Trainer Enable Sun*CI for project
Create file .sun-ci.yml at the peer project directory with .env.example
workspace : true
stages :
- build
- test
jobs :
- name : build
stage : build
image : sunasteriskrnd /php -workspace :7.4
services :
- image : mysql :5 . 7
name : mysql_test
environment :
MYSQL_USER : user_test
MYSQL_PASSWORD : password_test
environment :
APP_ENV : testing
cache :
- key : composer_vendor_ $CI_BRANCH
paths :
- vendor
before_script :
- cp . env . example . env . testing
- composer install
- php artisan key :generate
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan config :cache
- php artisan config :clear
- php artisan cache :clear
script :
- composer install
after_script :
- echo "Finish job"
- name : test :node
stage : test
image : node :12 -alpine
script :
- npm install
- npm run dev
cache :
- key : node_modules_ $CI_BRANCH
paths :
- node_modules
- name : test :phpcs
stage : test
image : sunasteriskrnd /php -workspace :7.4
before_script :
- composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*"
- composer install
script :
- ~/.composer/vendor /bin /phpcs --ignore = vendor , bootstrap /cache /, storage , database , coverage , public , resources , node_modules --standard = PSR2 , PSR1 . /
- ~/.composer/vendor /bin /phpcs --standard = PSR2 , PSR1 resources /lang
- name : test :phpunit
stage : test
image : sunasteriskrnd /php -workspace :7.4
before_script :
- composer install
script :
- vendor /bin /phpunit --coverage -clover . /coverage . xml --coverage -html = coverage
coverage :
type : clover
path : coverage . xml
artifacts :
paths :
- coverage
expires_in : 3 days
Edit the .env.example file as follows:
DB_HOST = mysql_test
DB_PORT = 3306
DB_USERNAME = user_test
DB_PASSWORD = password_test