Collaboration System requires Mysql Server, Python3, Pip, Nodejs, Etherpad server to be installed and running in the system.
Collaboration System -
git clone
Etherpad -
git clone
git clone
Copy all the contents of etherpad-lite to Community-Content-Tools/etherpad-lite
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
$ sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password
mysql> create database collaboration;
mysql> use collaboration;
mysql> source collab.sql (this dump database is present in 'Collaboration-System' directory)
Download and Run the nvm installation script with bash:
curl -sL -o
source ~/.profile
Install Nodejs :
nvm ls-remote
nvm install 8.11.1
nvm use 8.11.1
After Nodejs is installed , go inside Community-Content-Tools/etherpad-lite folder which we have cloned before.
Inspect settings.json.template file , check whether database name matches properly with the database which we have created before in mysql, also set the following fields in the file --
1. "requireSession" : true,
Users must have a session to access pads. This effectively allows only group pads to be accessed.
2. "editOnly" : true,
Users may edit pads but not create new ones. Pad creation is only via the API. This applies both to group pads and regular pads.
Run the following commands
If everything is configured properly this will install and run the etherpad server.
Keep the Etherpad server running and open a new terminal. Go inside Collaboration-System directory and
Install virtualenv
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
Note: If you dont have pip installed in the system, then install using following command
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Create a virtual env ---
virtualenv venv -p python3
Activate the virtual environment --
source venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements.txt --
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file from .env.example inside Collaboration-System and edit it-
sudo cp .env.example .env sudo nano .env
Check the following variables --
DB_NAME -- Database name that you have created in mysql server.
DB_USER -- Username of mysql server DB_PASSWORD -- password of mysql server
APIKEY -- this will be the api key of etherpad server. The api key is present inside Community-Content-Tools/etherpad-lite folder.
Copy the key from Community-Content-Tools/etherpad-lite/APIKEY.txt and paste it in APIKEY variable in .env file.
Save the .env file and run the following commands.
Do all the migrations --
python3 migrate
Runserver --
python3 runserver
-- Install Docker and Docker-Compose from --
Docker -
Docker Compose --
- Clone the repository --
git clone
The run the following commands inside the repository --
docker-compose build docker-compose up db docker-compose up
Other commands--
//To create superuser docker-compose run web python createsuperuser //To make migrations docker-compose run web python migrate