- Name or nickname (required): myname
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/*yourhandle*
- Website: yourwebsite[.]com
- Linkedin: yourlinkedinprofile
- Email: youremail@yes.com
- Technique title (required): (e.g: SuspendThread)
- Technique category (required): (e.g: Anti-debugging)
- Technique description (required): The kernel32 SuspendThread function or the NTDLL NtSuspendThread function can be another very effective way to disable user-mode debuggers. This can be achieved by enumerating the threads of a given process, or searching for a named window and opening its owner thread, and then suspending that thread.
- Add any external links that can provide further information of the technique.
- Please add your code in separate files.
- Please add your rules in separate files.