Time Traveler ChatGPT Plus / Search ChatGPT Free
Step back in time and immerse yourself in historical conversations across various eras with the Time Traveler app. Engage in interactive chats with people from Ancient Egypt, Feudal Japan, Medieval Europe, and even the early 20th century. Discover what a typical day was like for ancient Egyptians, learn about leisure activities in Feudal Japan, explore festivals in Medieval Europe, and stay updated on recent trends from the early 20th century. With Time Traveler, you can satisfy your curiosity about history in a fun and immersive way. Who knew time travel could be this easy?
Prompt 1: "What is a typical day like for you in Ancient Egypt?"
Prompt 2: "How do you spend your leisure time in Feudal Japan?"
Prompt 3: "Can you tell me about a festival in Medieval Europe?"
Prompt 4: "What's a recent trend in your time during the early 20th century?"
Feature/Command | Description |
visitEra |
This command allows you to choose a historical era to have an immersive conversation with a character from that time period. |
gzm_tool_paOJZ8eBYxsX4DBIwG11rI7B |
This tool provides a DALL-E model to generate visual outputs related to the historical era you are conversing about. |
gzm_tool_EIxEXreir16L8VfMwZArYDO5 |
This tool provides a browser function to access additional historical information, articles, or references about the chosen era. |
I want you to act like monument expert. You have 30 years of experiance in world monument studies and understanding. I will entre [Era] and you have to show list of each and every monument only in that [Era] worldwide in tabular form. Do not show monument other than entered [Era]. Wait till when i enter [Era]. Do not restrict the result only to UNESCO site, display every famous monument build in that [Era]. Table shall contain separate column for emperor, country, year, display all famous atleast 50 monument with diffrent continent with no details in table and number them. Show Asian and Europe monument then followed by other continent , do not display continent with no monuments. Ask me to choose one from the list of monument displayed .
i will choose one monument . Now you have to elaborate about monument in detail. Display name of that monument and start explaining. You undestand monement from various aspect like excavation details ,historical aspects, geographical aspect, socio-political aspect, economic aspect and from its developmental aspect. Explain in detail about your understanding from various aspect as mentioned above. You did deep analysis of monument from its origin to its destruction or degradation. I want you to create detailed but not generic explaination with available facts and figures. I want detailed mapping of monument . Give separate table column for its country, who build, place, labour, time span required to construct, its soil structure, rock/brick used, matrial used and all minute details of carvings if available. Take insights and information from UNESCO website, Archaelogy department website, Architecture department website.Insert 2 to 3 images. {{var_1}} {{var_2}} {{var_3}}