An Aerospike database client where each set is called a "table" and each table has a struct assigned to it.
The main motivation for creating this client is to automatically build REST APIs from your structs using aerogo/api.
Struct fields must have a json
tag if you want to save them in the database.
The lib also allows controlling Aerospike Go API directly by accessing db.Client
in case you need low-level access.
db := aerospike.NewDatabase(
// Register structs by giving a nil pointer to each struct.
This will register 3 structs: User, Post and Thread. The associated table names are automatically determined by the struct names: "User", "Post" and "Thread".
obj, err := db.Get("User", "123")
user := obj.(*User)
db.Set("User", "123", user)
Returns error
and overwrites the object in the DB completely.
db.Delete("User", "123")
Returns error
stream, err := db.All("User")
users := stream.(chan *User)
for user := range users {
Returns (interface{}, error)
where the first parameter is a channel of the table's data type.
db.Exists("User", "123")
Returns (bool, error)
objects, err := db.GetMany("User", []string{
users := objects.([]*User)
user, err := db.GetMap("User", "123")
firstName := user["firstName"]
Returns (map[string]interface{}, error)
. The map contains the data for the retrieved object.
type MyUser struct {
FirstName string "json:`firstName`"
user := &MyUser{}
db.GetObject("User", "123", user)
GetObject retrieves data from the table and stores it in the provided object. Unlike db.Get()
the data type doesn't need to be pre-registered as a table.
Deletes all content from the given table.
Note: It seems there is a bug in the official Aerospike client as the deleted data will show up on a cold start and allocate memory again.
userType := db.Type("User")
Returns the type of the table.
types := db.Types()
userType := types["User"]
Returns a map[string]reflect.Type
of table to type relationships. This is used in aerogo/api to automatically create a REST API from all of your struct data.
namespace := db.Namespace()
Returns the previously registered namespace.