- Use advanced IOS libraries and knowledge to improve your application performance and optimization
- Understand and apply advanced knowledge of IOS
4 working days (max 7 days)
- SDWebImage, Kingfisher
- Alamofire, ObjectMapper
- RxSwift, RxCocoa
- MVVM pattern
- Resource for learn available on: https://tiv.wsm.vn/learn/vi/course/1491/
In the process of learning, you will share knowledge with the team in 1 or 2 lessons:
- Step 1: Find a topic and send it to the slack for feedback from trainers and other trainees (prioritize topics with depth that brings a lot of values)
- Step 2: Conduct research and make slides, then submit to receive feedback
- Step 3: After completing the slide, notify the trainer to schedule
- Step 4: Present knowledge and get reviews.