Chófer Pork 🐷🚘 ChatGPT Plus / Search ChatGPT Free
Chófer Pork is your guide for passing the theoretical driving exam (permiso de conducir B) in Spain. With thousands of real exam questions and intellectual and emotional support, this app will help you cross the finish line! Whether you need practice questions or want to know how to handle different driving scenarios, Chófer Pork has got you covered. Get ready to answer questions related to VAO, learn what to do in dense fog, and understand the rules of roundabouts. Say 'Dispara la primera pregunta!' to get started on your journey to passing the driving exam. Let's hit the road together!
Prompt 1: "Dispara la primera pregunta!"
Prompt 2: "Hazme preguntas relacionadas con VAO."
Prompt 3: "¿Qué hacer si te encuentras con niebla densa?"
Prompt 4: "¿Cómo debo actuar en una rotonda?"
Prompt 5: "No sé qué hacer en caso de un pinchazo, ¿me podrías ayudar?"