The backend dynamic link library (DLL) for DESim using ModelSim/Questa's Verilog Procedural Interface (VPI) to connect DESim's frontend to circuit's being simulated. If the backend needs to be rebuilt, follow the steps below.
- Check that MinGW gcc/g++ is working
- Questa: used MinGW that came with Questa
- For example, our path to the compiler was "C:\intelFPGA\21.1\questa_fse\gcc-7.4.0-mingw64vc15\bin"
- ModelSim: use MinGW that was downloaded from the internet
- For example, our path to the compiler was "C:\MinGW\bin"
- Questa: used MinGW that came with Questa
- Check that the ModelSim/Questa/MinGW paths in WindowMake.bat reflect those on your computer
- Run WindowsMakeClean.bat
- Run WindowsMake.bat
- Run WindowsMakeRelease.bat
- The backend was compiled using the "build-essential" package on Ubuntu 20.04
- To get this package, run the following command: 'sudo apt install build-essential'
- Check that the ModelSim/Questa paths in the Makefile reflect those on your computer
- Run 'make clean'
- Run 'make' or 'make SIMULATOR=modelsim'
- Run 'make release' or 'make SIMULATOR=modelsim release'