is hidden
-- unique key for the scratch file is based on:
-- * name
-- * ft
-- * vim.v.count1 (useful for keymaps)
-- * cwd (optional)
-- * branch (optional)
filekey = {
cwd = true, -- use current working directory
branch = true, -- use current branch name
count = true, -- use vim.v.count1
win = { style = "scratch" },
---@type table<string, snacks.win.Config>
win_by_ft = {
lua = {
keys = {
["source"] = {
local name = "scratch." .. vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(self.buf), ":e")
Snacks.debug.run({ buf = self.buf, name = name })
desc = "Source buffer",
mode = { "n", "x" },
Check the styles docs for more information on how to customize these styles
width = 100,
height = 30,
bo = { buftype = "", buflisted = false, bufhidden = "hide", swapfile = false },
minimal = false,
noautocmd = false,
-- position = "right",
zindex = 20,
wo = { winhighlight = "NormalFloat:Normal" },
border = "rounded",
title_pos = "center",
footer_pos = "center",
---@class snacks.scratch.File
---@field file string full path to the scratch buffer
---@field stat uv.fs_stat.result File stat result
---@field name string name of the scratch buffer
---@field ft string file type
---@field icon? string icon for the file type
---@field cwd? string current working directory
---@field branch? string Git branch
---@field count? number vim.v.count1 used to open the buffer
---@type fun(opts?: snacks.scratch.Config): snacks.win
Return a list of scratch buffers sorted by mtime.
---@return snacks.scratch.File[]
Open a scratch buffer with the given options. If a window is already open with the same buffer, it will be closed instead.
---@param opts? snacks.scratch.Config
Select a scratch buffer from a list of scratch buffers.